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^^ NG take the time to watch the last video from Universal where local people ran over by SNM Beebee.. And tell me if that is not Xasuuq..

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SOMALIA: Somaliland government erred on Kalshaale decree


siilaanyo-300x201.jpg Somaliland president , Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud “Silano” issued a decree about Kalshaale incident. Kalshaale is a grazing area in Togdheer region where armed clashes between sub-clans in November last year caused fatalities. Somaliland president declared Kalshaale a military area for Somaliland forces. His government would refund sub-clans for the expenses they incurred to build water-reservoirs at Kalshaale and support solving the dispute in line with recommendations made by Mediation Committee who met in Maygaale hamlet several weeks ago. Somaliland president has called for the organised sub-clans to withdraw their militias in Kalshaale, Meygaagle and Hagoogane areas.

Buhoodle traditional leaders said they would appeal against the judgement of the Mediation Committee. Ahmed Abdi Habsade, former Puntland Minister for Interior who defected to Somaliland in 2007, described the outcome of the mediation efforts as a plot to fan hostilities that have already cost lives of more than four men. The pressing question is: Has the Somaliland president taken Somaliland law into account before issuing the Kalshaale decree?

President Silanyo: Misjudging?

The answer to this question depends on understanding the roots of Kalshaale incident. Members from East Burco sub-clan has built water-reservoirs in Kalshaale, a grazing area where no sub-clan has ever used to build a water-resource. A sub-clan in Buhoodle objects to the initiative to build water-reservoirs in the area. Several meetings aimed at resolving the water-reservoir issue have not succeeded. The deadlock caused the clashes in November last year between militias from the two sub-clans. The clash was reportedly triggered by the murder of the man from Buuhoodle by the militia who set up water-reservoir at Kalshaale. The ensuing clashes between a group of men from the sub-clan of the deceased man and the other group at Kalshaale caused the death of at least four people.

A high-level meeting for traditional leaders was convened at Maygaagle hamlet. The outcome of the mediation was accepted by East Burco sub-clan but was rejected by Buuhoodle sub-clan. Somaliland government said it is committed to implementing the outcome of Mediation Committee judgement but this is another misjudgement in addition to a host of missteps Somaliland government has taken since Water-reservoir disputes have emerged.

The Buhoodle sub-clan opposes Somaliland secession whereas East Burco sub-clan, to which Somaliland president belongs, supports secession. Somaliland did not intervene when the man travelling in truck was murdered nor has East Burco sub-clan handed over the suspects to Somaliland authorities. Does the pro-Somaliland sub-clan regard Somaliland law inapplicable when their nomads commit crime?

The belated intervention of Somaliland in Kalshaale incident shows that president Silanyo is still susceptible to sub-clan pressure and that he has not matured into leader for all people. During his chairmanship of Somali National Movement (SNM), one of the armed opposition movement against Somalia’s former military dictatorship, the idea of restoring parliamentary democracy for the benefit of all Somalis was confined to setting up, exclusive clan-based organisations to replace one type of one-man-rule with one-clan rule, an outlook he shared with leaders of other clan-based opposition movements. The irony is that the man who led an exclusive clan-based organisation is now keen to be recognised as president for clans his policies have excluded.

In March 1991, at he height of post-Siyad Barre pogroms in Mogadishu, president Silanyo, then SNM Central Committee member and ex-officio, wrote a proposal to SNM under the title on A Framework for a Transitional Government. “ The Somali National Movement and United Somali Congress [uSC] and their fighters, the culmination of a long, bitter and bloody struggle against the ruthless tyranny of a tenacious dictatorship” deserve acceptance of “ their pre-eminence… and the legitimacy of their present authority recognized.” The legitimacy president Silanyo was seeking for SNM and USC is one that, in his eyes, entitles the two clan-based groups the right to nominate half of the ten-member Council of State he proposed in addition to the fact that “all aspects of the administration and government of the respective regions, except those which fall within the domain of the central authorities are otherwise retained by the liberation organizations themselves .”

The proposal the incumbent Somaliland president wrote twenty years ago shows that just as he failed to pay attention to the complex nature of post-Siyad Barre political realities in Somalia but positioned USC and SNM as the sole armed, clan-based organisations to rule Somalia after the end of the military dictatorship, he has taken decision that may undo peaceful co-existence of social groups in what was known as ex-British Somaliland. In May 2011 Silanyo government will mark the twentieth anniversary of unrealised secession by Somali National Movement although the now-defunct group’s unamended constitution favoured unity. President Silanyo’s 2011 Kalshaale decree and his 1991 proposal have a lot in common. His government has acted late and in haste to address Kalshaale disputes.

