LuCkY Posted August 30, 2003 During the era of the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) peopLe were riding horses, muLes and donkeys. The verse of the HoLy Qu'ran was reveaLed to teLL us about other new methods of transportation. "And(He has create)horses, muLes and donkeys for you to ride and as an adorment. And he creates(other) things of which you have no knowLedge." Nowadays, we see the promise of the ALmighty ALLah about modern transportation methods. i.e., cars, airpLanes,etc. ALLah says in the Qu'ran: "In order that you may mount on their backs, and then may remember the favour of your Lord when you mount thereon, and say: GLory to Him who has subjected this to us, and we couLd never have it (by our efforts)". And veriLy to our God we indeed are to return".(surah az-zukhruf verses 13-14) One aspect of ALLah's mercy upon us is that no body has cLaimed that he has created anything with ALLah. ALL Prophets have come to instruct the peopLe to say "ALL thanks and Praise shouLd be to ALLah aLone...ALL Prayer shouLd be for ALLah aLone...and none of them asked their peopLe to worship him. Instead they preached:"Worship ALLah aLone...there is no other God except Him". Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) informed us that a time wiLL come when peopLe wiLL make their buiLdings high and they wiLL be of tremendous height. Nowadays, we see the truth of this aLL around us. ALso, our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has informed us:"Whoever says:"There is no God but ALLah" with totaL faith and sincerity, he wiLL enter Paradise." Our acceptance of these facts means that ALLah has accepted us and we wiLL enjoy the pLeasure of Paradise forever...Otherwise, at the moment of death we wiLL be at a great Loss untiL eternity. May God Save Us ALL. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites