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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland: President Silanyo dismisses head of Supreme Court

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Somaliland: President Silanyo dismisses head of Supreme Court

Posted on 19/06/2011 in Latest Headlines


Hargeisa( – The president of Somaliland Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Siilaanyo today issues a presidential decree in which he dissolves the committee of Judges of Somaliland Supreme Court and he dismisses from his post the head of Somaliland Supreme Court Mr.Mohamed Hirsi Oomane and submits it to the parliament and the senate.


On the other hand, the president requested them to do their duty and accept the dismissal of the head of Supreme Court.

the president hereby appoints judges that will replace the dismissed ones.



The head of Somaliland Supreme Court Mr.Mohamed Hirsi Oomane has been replaced

This step taken by the president is part of efforts to right Somaliland justice system.

The dismissed judges

1. Mr. Shawqi Elmi Ali

2. Mr. Osman Husen Khayre

3. Mr. Ahmed Diiriye Qalib

4. Mr. Abdi Emi Hasan

5. Mr. Mohamed Yusuf Aynaan

6. Mr. Osman Ismail Ahmed

7. Mr. Mohamed Abdi Naleye

8. Mr. Mohamud Hirsi Farah

The newly appointed judges expected to replace the dismissed ones

1. Mr. Ahmed Husen Dirir to be a judge of Supreme court.

2. Mr. Abdiqani Ahmed Mohamed

3. Mr. Abdirahman Salah Mohamed

4. Mr. Abdirahman Madar Arale

5. Mr. Mohamed Omar Geele reinstated as judge of the supreme court

6. Mr. Yasin Hasan Ismail

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War Degdega:Madaxwayne Silanyo Oo Xilkii Ka Qaaday Gudoomiyihii Maxakamada Sare Iyo Isku Shaandhayn Lagu Sameeyay Garsoorka Dalka


Hargaysa ( Waaheen ) Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxmuud Silanyo ayaa xilkii ka qaaday Gudoomiyihii Maxakamada Sare Maxamed Xirsi Oomane, waxa uu sidoo kale Madaxwaynuhu isku shaandhayn balaadhan ku sameeyay Garsoorkii Dalka.


Arrintan ayaa ku soo beegmaysa wakhti yar ka dib xidhitaanka Shirwaynihii Dib- u habaynta Garsoorka Somaliland taasoo uu Madaxwaynuhu ka jeediyay khudbad uu aad uga dayriyaya nidaamka Cadaalada Dalka kuna balan qaaday inay Xukuumadiisu si dhakhso ah wax uga qaban doonto


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Xildhibanada Labada Gole Ee Wakiilada Iyo Guurtida Ayaa Maanta Xilkii Ka Qaaday Guddomiyihii Maxkamada Sarre Oomane.

Hargeysa (Waaheen) – Xildhibanada Labada Golaha ee Wakiilada iyo Gurtida ayaa fadhi wada jir ah oo ay yeeshen maanta ayaa waxa ay xilkii ka qaaden Gudoomiyiihi Maxkamada Sarre Maxamed Xirsi Oomane, waxana in xilka laga qaado u codeyay 67mudane, 52 mudanena way diideen, halka 10 mudane ka amuseen, Shirguddoonka laba golena may codeynin, waxa hore Xilka uga qaaday madaxweynaha somaliland Sillanyo labada golena ka codsaday in ay wajibaadkooda Dastuuriga ah ka gutaan.


fadhigaasi maanta ay yeeshen xildhibnada labada gole waxa shir gudoominayey Guddomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada C/raxman Cirro, waxa kale oo ku wehelinayey Guddomiye ku-xigeenka 1aad ee golaha Guurtida Sh. Axmed sheikh Nuux Furre iyo labada Guddomiye ku-xigeen 2aad ee Golaha wakiilada iyo Golaha guurtida, fadhigaasi ayaa waxa ka soo xadiray 130 mudane oo ka tirsan labad gole Wakiiladda iyo Guurtida.


Guddomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland oo shirguddominayey ayaa sheegay in uu u madaxweynah Somaliland ka dalbaday in xilka laga qaaddo guddomiyaha Maxkamada sarre Maxamed Xirsi Oomane, waxa kale oo uu sheegay in madaxweynuhu hor keenay golaha go’aankii ay soo sareen Guddida katalo bixinta fureshada ururada siyasiga ah uu golaha horyaalo, balse Xildhibanada waxay codkoda ku meel mariyeen in xilka ay ka qaadeen Guddomiyaha maxkamada sarre mr. Oomane.


Xildhibanada ayaa u balamay in maalmaha soo socda ay guddo galan Arinta ku saabsan furashada ururada siyaasadeed.


Jawiga saaka ee Labada gole ayaa waxa ka muuqday dhaqdhaqaaq xoogan oo xildhibanada labada gar ay is kooxo kooxaysanayeen, balse natiijadii ka soo baxaday ayaa Xildhibaano badan oo tageer xukumada ka farixyey.

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