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HOL journalist arrested in Bosaaso

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^^^I know its hard for a secessionist to understand that its the duty of people to question their leadership. Its a fact that Riiyaale was above the law and Mugged the poor locals for more than a decade.


Faroole will have to fix up or get fixed.

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General Duke;732394 wrote:
Faroole needs to open his eyes. The actions of his son will only bring him down faster than anyone expects. Puntland's people are becoming united at their animosity to Faroole and his boy.

His obese son will InshaAllah pay for the pain and suffering he caused to a lot of innocent folks. Lets see who protects his fat @ss when daddy leaves Villa Garowe.

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Thankful;732168 wrote:
I have no idea what you are talking about because he has already been sentenced to 1 year in prison. There has never been any mention of him being “deported.” Plus he is a citizen of Somalia, Faroole's wrong view is not based on tribe, but the ONLF supporters.

That's not what others think;


Jailed Journalist Faces “Illegal Rendition” to Ethiopia

Posted On: Jul 03, 2011 (18:52:10)



The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is alarmed by reports that Hiiraan Online journalist Faysal Mohamed Hassan who was unjustly sentenced to a one year jail term yesterday by the Puntland Regional State has been threatened with “illegal rendition” to Ethiopia by the Puntland authorities allegedly because of his 0gadeni clan background, risking imprisonment.


Following nationwide condemnations of the unfair trial and heavy sentence on Hassan, Puntland officials were reported of threatening to extradite the journalist to Ethiopia because of his clan, according to local journalists who spoke powerful Puntland officials.


It is not clear why the Puntland authorities would threaten a Somali journalist operating in Somalia with illegal rendition to Ethiopia where he would face a genuine fear of persecution because of his heritage. Such threats of illegal rendition are not only unprecedented but are in clear violation of international law.


“We call upon the Puntland authorities to immediately cease and desist all threats of illegal rendition made against Faysal Mohamed Hassan,” said Abdiweli Hassan Gooni, NUSOJ Puntland Coordinator.


“We reiterate of total condemnation of the one year jail sentence handed down against Faysal Mohamed Hassan during his unfair so-called ‘trial’ in Bossasso" said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General.


If Faysal Mohamed Hassan is illegally handed over to Ethiopian authorities where he faces persecution, NUSOJ will pursue all legal action to highlight this case in international fora and media outlets.



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Abokor Omar;732395 wrote:
The pirate state is imploding slowly but surely. Nobody will lose sleep over it, not the southerners, not Somaliland nor the rebels SSC.

One wonders what kind household you grew up in?

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AYOUB;732439 wrote:
That's not what others think;

Others? Who are they (NUSOJ) based in Mogadishu, or AllPuntland and unnamed government officials???


There has been no talk of him by the government or courts of being deported, he has already be unjustly sentenced to 1 year in prison. Which I am certain will be reduced in a month or two.


Let's say things change and the government tries to deport him, then we will see similar things occur that happened in Awdal when NW Somalia's government tried to deport those two men we talked about earlier.

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^LoooooooooooooL....ninyahow wax laga dhanyahey la,iskuma caayo....atleast they are not handing old mothers to the Woyanes.


But Faroole needs to be stopped!!

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Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed oo ka dalbaday Puntland inay soo dayso Faysal (Boston) oo wali sabab la’aan ugu xiran magaalada Boosaaso


Isniin, July 11, 2011(HOL) Nairobi , Kenya - Qaar kamid ah Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan magaalada Nairobi ayaa ka codsaday saraakiisha maamul goboleedka Puntland inay si shuruud la’aan ah ku sii daayaan wariyaha Hiiraan Online ee deegaannada Puntland oo hal sano oo xarig ah ay ku xukuntay maxkamadda magaalada Boosaaso.


Wariyayaashu waxaa ay sheegeen in xariggaasi uu meel ka dhac ku yahay xorriyadda saxaafadda iyo xuquuqda aadanaha.


Maamul goboleedka Puntland ayaa Faysal Maxamed Xassan(Boston) ku eedeeyay inuu qoray warar ka dhan ah xasilloonada Puntland, iyadoo aysan jirin wax war ah oo ka dhan ah deegaan Soomaaliyeed oo lagu daabacay Hiiraan Online tan iyo markii la aasaasay.

