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HOL journalist arrested in Bosaaso

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^He may well be a terrorist, nothing to disprove that as we have a high number of terror and mass assassination activities going on in that land. We patiently await the result of the ongoing investigation.


NN, What would you say if he is killed? and what would you say if he's released tomorrow as innocent or perhaps found guilty and given a year sentence. Keep protesting?

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truth be told, It doesn't matter what happens tomorrow, what happened today is wrong and am not sure I understand your "this is normal" attitude. BTW, what are you waiting to find out? The man wrote exactly what the fool said in parliament and is now in jail for it. It should the other way around if there is any kinda of justice.

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Nuune loooooooolz, sxb aan kaabaashaalee iga leexo, leerta isii hahaha


NN, adiga waligaa malagu xiray horta, mase lagu feeray as in jump up loolz, nuune waydii isagaa kaaga warami Xabsiga Nairobi.

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General Duke;731346 wrote:
^^^He did nothing wrong and was arrested wrongly by Faroole who has thin skinn.

The retard thought it was Horseed Media. This is HOL and it will not be silenced by mafioso Farole.

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^HOL ma Hiiraan Online bey u taagan tahay horta? Since when tolka websites become news organizations with journalists?


Perhaps the man farted while covering the president live news conference. Dhuusada HOL la aad baa ku filneyn, not arresting though this was in the news recently.

Being drunk didn't get him off the hook.



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Jacpher;731370 wrote:
^HOL ma Hiiraan Online bey u taagan tahay horta? Since when
tolka websites become news organizations with journalists?

Are you for real? sacadii daacdaacsiga ayaa la gaarey ayaan filaayaa.


I think the mafia got riled up by this Perfect set up methinks.



Read the 1st comment. Hopefully it wont be deleted.

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NUSOJ Calls Puntland Authorities To Immediately Release The Online Journalist

Mogadishu, 29 June,, 2011


The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) calls for the Puntland authorities to immediately release the online journalist who was detained by the Puntland security forces, while the union condemns the act of the arrest.


The Puntland Secuity Forces have arrested online journalist on Wednesday 29 June, 2011 around 11:30am local time in the commercial port town of Bosaso of the semiautonomous regions of Puntland, according to witnesses and journalists


The police visited ETN Television on Tuesday 28 June, 2011in the town of Bosaso in search of the journalist Hassan, thinking that he works for the Television, according to journalists who spoke with NUSOJ.


Journalist Feysal Mohamed Mohamed Hassan, a correspondent of one of the popular Somali websites ( in Bosaso was detained while he was at his office in Bosaso in the mid of his journalistic duties and was taken to Bosaso prison. Some sources indicate the journalist went to the police station on Wednesday, after receiving the alert, asking the reason he is sought and told he is under arrest. It is not yet clear the reason behind his arrest and the Puntland authorities did not comment.


"we are appalled by the arbitrary arrests to the journalists and We call the Puntland government to respect the freedom of expression and the freedom of the press, which has been guaranteed by the Universal declaration of Human rights." Mr. Burhaan Daahir, the NUSOJ president of the supreme council said, "We condemn this arbitrary arrest and call the Puntland authorities to immediately release the journalist in detention."


Meanwhile, Codka Hiiraan radio resumed operations on 25 June, 2011 around 12:30pm local time with Shabab propaganda on the airwaves . Journalists who work for the Codka Hiiraan radio in the town of Beletwein reported that the resumption of the radio follows after owner of the radio Mr. Abdi Moalim Adan has been seriously threatened and later accepted offer to sell the radio to the Shabab. It is really worrisome situation as the radio is on the only one remained in the town and the freedom of the press undoubtedly daunting. The other worry is that all journalists who were working for the radio will maintain the work, who might possibly be dragged to more radical views of the Shabab.


Radio Dhusamareb recommenced its operation on the same day on 25 June, 2011, after the radio has been raided and shutdown by the Ahlu Sunna Wal-jama who control the town.


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Burhaan Ahmed Daahir

President of the NUSOJ Supreme Council

Tel: +252 90 751975

Who is curently in Garowe, Somalia for the Union business

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Taliyaha booliiska Puntland oo sheegay inuusan la socon xariga Wariye Faysal Boston oo maalintii labaad ku xiran Boosaaso


Khamiis, June 30, 2011 (HOL) – Taliyaha ciidanika Booliiska Puntland G/sare Cali-Nuur Cumar ayaa sheegay inuusan ka warhayn xariga wariyaha Hiiraan Online ee Puntland Faysal Maxamed Xasan (Boston) oo maalintii labaad ku xiran xabsiga degmada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari.


"War kama hayo xariga wariyaha - saakay ayaan maqlay, sidoo kalena waxba kama ogi sababta loo xiray iyo cidda xirtay," ayuu taliyaha booliiska Puntland u sheegay maanta Daljir Radio oo ka mid ah idaacadaha ka howlgala Puntland.


Arrintan ayaa waxay shaki weyn gelinaysaa xiriirka wadashaqeyneed ee u dhexeeya hay'adaha ammanka Puntland, iyadoo Wariye Faysal Boston shalay ay ciidamada booliiska Boosaaso ka kaxeysteen xafiiskiisa isagoo ku jira howlihiisa shaqo.


Maamulka Hiiraan Online ayaa dadaal ugu jira sidii wariye Faysal Boston looga sii dayn lahaa xabsiga uu ku jiro, iyadoo aanay caddeyn sababta loo haysto iyo waxa lagu eedeeyay, balse loo malaynayo arrimo la xiriira howlihiisa suxufinimo.


