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HOL journalist arrested in Bosaaso

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Arbaco, June 29, 2011 (HOL) – Ciidamada ammaanka Puntland ayaa maanta barqadii xabsiga u taxaabay wariye Faysal Maxamed Xasan (Faysal Boston) oo ahaa wariyaha Hiiraan Online (HOL) uga soo warrama gobollada Puntland, iyadoo maamulku uusan ka hadlin sababta wariyaha loo xiray.


Wariyaha Faysal Boston ayaa lagu xiray xabsiga degmada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari, kaddib markii ciidamada ammaanku ay ka kaxaysteen xafiiskiisa isagoo howlihiisa warbaahineed ku jira.


"Maanta 11:30 baqonimo ayay ciidamo ka tirsan booliiska Boosaaso oo hubeysan ay kala baxeen wariye Faysal Boston xafiiskiisa, wuxuuna illaa iyo hadda ku xiran yahay xabsiga degmada Boosaaso," sidaas waxaa HOL u sheegay wiil ay saaxiibbo yihiin wariyaha.


Lama oga sababta ay ciidamada booliisku magaalada Boosaaso u xireen wariyaha HOL, balse maamulka ayaa cadaadis badan ku hayay tan bartamihii sannadkii hore warbaahinta ka howlgasha deegaannada uu maamulkaas ka taliyo.


Xariga wariye Faysal Boston ayaa waxaa cambaareeyay hay'adah saxaafadda, iyagoo ku tilmaamay xarigaas mid sharci-darro ah, waxayna ugu baaqeen maamulka Puntland inay sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan kusii daayaan wariye Faysal Boston.


Hiiraan Online, News Desk

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Probably because of this article



Qaar ka mid ah shacabka ku nool Puntland oo Madaxwayne C/raxmaan Faroole ka dalbay in uu is-casilo


or more likely this one because it was done in English


Puntland President Asked to Apologise for Deragatory Comment


Faroole and son might have let the first article slide, but not the second.

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He will be arrested if he breaks the law, there no problem with that.


Somalidiina waa chaos believers, hadii qof ladilano waa caadi hadii laxirona waa khalad.


Waryaa waa laxiraayaa ninka, taasna waa iska caadi xiritaanka wax dhib malahan. Aniguba Vienna Airport ayaa la igu xiray xoogaa maalin barkeed ah kadibna iska tag bay idhaheen, Afrikaanu waabay jukeeyaan dadkay xiraan, xoogaa waa in la jukeeyaa.

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When was being a traveller a crime?



Sxb xarigu waa iska caadi and this is not news. Wariyuhu waa lixaray laakiin lama toogan, bal iska suga waa lasoo dayn kolay inkastoo meshu Africa iska tahay oo laga yaabo markeey feeraan inay soo daayaan.

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^You don't have to do anything bad to be arrested, you can be arrested just like that, waa iska caadi, or better yet you will be arrested for doing good.

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caadi maaha sxb, this is a deliberate tool to silence the press and journalist freedom. FYI an unlawful arrest is not normal nor should it be and also, you were detained in an airport for a few hours, why would compare to what has happened to this guy?

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Thankful;731339 wrote:
Probably because of this article



or more likely this one because it was done in English



Faroole and son might have let the first article slide, but not the second.

Anywhere else in the world, this kinda action would lead to impeachment...

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