Maxkamaddu waxay Faysal ku eedeysay laba qodob oo kala ahaa inuu daabacay war uu ku sheegay in shacabku ay codsadeen inuu iscasilo madaxweyne Faroole iyo war kale oo ku saabsanaa labada nin ee la gorwacay, waxaana markii ay dacwaddu socotay uu garsooruhu ku dhawaaqay in lagu xukumay hal sano oo xarig ah , iyadoo aan wada ognahay in wararkan ay xataa tabiyeen qaarka ka mid ah saxaafadda ka hawlgasha Puntland oo aysan jirin wax tallaabo oo laga qaaday.


Kulanka wariyayaasha oo ka dhacay Hotel Barakaat ayaa waxaa ka hadlay C/risaaq Xaaji Catoosh (Weriyaha BBC) oo tilmaamay in saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed ay ka xunyihiin xariga lagu xukumay weriye Faysal Boston.


Catoosh waxaa ugu baaqay Puntland inay ilaaliso xuquuqda saxaafadda iyo saxafiyiinta xorta ah.


Xassan Kuuriya oo ah saxafiyiintii hore ee qaranka ayaa si gaar ah , wasiirka warfaafinta ee Puntland uga codsaday inuu sii daayo Faysal Boston.


"Waxaan ahayn dad saaxiib ah oo sa wada shaqeeyay waxaan ka dalbanayaa inuu codsigayga tixgaliyo". Ayuu yiri Kuuriya.

Sahro Cabdi Axmed oo ka tirsan VOA-da ayaa iyaduna ku tilmaantay tacaddiyada saxafiyiinta ka dhanka ah inay ku soo siyaadeen Soomaaliya, taasoo khatar ku ah in muwaadinka Soomaaliyeed uu helo macluumaad dhexdhexaad ah oo ku aaddan waxa dalka ka soconaya.


Jaamac Debaraani oo ka mid ah weriyayaasha Puntland ka hawlgali jiray ayaa isna ka dhwaajiyay sida ay u soo siyaadeen tacaddiyada ka dhanka ah saxafiyiinta ka hawlgala Puntland tan iyo markii uu xilka qabtay madaxweyne C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole oo lagu eedeeyo wiilkiisa oo agaasime ka ah wasaaradda warfaafinta inuu si wayn ugu lug leeyahay tacaddiyada ka dhanka ah saxafiyiinta.


Waxaana halkaas lagu soo bandhigay tacaddiyada ka dhanka ah saxafiyiinta ee Puntland ka dhacay tan iyo markii uu hantay hogaanka madaxweyne Faroole.


Qaar ka mid ah Wariyaashii La Dhaawacay ama la xiray intii Faroole Xilka hayay


1- Maxamed Yaasiin Isixaaq Wariyihii VOA-da ee Mudug Xadhig iyo isku day dil oo uu ku dhaawacmay.


2- C/fataax Jaamac Mire Agaasime Horseed Media Sanadkii 2010- Lix Sano oo xadhig ah iyo SHanbqol oo Doolar.


3- Jaamac Ayaanle Feyte Tiftiraha 2- Sano oo Xadhig ah Bishii March 2009-


4- Faysal Maxamed Xasan Boston Wakiilkii Hiiraan Online ee Gobolada Puntland Hal Sano oo Xadhig ah.


Ugu dambayntiina waxaa saxafiyiintu ay ka dalbadeen Puntland iyo maamullada kale ee Soomaaliya ka jira inay ilaaliyaan xuquuqda uu saxafigu u leeyahay tabinta waxyaabaha dhabta ah ee jira isagoon la kulmaynin hanjabaad , cadaadis iyo wax walba oo ka hor istaagi kara inuu xaqiiqada tabiyo.



Axmed Cabdisamad, Hiiraan Online

Nairobi , Kenya

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English version.


Imprisoned Hiiraan Reporter Sparks Somali Journalists to Condemn Farole Regime

Nairobi, Kenya (HOL) - Somali journalists in Kenya on Monday demanded the release of Hiiraan Online reporter who was sentenced to one year imprisonment by authorities of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland.

A group of reporters and correspondents covering the conflict and the drought devastation in the Horn of Africa nation converged in solidarity at a hotel in Nairobi calling on the regional authority to release Faysal Mohamed aka Boston without conditions.


