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Xaflad lagu maamuusayay 51 guuradii 26 June oo ka dhacday Villa Soomaaliya

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Happy Independence Day


On June 26th, in Hargeisa, these spirited words were read as the blue flag of Somalia was raised and the colonial one flinged forever.


Sareeyow ma nusqaamow

Aan siduu yahey eegnee

Kana siib, kana Saar.

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What is the point of celebrating independence day when your at ground zero - if the so called goverment cant ever roam Mogadishu without armour? When half the country citizens are refugees either internally or externally? When half of those supposedly 'free' years has been in shackles of trabilism, division, chaos, mass murders , hunger etc etc


I sometimes find nausiating the illusions we live by.

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^I guess Malika it doesn't hurt to be hopeful. As humans if we were not always hopeful for a better tomorrow we would have been today in caves somaha..:D...Inshallah that day will come where somalia from south to north will be peaceful and united...ducada badiya..


n happy somali day for both dates (wa maalimo aad iyo aad u qiima badan)...I can't believe another year passed..subhanalah..



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I can imagine ,, they put on gabaygii Timacadde ee "kaana siib kanna saar" and none of them understands what he is saying ..... "Aree xaw sheegaa duqaan?" ,,,, looooooooooooool :D

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How do you what anyone understands? are you a mind reader?


Maxaase ku soo celceliyey? 1 post is not enough miyaa sheekada. Nac oo nafta waa koley waa la xusey June 26. Walbahaar ku seexo.

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Malika, You have a good point.


JB, Ha igu qaldamin saxibow. Waxaan ahey reer Koonfureed though I gravitate towards Calmadow Mts :D

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Soomaaliland oo soo dhoweysay hadal munaasabadii 26-ka Juun uu ka sheegay Madaxweyne Shariif.


Maamul Goboleedka Soomaaland ayaa soo dhoweeysay hadal Madaxweynaha Dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed uu ka sheegay munaasabadii 26-ka Juun oo habeen ka hor ka dhacday xarunta Madaxtooyda Villa Soomaaliya ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Munaasabadaasi ayaa hadal madaxweyne Shariif uu ka jeediyey waxa uu kaga hadlay Somaaliland, waxa uuna sheegay in midnimada dalka Soomaaliya ay ku xiran tahay rabitaanka dadka ku nool gobolada woqooyi ee Soomaaliya, waxaana warkaasi soo dhoweeysay Soomaaliland.


Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Soomaaliland Maxamed Cabdulaahi Cumar ayaa sheegay in hadalka madaxweyne Shariif uu yahay mid saxsan midnimada gobolada Koonfureed iyo kuwa Woqooyi ee Soomaalidana ay ku xiran tahay rabitaanka dadka Soomaaliland u dhashay.


Waxa uu sheegay wasiirka Arimaha dibada Soomaaliland in Soomaaliland ay tahay dalka ka madaxbanaan dalka Soomaaliya islamarkaana ay ka sugayaan beesha caalamka iyo dalka Soomaaliyaba in ay garawsadaan jiritaanka dalka Soomaalinad.


Maamulka Soomaaliland oo in mudo ah raadinaya aqoonsi ayaa hadalkii Madaxwyne Shariif waxa uu uga duwan yahay hadaladii ay Soomaaliland ka dhihi jireen Madaxweynayaashii Shariif ka horeeyey kuwaasi oo sheegi jiray in ay muqadas tahay ama qasab tahay in Soomaaliland ay ka mid noqoto Dowladda Soomaaliya.


Hoyga wararka Somaliyeed

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Jacaylbaro;730579 wrote:
I can imagine ,, they put on gabaygii Timacadde ee "kaana siib kanna saar" and none of them understands what he is saying ..... "Aree xaw sheegaa duqaan?" ,,,, looooooooooooool



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