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Baaqyo ay soo kala saareen JB, XX, NG, Suldaan, AfricanOwn, Salaaxa iyo Oodweyne

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^^ Taa laftiida waa CIV dee. Just imagine Siilaanyo as an actor in the CIV theatre, saaxib. Yours truly, though has tickets to attend the performance, may not sit in the VIP seats that Norf is sitting on. And, if we apply Che's accusation of 'gadaal ka gaar' (or whatever the phrase was), my sitting in the backseats makes perfect sense dee. Likewise with you, I could never claim to have attended one of the Imam's sermons (adigu kolay safafka hore ayaad ku jirta). :D

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This sort of news should actually make you rejoice and know that your destiny is with Somaliland, saaxib. As you can see, EVERYBODY has a complaint of one sort or another and EVERYBODY is fighting for an extra piece of the cake. But do you think they'll take arms or try to break way from SL? Clan IS Everything, Saaxib. And, at any rate, your lot are masters of the art (with songs and poems to boot). Why not put your guns down and join this brilliant circues saaxib? You can already see that you wont be left out and may even trump some of the complaints there.




NG, I admire your honest for at least saying that this project is based on a clan because your mates will never admit that simple fact. Having said that, let me tell you why I don't want to join your clan circues. It's unexceptable that one clan "inuu u dowladeeyo" other neighbor clans.. So let us meet me as clan vs clan not qaran blaa blaa. Put that a side for the meantime until we agree upon with something.


Side talkers like JB, contribute something to thread like the old mate Oodweyn, hadii kale keep posting your subclan complaints on your websites. What come out of widhwidh is nothing but bacaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac!

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Gheelle.T;730674 wrote:
NG, as I thought! Bu why did AK add you in the list of plaintiffs? By the logic of CIV "clan is everything", it's a blasphemy to utter such words as " not fond" or don't like..
or "as much" was the key word?

Cheelle, Even some of the Siilaanyo's main clan have posted complaints against to him.. Bahashu waa basal so it's going all the way down... That is why NG is in the list.

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^^ Sax. Lakin basashayada senxiga Somaliland ayaay ku jirta, dabeel ma qaadi karto. Xaasid ha noqon saaxib, nimcada inuu badi oo adna senxiga isku tuur . :D

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NGONGE;730686 wrote:
^^ Sax. Lakin basashayada senxiga Somaliland ayaay ku jirta, dabeel ma qaadi karto. Xaasid ha noqon saaxib, nimcada inuu badi oo adna senxiga isku tuur .

I am still standing on this: "It's unexceptable that one clan "inuu u dowladeeyo" other neighbor clans.. So let us meet me as clan vs clan not qaran blaa blaa. Put that a side for the meantime until we agree upon with something."

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AK, dee haddaan sheekada fahmay. Bahashu markay East iyo West Burca tagto waan ku wareeraa as I have no idea who's who live there.


NG, though you may be kept in the loop, laakin hallway ayaa lagugu reebaa while good Norf will be sitting in old man's office. Makes perfect sense. You're way off on your Imam's analogy though. :)

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