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Puntland iyo Dhibaatada ay u Gaysato Shacabka Qoraxeey,Fiq,Godey etc Daawo Waraysi Muuqaal ah

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Puntland iyo Dhibaatada ay u Gaysato Shacabka ****** Daawo Waraysi Muuqaal ah



Shabakada ayaa Barnaamijeeda Xog Waran ku Waraystay Nin Magaciisa ku sheegay C/laahi Maxamed Cabdi kaasi oo Ciidamada Sirdoonka Puntland ay Sanadkii 2009- Bishii Tobnaad ka qabteen Guri uu kaga Noolaa Magaalada Gaalkacayo ee Gobolka Mudug.


Cabdullahi Sida aad Waraysiga ka Arakidoontaan Wuxuu ka sheekaynayaa Qiso Yaable oo dhex martay isaga oo Ciidamadii Soo weeraray, isaga oo Soo Bandhigaya D hawaacyo Khatar ah oo ka soo Gaadhay Ciidankaasi Markii ay Qabteen.


Waxa uu Waraysigiisaa ku Faah Faahinaya Qaabka loola dhaqmo Dadka U soo Nolol Doonta Gobolada Puntland kuwaasi oo uu xusay in Qaarkood laga Gato, Ethiopia, oo aan la Hayn ilaa Wakhtigan dad badan oo ay Xukuumada Puntland Dhiibtay.


Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cabdi ayaa Hay’addaha Daneeya Xuquuqul Isaanka ugu baaqay inay soo Fara Galiyaan Masiibada ay kula kaceen Ciidamada Puntland isaga oo docda kale dhaliil Ba’an Dusha uga Tuuray Madaxwaynaha Pl C/raxmaan Faroole oo uu sheegay inuu Kaalin Mugle ku Leeyahay Dhibaataynta SHacabka Gobolada ******.


Waxa uu u Mahadnaqay Shacabka Reer PL uu ku Tilmaamay kuwa aan Hagar Daamada Xukuumada la qaban isla markaana aad u soo dhaweeyay Martida u Timaada, Sidoo kale waxa uu Mahadnaq balaadhan u soo Jeediyay Dr Dhega Cade oo ah Dhakhtar Degan Gaalkacayo iyo Murwadiisa oo uu Tilmaamay inay Gacanta ku hayaan Tan inuu ka soo Caafimaadiyay Dhibaatada ay kula kaceen Sirdoonka Puntland isaga oo Farta ku Guday in Dhega Cade uu Aad uga qayb qaatay Soo Anmabixidiisii Dalka Kenya." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

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Saalax;728936 wrote:
oba hiloowlow and why don't you be concerned with the consent shelling of Mogadishu by AMISOM?

Because dee dan kama laha aslong as sheikh dalxiis is wearing his koofiyad

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Taleexi;728908 wrote:
PL mucaarad badan bay yeelatay.

Mucaraadku ha danbeyo shacabka wa wax laga naxo sida loogu dhibayo Goboladaas Buntiland run ahaanti

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Xaaji Xunjuf;728937 wrote:
Because dee dan kama laha aslong as sheikh dalxiis is wearing his koofiyad

Indeed. I don't think i ever saw him critising AMISOM's consent shelling and displacing thousands in Mogadishu.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;728939 wrote:
Mucaraadku ha danbeyo shacabka wa wax laga naxo sida loogu dhibayo Goboladaas Buntiland run ahaanti

Ma Xaaji baan xuquuqul insaan ka dhegaystaa? Yaa yidhi qiyaamihii ma soo dhowa.

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Well, one would expected that from an Administration whose leader was on the record as claiming the people from that region of Ethiopia are no Somalis at all... they just so happen to know how to speak the Somali language.

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Suldaanka;728945 wrote:
Well, one would expected that from an Administration whose leader was on the record as claiming the people from that region of Ethiopia are no Somalis at all... they just so happen to know how to speak the Somali language.

Didn't someone from your enclave claim that NW Somalis are closer to a person in Addis then they are to someone in Mogadishu?


Didn't Siilaanyo try to send a couple suspected ONLF to Ethiopia after 300 had crossed through, but was stop by local people in Awdal?

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Suldaanka;728945 wrote:
Well, one would expected that from an Administration whose leader was on the record as claiming the people from that region of Ethiopia are no Somalis at all... they just so happen to know how to speak the Somali language.


Well said.

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