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Baaqyo ay soo kala saareen JB, XX, NG, Suldaan, AfricanOwn, Salaaxa iyo Oodweyne

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Haha A-khadar.You got them good there...Good one..its Qabil all around Somali politics....I heard through waxalayiri of my sub-clan that they no longer have stake in the current administration (and that they will secede and reclaim Hargeysa airport area if Mr.President doesn't acknowledge their political power base j/k)..on a more serious note its all politics and eventually everyone will mature enough politically...........

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^^ Oday Oodweyne, I would love to accept your assertions of that the way you put all these clan vs clan fiesta in your enclave, but I am sorry this is nothing close to politicking per say such different parties giving noses to the current leadership party as you eluded.


If that is the case however, we would have seen more like Udub vs Ucud vs Kulmiye and similar bickering (though even these are set up along the clan lines), but here all I read is clan/sub clan pissed with other clan. That is what is out there CLAN vs CLAN.

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Oodweyne himself is among those who vehemently opposes Siilaanyo based on perceived utuno derived from the 1995 inter-clan wars in the northwestern regions.


His lackluster care or support for the current administration is but the tip of the iceberg.

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What khadar does not know there will be local elections and end next year there will be parliamentary elections and the Diaspora want to organize their community back home. Not to forget more political parties are about to be formed that said new alliances are about to be made between the various Somaliland communities&regions.Former President rayaales return who will be the next udub leader currently the udub party is disorganized and ucid might lose the local elections another party will come out there as a winner.

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maalayacni wayn baa haysta hawlgabka qurbajoogta soomaaliyeed, surely there is a way to stop this people from interfering in local affairs. for to many people here blame everything that goes wrong back home on the "the international community" but there greatest danger to Somalia/Somaliland is the clannish qaat dungeons of the Somali diaspora.

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Nimanka reer AYB ka shirinaya kan lixaad ma Ayoub of SOL baa tolow?


On another note, and as I noted before it is no secret that the Y Mother is ripe for picking politically. Only if current Somali leadership were so understanding...

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Why did I think NG was Siillanyo's nephew :) I will be lying if I claim to be an expert on the Duriyada and their political grouping.

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^^ War kadaa dee. AK waa runtiisa and he has a point when raising this issue. However, wuu dhaga culusyahay oo wixi aan u sheegayay baryahan ba wuu wada ilaaway. :D



This sort of news should actually make you rejoice and know that your destiny is with Somaliland, saaxib. As you can see, EVERYBODY has a complaint of one sort or another and EVERYBODY is fighting for an extra piece of the cake. But do you think they'll take arms or try to break way from SL? Clan IS Everything, Saaxib. And, at any rate, your lot are masters of the art (with songs and poems to boot). Why not put your guns down and join this brilliant circues saaxib? You can already see that you wont be left out and may even trump some of the complaints there.




when you say that I am Siilaanyo's nephew, do you mean real nephew or just sub-sub-sub-clan stuff? No for the first and yes (obviously) for the second. But I am not fond of the man as much as Norf is (again, follow the clan is everything mantra).

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NG, as I thought! Bu why did AK add you in the list of plaintiffs? By the logic of CIV "clan is everything", it's a blasphemy to utter such words as " not fond" or don't like..:) or "as much" was the key word?

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