“The imprisonment of the our member journalist is an indication of violations of free and fair media, it is also a violation of the rights of Boston as a journalists” Abdirizack Haji a BBC Somali service correspondent said


“We are asking the regional authorities to change their stand. We want them to release Mr. Boston without any conditions”


The imprisonment of the journalist by Puntland authorities in Somalia’s northern city of Bosaso began on June 29th 2011. Mr. Boston is braving the harsh realities in one of Somalia’s most notorious concentration camps.


Boston was ransacked from his offices in downtown Bosaso while on assignment to investigate the deteriorating conditions of Somalia’s Internally Displaced Persons.


Local journalists are accusing the government of Abdirahman Mohamed Farole of infringement of media rights and freedom of expression.


Hassan Korea, a veteran Somali journalist urged the ministry of information of the regional government to facilitate the release of Mr. Boston and return back his right to work as journalist.


“The minister of information of Puntland should stand up and front for the release of the journalists” Hassan said


The arrest of Mr. Boston brings the number of Somali journalists detained in Puntand to four since January 2009 when the current president took over the presidency.


At least three other journalists were either detained, harassed or assaulted during the regime of Farole whom Somali journalists are describing as a man without tolerance for the all-time important press.


In 2010 Puntland authorities imprisoned Abdifatah Jamaa a manager with Horseed media to a prison term of six months plus a fine of USD500.


And yet in a more brazen attack against the local media the harsh Farole judiciary in March 2009 imprisoned Jamaa Ayanle an editor to a two years imprisonment.


In October 2009, gunmen dressed in police uniform attacked and injured Somali journalist Mohamed Yassin ***** in the central town of Galkayo , the provincial capital of Mudug region. Mohamed was a reporter for the Voice of America (VOA).

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I hope they release this guy soon but his case isn't helped by bombast such as this:


'Mr. Boston is braving the harsh realities in one of Somalia’s most notorious concentration camps'

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LOL@notorious concentration camps


This is way over the top. But the admin invited it for locking up people for reporting stuff that differs its own version.


This is the second time they locked up a major reporter.

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Axad, July 31, 2011 (HOL) – Wariye Faysal Maxamed Xasan (Boston) oo Hiiraan Online uga soo warrama Puntland ayaa maanta oo Axad ah laga sii-daayay xabsiga Boosaaso, kaddib markii uu cafis u fidiyay madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Faroole.

Faysal Boston oo la hadlay HOL ayaa sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsan yahay sii-dayntiisa, wuxuuna xusay in cafis madaxweyne uu kusoo baxay, haatanna uu la joogo wiil curadkiisa ah oo dhashay intii uu xabsiga ku jiray.

"Aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay inaan dib xorriyadeyda u helo, 33-kii maalmood ee aan ku jiray xabsiga waxay ii ahayd maalmo mugdi ah," ayuu yiri Faysal oo qoslaya, isagoo sheegay inuu u mahadcelinayo cid walba oo gacan ka geysatay inuu dib u helo xorriyadiisa, gaar ahaan wuxuu mahad u celiyay maamulka Puntland, shaqaalaha HOL iyo ururrada saxafiyiinta gudaha iyo dibadda.


Sidoo kale, wuxuu sheegay in intii uu xabsiga ku jiray uu maqli jiray inay dadaallo lagu sii-daynayo ay wadeen maamulka Hiiraan Online, ururrada suxufiyiinta, isagoo si gaar ah u xusay hay'adda difaaca suxufiyiinta dunida ee CPJ.


Wariye Faysal Boston ayaa waxay booliiska Puntland xabsiga u taxaabeen 28-kii Juun, iyadoo bishan labadeediina ay maxkamadda darajada koowaad ku xukuntay hal sano oo xabsi ah, kaddib markii lagu eedeeyay inuu baahiyay war aan sax ahayn, balse maanta ayuu nasiib-wanaag dib u helay xorriyadiisa.


"Cid walba oo gacan ka geysatay sii-dayntayda aad ayaan ugu mahadcelinayaa, maantana xor ayaan ahay," ayuu yiri wariye Faysal Boston oo sheegay inuu howlihiisa sii wadan doono.


Maamulka Hiiraan Online iyo wariyeyaasha ayaa aad u soo dhaweeyay sii-daynta Wariye Faysal Boton, iyagoo u rajeeyay shaqo wacan.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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