Liban Ahmad

Liban Ahmad is the editor of Somalia Research Report

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Wasiirka Xanaanada Somaliland oo shaaca ka qaaday in shirkii widhwidh saaka bilaabma


Widhwidh(own) wasiirka xananada xoolaha eeh Somaliland Dr Cabdi aw daahir oo ah Gudoomiyaha Ergada Xukuumaddu u dirtay shirka Nabadaynta widhwidh ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in shirki nabadaynta eeh widhwidh uu saaka bilaabmay magaalada widhwidh jewi deggan oo lagu soo wada qayb galay




Wasiir Cabdi aw Daahir oo warbaahinta u waramay ayaa waxa uu sheegey in shirkaas ay ka soo wada qayb galeen Xukuumada Somaliland Beelaha Buhoodle iyo widhwidh Kooxda SSC iyo madaxdhaqmeed ka tagay Gobolka togdheer.



Waxa kale oo u wasiirka xusay in shirkani ka dhashay Baaqi Nabadeed eeh Madaxweynaha Somaliland u so jeediyey beelaha bariga Somaliland eeh wax ka tirsanaya Xukuumada Somaliland isag oo xusay in arrinta ugu weyni tahay in la helo nabad iyo in la wada hadlo isla markaana looga wada hadli laha wixii houmar ah eeh loo baahan yahay in laugu dhaqaaqo


Wararka kale eeh ka so baxay shirka waxa anu idinku so gudbin doona wararka dambe

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NGONGE;729951 wrote:



Which is the Titanic in this context? This meeting or SL? You know the Titanic had some survivors, don't you?

The notion of Somaliland gaining independence is the proverbial titanic here. WidhWidh, in the big scheme of things, does not matter. It is a tiny village that will ultimately gravitate toward the bigger planet Buuhoodle, which more or less stands to deflate the secessionist balloon, awoowe.


I am not sure how many times I told you. But this thing was a strategic mistake from your part. No farce conferences, hyped military offenses or claim over past colonial borders will make any difference. Waa sixir dee awoowe, the spell of eternal unity with the rest of Somalis has already been casted upon you, ya haji :D

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War Deg Deg ah: Badhasaabkii Buuhoodle Ee SSC Iyo Maayarkii SSC Ee Buuhoodle Oo Yimi Shirka Widhwidh


Waxaa ka soo qaybgalay shirka Widhwidh oo maanta furmay xubno badan oo SSC ah iyo madaxdhaqameedo aad u tiro badan oo cuqaal iyo waxgarad kale leh. Madaxda SSc ee ku soo kordhay kuwii shalay soo gaadhay Widhwidh, waxaa ka mid ah Badhasaabkii Buuhoodle ee kooxda SSC u magacawday Buuhoodle Cabdirisaaq Muuse Cali Boob iyo maayarkii Mustafe Xuseen Jibriil oo wehelinayey.


Waxaa kaloo soo gaadhay widhwidh masuuliyiin ciidamada Buuhoodle jooga ka mid ah oo shirka ka qaybqaadanaya, sidoo kale Cabdirisaaq Yuusuf. Saraakiil iyo maleeshiiyo ah SSc gaadhaysa kontomeeyo ayaa lagu soo dhaweeyey goobta oo ka yimi Buuhoodle.


Waxaanu sidoo kale idiin soo gudbinay warkayagii shalay, in uu Guddoomiyihii Guddia khusuusiga ee SSc iyo masuuliyiin kale oo ay ka mid yihiin Xog-hayihii maaliyada iyo sadex xog-haye oo kale ay soo gaadhay shirka Widhwidh.


Waxaa iyagana soo gaadhay koox kale oo uu la soo jabay Maxamed Cawil Ducaale oo uu sheegay shalayto in ay soo gaadhayaan shirka oo ka danbeeyaan ayaa maanta soo gaadhay shirka. Maxamed Cali waa xubin ka mid ah SSC xog-hayayaasheeda wuxuuna la soo jabay tobaneeyo masuul oo ka danbeeyey. Ergada illaa hadda fadhida ee beelaha *********** ka tirsan ee nabada iyo aayaha ummada u fadhiya waxaa lagu qiyaasayaa 260 ergay.


