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Xaaji Xunjuf

Did xaglatooisye and cali sabaray fail to deliver for the ssc people?

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^ Jabhad? If you need my respond, first address ssc with the correct term. It's not jabhad but community that needs to united and remove its occupiers from its cities which happens the occupiers to be your clan militia.

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A_Khadar;731505 wrote:
^ Jabhad? If you need my respond, first address ssc with the correct term. It's not jabhad but community that needs to united and remove its occupiers from its cities which happens the occupiers to be your clan militia.

I do believe ssc hogaanka mideynta xoreynta = jabhad or do you believe the ssc Community is fully behind the infamous rebel group?

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A_Khadar;731553 wrote:
Sool Sanaag & Cayn..

So its a region, what about Hogaanka badbaada mideeynta xoreynta can you elaborate further on that point.

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A_Khadar;731494 wrote:
NG, your points are valid to some degree but you haven't addressed both lots equally and missed to mention the meaningless bolded and quoted pages of Oodweyn which has no substances but bashing anyone other than the duriyada.


However, nothing in somalia Peninsula is perfect if it might be p/l, your lot, shiriifs and the rest so as ssc which is not even 2 years old yet.

Did Xagle and Sabarey fail? It's open question, but my view, they have short comings and many successes. However, the SSC is solid and will be there regardless who leads. <O:p


The guru, by his own words, feels under online attack and is giving as good as he gets. When all is said and done, he agrees with my words more than his own. Take it with a pinch of salt, saaxib.

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Oodweyne: What you resist really persists! - Once SSC community sorts out their differences we shall see you singing in different frequency.

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SSC Oo Burbur Qarka U Saaran Iyo Masuul Sare Oo Ku Dhaqaaqay Inuu Iska Casilay Kooxdaas.


Buhoodle(Ramaa) July. 1, 2011- Ururka fagaalada SSC ayaa ay soo food saartay xaaladii ugu adkayd , ka dib markii uu khilaaf xoogan soo dhexgalay hogaanka sare ee jabhada oo ku loolamaya maamulka, waxaana ay muuqanaysaa kala daadsaan diciifinaysa awoodooda.


Magaalada Buhoodle oo ay maalmahan ka socdeen shirar duceedyo oo la isku soo dhaweynayay madaxda sare ee SSC ayaa ku dhaamaday guuldaro ka dib markii sida la sheegay uu hogaamiyaha ururka SSC-da Saleebaan Ciise Axmed (Xagla-toosiye) uu diiday in loo tartamo hogaanka sare oo ay rag badani ay si weyn u hunguraynayeen.


Waxa galabta ku dhawaaqay in uu iscasilay Saleebaan Aadan Cilmi(Dheel) oo ka tirsan golaha khusuusiga SSC oo sheegay in uu la shaqayn kari waayay maamulka jabhada oo ku eedeeyay in ay ku guuldaraysteen xilkii loo doortay, iyada oo taladu gacanta u gashay koox yar oo ka ag dhaw Xogla –toosiye oo ka dhigay maamulka mid fadhiid ah.


Waxa isna bishii hore ee June ku hanjabay inuu iscasilayo guddoomiye ku xigeenka SSC Colonel Cali Cumar Sabaray oo sheegay in loo baahan isbadel lagu sameeyo maamulka sare oo dhaajin kari waayay hawlaha horyaala, laakiin waxa ay dad badan ku fasirayaan arrinaha noocan oo kale ah in ay bilow u yihiin dildilaaca burbur ku yimaada kooxdaas.

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