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Somaliland: State Minister for Foreign Affairs meets with top officials from France+PICS

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Somaliland: State Minister for Foreign Affairs meets with top officials from France

Posted on 25/06/2011 in Latest Headlines


Paris ( – On Thursday, 23rd June Somaliland State Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohamed-Rashid Sheekh Hasan arrived in Paris the French capital after he departed from London.


Somaliland State minister was cordially received at Paris subway by the head of Somaliland diaspora who are based in France including Mr.Abdirahman Yasin Mohamed and Mr. Siciid Ismail Mohamud who is Somaliland’s representative to France.


On Friday, the State minister for foreign affairs was warmly welcomed by the office of Monsieur Frederic Clavier who is the deputy head of French foreign affairs to Africa and Mr. Vincent Astoux who is senior officer to French Foreign Affairs Ministry.


Somaliland State Minister was accompanied in this meeting by Mr. Abdirahman Yasin Mohamed, Somaliland representative to Belgium Mr.Mohamud Abdi Dacar and Siciid Ismail.



State Minister for Foreign Affairs meets with top officials from France

Mr. Federic Clavier spoke at the meeting that he had with Somaliland State Minister for foreign affairs and he said, “We warmly welcome you to France, the second thing is that you will pass me a message of greeting to your president Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud silanyo and the people of Somaliland from the President of the Republic of France Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy.”


The two sides had meeting which lasted for an hour and half and they discussed the bilateral ties between the two countries.


He added by saying that the French has tremendous respect for Somaliland’s peace and democracy, and the French will lobby with in the European countries the respect that Somaliland deserves.” Mr. Frederic said


Somaliland State Minister for foreign Affairs Dr. Mohamed Rashid Sheekh Hasan spoke at the meeting and thanked the officials fro the French foreign Ministry the warm welcome they provided to him and he said, “I personally welcome to enhance the bilateral ties between Somaliland and France. I also welcome the French companies which are eager to invest Somaliland, and I also foster the cultural ties between the two people.”


Finally, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs met with Madam Corinne Broun Meunire, who is the deputy head of French development agency.


Madam Corinne told Somaliland Minister that the agency remains ready to develop Somaliland economy

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Wasiirul dawlaha A.Dibada Oo Kulan La Yeeshay Masuuliyiin Ka Tirsan W/Khaarajiga Faransiiska


june 25th, 2011


Paris (Somaliland.Org)- Waxa maliintii khamiistii ee 23 kii bishan June soo gaadhay magaalada Paris ee xarunta wadanka Faraansiiska Wasiir dawlaha Arrimahaa Dibada ee Jamhuuriyada Somaliland, Dr Maxamed-Rashiid Sheekh Xasan, isaga oo ka soo kicitimay dhinaca magaalada London ee dalka Ingiriiska.


Waxaa fagarahaa Tareenada ee Paris sii diiran ugu soo dhaaweeyaay madaxda jaaliyada Somaliland ee dagan wadanka Faransiiska oo ay ka mid yihiin C/Raxmaan Yaasiin Maxamed oo ah xidhiidhiyaha jaaliyada, horeyna u ahaa gudoomiyihii jaaliyada iyo Siciid Ismaacil Muxumed oo ah wakiilka safaarada Jamhuuriyada Somaliland ee Faraansiiska.

Jimcihii waxa si weyn ugu soo dhaweeyay Wasiirka xafiiskii sa Monsieur Fréderic CLAVIER oo ah ku xiigeenka Madaxa qaybta africa ee Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada ee Faraansiiska iyo Mr Vincent ASTOUX oo ah sarkaal sare oo ka tirsaan wasaaradaasi.

Wasiirka waxa kulaankaasi ku wehelinayaay C/Raxman Yaasiin Maxamed, Maxamuud Cabdi Dacar oo ah wakiilka Jamhuuriyada Somaliland u fadhiya Bruxelles ee dalka Belgique iyo Siciid Ismaaciil.

Mr Fréderic CLAVIER oo ka hadlay kulankii uu la yeeshay wasiirul dawlaha waxa uu yidhi “Mudane Wasiir, waxaan sii diiraan kugu soo dhaweenayaa wadanka Faraansiiska. Mida xigtaa,waxaad iga gaadhsiisa salaan ka socota Madaxweynaha Wadanka faransiiska Monsieur Nicolas Sarkozy iyo aniga- ba, oo ku socota Madaxweynaha Md. Axmed Maxamuud Maxaamed Siilaanyo iyo shacabka Somaliland. ”

Labada dhinaac waxay halkaasi ku yeesheen kulan qaatay saacad iyo dheeraad oo lagaga wada hadlay xiidhiidhka u dheexeeya Faraansiika iyo Somaliland.


“France waxay tix-galin mug-leh siinaysaa Nabadgalyada iyo Dimuqradiyada Somaliland, waxa kale oo France Wadamada Europe dhexdooda uga olalayn doontaa in tix-galinta Somaliland mudan tahay la siiyo aqoonsi ,” ayuu yidhi Mr Fédéric CLAVIER.

Sidoo kale Wasiirul dawlaha wasaarada arrimaha dibada Somaliland Dr. Maxamed-rashiid Sh. Xasan oo ka hadlay kulankaasi ayaa uga mahad celiyay masuuliyiinta wasaarada arrimaha dibada sida diiran ee ay ugu soo dhaweeyeen dalkooda waxaanu yidhi “Waxan si khaas ah u soo dhaweynaynaa inaan kor u qaadno xidhiidhka qotada dheer ee ka dhaxeeyay Somaliland iyo Faransiiska. waxaan soo dhawaynaynaa shirkadaha Fransiiska ee doonaya in ay Somaliland maalgashadan, waxa kale oo dhiirigelinaynaa xidhiidhka dhinaca dhaqanka ee laba dadyow.”


Waxaa isna wasiirul dawlaha kula kulmay xafiiskeeda Corinne BRUNON-MEUNIER, oo ah ku xigeenka Madaxa Ha’yada Horuumarinta ee Faransiiska ee loo yaqaan Agence Française de Developpement, AFD.

Madame Corinne waxay wasiirul dawlaha u sheegtay inay Ha’yadeedu diyaar u tahay inay wax ka qabato Ha’yaddu horumarinta dhinaca dhaqaalaha gaar ahaan xirfadaha la xidhiidha hawlaha Banaanku u qabtaan bulshada, sida uu noo xaqiijiyay C/Raxmaan Ibraahim Ismaaciil, oo ka mid ah qurba jooga Somaliland ee ku dhaqan wadanka Faransiiska.

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Dr. Mohamed Rashiid is really a hard working guy. He would have made an excellent president if he runs for the next elections.

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