Hoggaanka dhaqanka.


Dhanka hoggaanka dhaqanka, shirku waa hordhac maanta, wuxuuna furmay maanta, waxaadse mooda in ay soo buux dhaafiyeen cuqaal iyo ceif caaqilo aad u badani. waxaana ka mid ah oo aan ka xusi karaa;


1. Cheif Caaqilka Cali Geriga, Maxamuud Xaaji Axmed Aadan Xayd 2. Chief Caaqilka Barkadka, Ahmed Saalax Maxamed

3. Chief Caaqilka Hayaaga, Ismaaciil cali Abokor cuqaal iyo oday dhaqameedo tiro badan. waxaase xusid mudan in aanu shirka joogin garaadadii beesha *********** oo la go’aan qaatay ururka SSC ee xubno badan oo ka mid ahi ay ka soo qaybgaleen shirka Widhwidh. Cuqaasha iyo Chief caaqiliska ayaa dhaqan ahaan kala sareeya, waxaana maaus badan sita Chief caaqilka oo illa hadda aan sadex ku arkay shirka, halka 22 caaqil oo kale ay ahaayeen goob joog shirka fadhiyeya.


Shirkii Widhwidh waa furamy, waxaana loo daadihinayaa si aad u agaasim saraysa, waxaana

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Wasiirka Xanaanadda Xoolaha Somaliland Oo Ramaas Uga Waramay Qaabka Uu U Furay Shirka Widh-Widh, Ergooyinka Ka Qayb-galaya Iyo Nuxurka Khudbadihii Lagu Furay


Widh-Widh (Ramaas) June 22,2011 – Wasiirka wasaaradda xanaanada xoolaha Somlailand Dr Cabdi Aw Daahir Cali oo hogaaminaya weftiga Xukuumadda Somaliland uga qayb-galaya shirka degmadda Widh-Widh ka socda ayaa ka waramay qaabka uu u furmay shirkaasi.


Dr Cabdi Aw Daahir Cali, waxa uu sheegay inay shirka soo qayb-galeen ergooyinkii badiba beelaha Buhoodle iyo sool iyo ilaa 8 xubnood oo ka tirsan maleeshiyadda Nabad-diidka ah ee SSC, kuwaas oo doonaya inay goob-joog ka ahaadaan shirkan nabadeed.


Dr Cabdi Aw Daahir Cali oo maanta khadka telefoonka ugu waramay shabakada wararka ee RAMAAS ayaa ugu horeyn isaga oo ka hadlaya arimahaas waxa uu yidhi “Shirka waxa ka soo qayb-galay ilaa 150 qof oo ergo ah, kuwaas oo u badan beelaha *********** iyo ilaa 8 xubnood oo SSC ah ama ka tirsan baarlamaankooda ama golahooda dhexe ah hadba magaca ay doonaan ha u bixiyaane”


Wasiirka Wasaaradda xanaanada xoolaha Somaliland, waxa kale oo uu sheegay in guud ahaan dhinacyadda wufuuda shirka ka qayb-gashay ay ka hadleen madasha shirka “Markaa dadka ka soo qayb-galay eel eh Isimada, garaadada iyo masuuliyiinta xukuumadda Somaliland-ba shirka way ka hadleen.” Ayuu yidhi Dr Cabdi Aw Daahir, waxaanu intaa ku daray “Dadka meesha ka hadlayna mid walbana waxa uu ka hadlay uun qolo walba waxa ay tabanayso iyo in lagu wada hadlo wixii la tabanayo iyo nabad ee inaan lagu wada hadal xabad ee la is af-garto, shirkuna bari ayaa si caadi ah loo gudda gali doonaa.”


Wasiir Cabdi Aw Daahir waxa kale oo uu soo qaaday “Qoladda Guurtida ah ee SSC waxay meesha u yimaadeen in la wada hadlo oo ay qoriga dhigaan.”ayuu yidhi, waxaanu intaa ku daray “Anaguna (Xukuumadda Somaliland) waxaanu raacaynaa siyaasadii Madaxwaynaha ee ahayd inuu nabad ku baaqay iyo gogosha nabada ee uu u dhigay Beelaha Buhoodle iyo sool waana inaan taas laga daalin, nabadana waatii mudada Lixda bilood ah socotay ee Garaad Abshir uu furay.”