Saraakiisha sare ee maamulka Puntland ayaan weli ka hadlin sababta ay u xireen wariyaha HOL ee Puntland, waxaana tani ay qayb ka tahay cadaadiska lagu hayo saxaafadda ka howlgasha Puntland, taasoo maamulka hadda jira uu go'aansaday sannadkii hore.


Hay'adaha u dooda suxufiyiinta caalamka iyo kuwa Soomaalida ayaa ku baaqay in si deg-deg ah oo aanay shuruudi ku xirnayn loo sii daayo wariye Faysal Boston loona ogolaado saxafiyiinta ka howlgala Puntland inay si xor ah u gutaan howlahooda.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Bosaso Court Jailed Hiiraan Journalist To One Year Term



Hiiraan Online

Saturday, July 02, 2011



A local court in Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland on Saturday imprisoned a Hiiraan Online Journalist to a one year term, raising yet another worry for Somalia’s troubled journalists.


The law court in Bosaso has imprisoned Mr. Faysal Mohamed aka Boston after authorities arrested him on Wednesday from his office in the Northern Somali town.


"The court in Bosaso accused Boston of two counts of charges, one that he published a story which said the people of Puntland have asked for the resignation of president Farole. The court also accused of him of publishing another story that claimed two men who were recently murdered in the town were members of Puntland’s security personnel” said the journalist’s wife Hilaal Ahmed, who was present during the court proceedings.


The court without fair trail reportedly allowed Boston to be released on fine without a proper procedure whilst the local judge did not rule about a specific amount of fine, an issue the journalist’s lawyer described as violation of human right.


Mr. Boston was led into prison camp in down town Bosaso, a concentration cell where his wife described as very detrimental and notorious for its harsh conditions.


According to the journalist’s lawyer, Boston was held by Puntland authorities in preventive detentions for the last four days.


Hiiraan Online (HOL), one of the leading news sources in Somalia is calling on the regional government of Puntland to immediately release its journalist since the process he was arrest did not reflected the right procedure.


“There can be no slippage and we are deeply concerned by this action of Puntland authorities to detain our journalist. Their action is a great violation of the right of the journalist” Said Mr. Ahmed Gure, the Managing Director of HOL in a press release.


“The arrest can represent attacks on the very heart of Somalia’s fragile democratic systems. The court process was not fair and we are calling for the release of Mr. Boston without any condition”


Journalists in Somalia are commonly arrested, tortured, extorted, robbed and most cruelly killed by all sides involved in Somalia’s dirty political struggle including Somali government, the none-militants and the Alqaeda-allied extremists.


Somalia is described the most dangerous place for journalists to work in the world after the Philippines. For the past few years, hundreds of journalists fled Somalia and most of them are currently living in neighboring States like Djibouti, Kenya and Uganda.

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Maxkamadda darajada koowaad ee gobolka Bari ayaa maanta xukun ku riday wariye Faysal Maxamed Xasan (Boston) oo ka mid ahaa wariyayaasha ka howlgala magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari.


Wariye Faysal Boston oo muddo 4-maalmood ah ku xirnaa xabisga dhexe ee magaalada Boosaaso ayaa maanta la horkeenay maxkamadda,waxaana lagu soo eedeeyay eedeymo la xiriirta warbixino la sheegay inuu ka qoray maamulka Puntland iyo eedeymo ay ka mid tahay qaran dumis.


Maxkamdda ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa gudoomiyaha maxkamadda darajada ee gobolka Bari,wariyayaal iyo laba qareen oo u doodayay wariye Faysal Boston.


Gudoomiyaha maxkamadda darajada koowaad ee gobolka Bari Sheekh Aadan Aw-Axmed ayaa goobta ka sheegay in maxkmadda ay xukun sanad ah ay ku riday wariye Faysal Boston islamarkaana ay cuskanayso qodobada 219 iyo 215 xeerka ciqaabta Soomaaliyeed iyo inuu racfaan ka qaadan karo xukunka.


Qareenada kala Axmed Maxamed Yuusuf Taaraan iyo Maxamed Cabdi Gurey Madoobe oo ahaa labadii qareen ee u doodaysay wariye Faysal Boston ayaa goobta ka sheegay in qodobada ay soo bandhigtay maxkamadda aysan ahayn kuwa ku taxaluqa arimaha saxaafadda balse ay yihiin kuwa ka hadlaya arimo ku saabsan waxyaabo waxyeelaynaya qaran.


Qareen Maxamed Cabdi Gurey oo la hadlay Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in xukunka iyo xariga wariye Faysal Boston inay yihiin kuwa sharci daro ah islamarkaana ka baxsan cadaaladda waxaana uu sheegay in xukunkan ay ka qaateen racfaan.


Si kastaba Xariga wariye Faysal Maxamed Xasan oo ka howlgala magaalada Boosaaso islamarkaana ah wakiilka Hiiraan Online ee gobolada Puntland ayaan si rasmi ah masuuliyiinta Puntland aysan u cadayn waxa loo haysto wariyaha.


Horseed Media

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Apparently he is one of those Imaam Faroole considers to be "Somali-speaking Ethios" and will soon be deported to his to his country (Ethiopia).

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Out of all people secessionists are commenting on deportation to Ethiopia?


Wasn't it the citizens of Awdal last year that had to free two men from the hands of Hargeysa's militia because thay were about to be sent to Ethiopia?


The secessionists track record in sending people to Ethiopia is no better!

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he lied about the beheading of daraawiish soldiers and it turns out the beheaded men were atom agents so darawiish detained him for questioning. why did he call these men puntland soldiers? was he trying to kill morale of troops? he was the first to spread this news around. darawish fiercely protect their reputation and one of sturpid hiiraan website calls their men beheaded, he is in trouble.


it is good warning to so-called fake uneducated reporters. don't lie because your lie can cause great harm to moral of soldiers.

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