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What do you do to prepare for the holy month of Ramadan?

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^^^Do you mean spiritual?


In our local town,where there isnt a mosque we have hired a hall for the whole of ramadhan for salaati jumcaa and taraweeh, but also this year we will be having aftaar together..the whole local islamic ummah eating aftaar, together every friday,saturday and sunday..this will be trully an amazing experience, as our Islamic ummah consists of many nations.[Oh yeah ,am thinking of all the variety of food too, oh am a mere human..Lol]

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Muj. Red Sea


How to prepare for Ramadan?


A Very Good Question.



Best way to prepare is to work with the end in mind.


What would you want to get out of Ramadan?


The answer of this question can lead you to what you have to do to get ready for Ramadan.


Because, with the end objective in your mind, your activities in Ramadan will align with your priorities during the same period. So, the higher your objectives, the more time slots you set aside for the preparation of Ramadan.


The Preparations for Ramadan do not include stockpiling Sambusa bags and truck load of exotic foods like they do it in the Gulf countries, where supermarkets sell 6 times more food in Ramadan alone that of any other month. Instead, its the planning of your time ahead, so that all of your dunyaa commitments in the month Ramadan are minimized to allow for ample time for worship and Quraan, as Ramadan is the month of Quraan.




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Every Ramadan, I make a bid to do khitmah (read the whole quraan), every Ramadan I fail. I get to the middle and old habits beat me silly.


Nurow walaalo, help me. How does one stay focused?


Mujaahid Red Sea,



The month of Sha'ban is also blessed in it's own right, Umm al Mu’mineen Aisha (Radiya Allahou Anha) said that the Prophet Mohammad

(PBUH) didn’t fast a whole month except Ramadan, and that she didn’t see him fasting in another month as much as in Shaaban.


It's a great way of getting into gear for ramadan. Ramadan is also a month of sharing and giving, make sure you invite as many relatives and friends to iftar and maybe take something to the local masjid.

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Ms DD   

1. From Abi Barza that the Prophet (sas) said: "My greatest fear for you is the appetites of transgression with regard to your stomachs and your privates and the inclinations which lead astray". (Ahmad and others and its narrators are people of sahih)


2. "Not reaching your goals: Muhammad ibn Wasi said: Whoever eats little will understand and make others understand and will be clear and humble. Overeating weighs a person down and keeps him from much of what he wants [to accomplish]."


3. Al-Hassan Al-Basri: The test of Adam, peace be upon him, was food and it is your test until Qiyama. And, it used to be said: Whoever takes control of his stomach gets control of all good deeds. And: Wisdom does not reside in a full stomach. One day, Al-Hassan offered some food to his companion who said: I have eaten until I am no longer able to eat. To which Al-Hassan said: Subhaana Allah! Does a Muslim eat until he is no longer able to eat?


4. Allah grants this world to those whom He loves and those whom He does not love, but grants hunger only to those whom he loves.


5. Ash-Shafi’I said: I have not filled myself in sixteen years because filling oneself makes the body heavy, removes clear understanding, induces sleep and makes one weak for worship.


6. In Muslim and Bukhari: "The believer eats with one stomach while the kafir eats with seven stomachs." Meaning: The believer eats with the manners of Islam and in moderation, while the kafir eats based on desires and gluttony and so he eats with seven stomachs.


7. Also: "Food for one is enough for two and food for two is enough for three and food for three is enough for four."


8. Also: From Aisha: The family of Muhammad (sas) never filled themselves with wheat bread three days in a row from the time he came to Madinah until he passed away."


9. A Muslim should not merely follow his appetites. Allah said: {Then, they were followed by generations who neglected the prayer and followed their appetites. They will encounter a pit of fire except for those who repent…} Maryam 59-60.


10. The best generations didn’t. "The best generation is my generation, followed by the one after them then the one after them. Then will come a people who bear witness but are not asked to bear witness, who swear oaths but do not fulfill them and fatness will appear among them." (Muslim &Bukhari).

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Zenobia sis


You ask: " Nurow walaalo, help me. How does one stay focused?"



Walaal, the word focus was bprrowed from the science of optics, its when a viewer pin points an image and reduces the center of observation to a sharp well defined image, while other images around it are fuzzy.


Likewise, as humans we have many aspects in our lives that are of concern to us, thus, the first step toward focus is to PRIORITISE.


1. Make a list of what is important to you.

2. List them in the order of short term, medium term and long term, and beyond.

3. List what makes you happy.

4. List what makes you unhappy

5. List what you are afraid of.

6. List your wishes, in this life and next.

7. Now, list them from 1 to 9

8. Which one comes to number ONE?




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^Jizaak Allah! I'll get to that now.


Jizaak Allah for that Article Dhudhuc, it's so strange that we spend so much time thinking about, preparing and eating food in Ramadan. it's just messed up. Subxan Allah!

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