Wasiirka xanaanada xoolaha Somaliland, waxa kale oo uu hadlay “Lama odhan karo beelaha buhoodle iyo sool guud ahaantii wuu u dhan yahay laakiin 70% wuu ka soo qayb-galay wax maqanina way jiraan oo qaar wax tabanaya oo Idaacadaha ka hadlay way jiraan”ayuu yidhi waxaanu intaa ku daray “Istaraatijiyadda lagu doonayo cidii shirka ka maqani shirkan ayay ka soo baxaysaa, mana aha wax anaga nagu xidhan, shirkuna ilaa inta lagaga boganayo arimaha ee baaqyo iyo tallooyin midaysan laga soo saarayo wuu iska soconayaa.”


Dr Cabdi Aw Daahir, waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay “Maanta waxa wada hadlayay Xukuumada Somaliland, beelaha Buhoodle iyo sool iyo SSC.” Ayuu yidhi Dr Cabdi Aw Daahir Cali.

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Xukuumadda Oo Jawaab Kulul Ka Bixisay Hanjabaada Ka Soo Yeedhay Garaadada Sool Ee Dibad Wareega Ah Iyo Ciidamada Qaranka Oo Isku Balaadhiyay Deegaanada Buuhoodle


“Somaliland Cid Ay Uga Daba Fadhiisanayso Shirkasta Oo Ay Dalkeeda Ku Qabanayso Ma Jirto, Afka Uun Ha Ka Hadlinee Al-Miidaan Waasac, Idinkuna Waxaad Tihiin Reer Garoowe” Wasiir Xaabsade


Hargeysa, June 22, 2011 (Haatuf) - Wasiirka Warfaafinta iyo wacyigelinta Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade ayaa sheegay in dawlada Somaliland aanay cidna uga daba fadhiisanin shirka nabadaynta ee Widh-widh ka furmay isagoo hanjabaadaha ka soo yeedhay Isimada reer Sool ee ku sugan maamul goboleedka Puntland ee magaalada Garoowe uga digay inay colaad ka hurinayaan dhulka Somaliland.


Wasiirka warfaafinta Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade oo aanu xalay khadka Telephone-ka kula xidhiidhnay isaga oo ku sugan magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta Sool oo muddooyinkan uu halkaas hawlo shaqo u joogay, isla markaana aanu wax kaga waydiinay, digniinta kasoo yeedhay Isimada reer Sool ee dibad wareega ah ee uu ka midka yahay Garaad Saleebaan Buraale ayaa isagoo ka hadlaya arrimahaasi, waxa uu yidhi “Deegaanka Widh-widh waa Somaliland, idinkuna waxaad tihiin reer Garoowe waxaanuse idin kula talin lahayn, in dalkiina iyo dadkiina aad u toobad keentaan, isla markaana aad ka waantowdaan hadalada aydin dibadahaa la wareegaysaan, Somaliland meel kasta oo ka mid ah dhulkeeda shirkay doonto ayay ku qabsanaysaa cid aanumarti uga nahayna ma jirto, sidaa darteed waxaanu leenahay waxba afka ha ka hadlina ee Al-miidaan Waasac” Mr Xaabsade oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa intaasi waxa uu raaciyey “Isimo xaalad abuur ahna dadkan iyo dadkani uma baahna”


Dhinaca kale ilo-wareedyo naga soo gaadhay jiidaha hore ee Widh-widh iyo Buuhoodle ayaa sheegayay, in ciidamada qaranka Somaliland ee ku sugan jiidahaasi ay heegan culus galeen, isla markaana ay u soo ruqaansadeen deegaanada Bali-hadhac oo ka mid ah deegaanada Buuhoodle, halkaas oo la sheegay in maleeshiyadanabad-diidku ay abaabulo dagaal maalmihii ugu dambeeyay ka wadeen.

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I am still waiting to see attendees, their numbers and weighs. Sool is already occupied and Cayn's elders including the Garad of widhwidh is not there and will not be there. So if you peace is such of gun point and few bribed, have it and enjoy. Will see if that accomplishes anything to your end results.

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Madness conference which has no real vision and mission. Those who are beating drams for it, tell us exactly what this meeting is all about other than occupying widhwidh so your militia would try attacking Buholde in another direction..


