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does the somali culture really complement the deen?

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There are many ways in which our culture seem to contadict the deen. For example wearing dirric and gontino and such things in weddings in which men participate.


Also shaking hands or kissing each other cheeks between cousins and uncles and all that.


its a real difficult one cos for a somali man/woman to claim themselves religious, would have to divert from the social norms of our culture


Note im particulary talking about the southern culture, it seems to me that in the north, things are kept on the reserve u know, particulary in Argavo for example where wearing nigab has become a popular trend, albiet a religious wear.


However that is not to say that our culture is completely unislamic - we do have alot of things that go hand in hand with islam, just perhaps those things are less compared to the things that we have go in direct contradiction with islam


Its strange and quite hard for plp who wanna follow the deen and at the sametime adhere to who they are. I think following islam should go first before culture expectations, nevertheless this is hard to do for some plp.

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That is an interesting observation ijabo.


The few practises you have highlighted are good examples of what i always played in my mind as being bigg contradictions, but since the practise is so wide and prevelant amongst somali's i never thought it a bigg deal, until recently.


But those aside, our culture although having many (thoertically speaking) beautifull traits when in its ideal form, also has alot of pit falls for those would be wadaads.

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