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Xaflad lagu maamuusayay 51 guuradii 26 June oo ka dhacday Villa Soomaaliya

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Jacaylbaro;730579 wrote:
I can imagine ,, they put on gabaygii Timacadde ee "kaana siib kanna saar" and none of them understands what he is saying ..... "Aree xaw sheegaa duqaan?" ,,,, looooooooooooool

JB, hadalkaan mid nuxur leh uma eka...Ma waxaad iska dhaadhicisay in meesha dad gaar ah iskugu yimaadeen? I think taas waad ku fududaatay. Soomaaliya beeli ma kala goyn karto oo taas Soomaalina diiddey, caalamkuna diid, taas ku seexo!

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JB you are something else walee, ilayn waxaad u haysataa somalidiidka mahee wax kaloo somali yaqaani majiraan ? Doq0n foqal nin raga ah!

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Malika;730539 wrote:
What is the point of celebrating independence day when your at ground zero - if the so called goverment cant ever roam Mogadishu without armour? When half the country citizens are refugees either internally or externally? When half of those supposedly 'free' years has been in shackles of trabilism, division, chaos, mass murders , hunger etc etc


I sometimes find nausiating the illusions we live by.

Malika, Abaayo you are right, but for historical prospective and the importance of that day for many somalis living at that time, it's important to remember and also may help the current situation not much but at least people to feel the difference between that day and today. Yet I heard your point here though.

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