Gogol nabad for who? and between which groups?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;730001 wrote:
Xukuumadda Oo Jawaab Kulul Ka Bixisay Hanjabaada Ka Soo Yeedhay Garaadada Sool Ee Dibad Wareega Ah Iyo Ciidamada Qaranka Oo Isku Balaadhiyay Deegaanada Buuhoodle


“Somaliland Cid Ay Uga Daba Fadhiisanayso Shirkasta Oo Ay Dalkeeda Ku Qabanayso Ma Jirto, Afka Uun Ha Ka Hadlinee Al-Miidaan Waasac, Idinkuna Waxaad Tihiin Reer Garoowe” Wasiir Xaabsade


Hargeysa, June 22, 2011 (Haatuf) - Wasiirka Warfaafinta iyo wacyigelinta Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade ayaa sheegay in dawlada Somaliland aanay cidna uga daba fadhiisanin shirka nabadaynta ee Widh-widh ka furmay isagoo hanjabaadaha ka soo yeedhay Isimada reer Sool ee ku sugan maamul goboleedka Puntland ee magaalada Garoowe uga digay inay colaad ka hurinayaan dhulka Somaliland.


Wasiirka warfaafinta Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade oo aanu xalay khadka Telephone-ka kula xidhiidhnay isaga oo ku sugan magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta Sool oo muddooyinkan uu halkaas hawlo shaqo u joogay, isla markaana aanu wax kaga waydiinay, digniinta kasoo yeedhay Isimada reer Sool ee dibad wareega ah ee uu ka midka yahay Garaad Saleebaan Buraale ayaa isagoo ka hadlaya arrimahaasi, waxa uu yidhi “Deegaanka Widh-widh waa Somaliland, idinkuna waxaad tihiin reer Garoowe waxaanuse idin kula talin lahayn, in dalkiina iyo dadkiina aad u toobad keentaan, isla markaana aad ka waantowdaan hadalada aydin dibadahaa la wareegaysaan, Somaliland meel kasta oo ka mid ah dhulkeeda shirkay doonto ayay ku qabsanaysaa cid aanumarti uga nahayna ma jirto, sidaa darteed waxaanu leenahay waxba afka ha ka hadlina ee Al-miidaan Waasac” Mr Xaabsade oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa intaasi waxa uu raaciyey “Isimo xaalad abuur ahna dadkan iyo dadkani uma baahna”


Dhinaca kale ilo-wareedyo naga soo gaadhay jiidaha hore ee Widh-widh iyo Buuhoodle ayaa sheegayay, in ciidamada qaranka Somaliland ee ku sugan jiidahaasi ay heegan culus galeen, isla markaana ay u soo ruqaansadeen deegaanada Bali-hadhac oo ka mid ah deegaanada Buuhoodle, halkaas oo la sheegay in maleeshiyadanabad-diidku ay abaabulo dagaal maalmihii ugu dambeeyay ka wadeen.

May allah help successionists.. They can't even hide their hidden agenda for little long. So is this a peace or attack?

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A_Khadar;730004 wrote:
I am still waiting to see attendees, their numbers and weighs. Sool is already occupied and Cayn's elders including the Garad of widhwidh is not there and will not be there. So if you peace is such of gun point and few bribed, have it and enjoy. Will see if that accomplishes anything to your end results.

I thought you said there won't be a peace conference in widhwidh Dibo gurasho = xeel dagaal

The Garaad was in the previous Shir remember in november when all the heavyweights were there Mujahid Maxamad Kahin, Garaad absir Salax Wasiiir Cadami Suldaan Cismaan Suldan cali Madar Xafidulah. Now there are Cuqaaal Waxgarad the ssc jabhad Khusuusi members iyo qaar kalo fara badan.

Nabadu wa nimco allah inshallah there will be full afgarasho in that shir.

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A_Khadar;730007 wrote:
May allah help successionists.. They can't even hide their hidden agenda for little long. So is this a peace or attack?

How is that dagaal amaanka uun bay meesha sugayaan ma ciid ba la dilay dagaal = marka cid la dilo ama cid la dhawaco saaxib

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Peace and ciidan amaan sugid with tech army ma is qabtaan.. That garaad you refered said clearly that he isn't with your successionist project. I still don't see any confirmation that the meeting is begin since no pics or videos.. That tells me some is not right! Things are bleak with your lot.

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