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Xaaji Xunjuf

ssc rebel group on the brink of collapse and affected by bankruptcy Listen to Col cali sabaray.

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Aaliyyah;728821 wrote:
lol@ kicked puntland you must be dreaming. I am in no way supporting puntland infact I detest those who are running puntland however the fact is no one kicked them from anywhere. They chose to not bother with the SSC cause, infact the SSC cause is threat to them. With that been said the local clans did not support somaliland, that is also another illusion you want to tell to yourself so you can try to ignore the somaliland militia who are forcing innocent ppl. Also, few men oo ay shaqeelsiistey waxba ma sheegaso meelkasta nin caloshiisa u shaqeesta wuu jira how many men are from somaliland oo hada TFG government ku jira. So let that lame excuse rest and it is time that you admit the mistake ur so called somaliland government is doing ? mise you dont giva shit as long as ur three little cities are safe and sound?...wa caadi habar roob u da'ayo waxba ma rabto in ay aragto. mafiish mushkila hadaad xaqdarada ku adkeesakatay in ay ra'yi ku ahaato laakin ilaahay wuu arka dadka la dulminayo asagana caadil ah oo faraj u furaya..



The problem with those former Puntland supporters and now SSC extermists is that, they under estimate the level of Support that Somaliland has within the Darawiish community. And so long that they do that, the statusquo will remain.


Somaliland understands that it has to win hearts and minds over those who care about the region's peace and development. Somaliland will work with anyone who is advancing the unity of the clans who co-habit and share land and water and will resist those who want to divide the clans along clan borders that are inseparable.


As for Puntland just packing their bags overnight and leaving Laascaanood... tell that to the Garoowe families that lost loved ones. :)

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A_Khadar;728888 wrote:
Still you are wrong Saaxiib. After Kalshale, which was an out war between two clans like or not, your clan who thought has the power got disappointed and withdrew its militia from Kalshale and buried the illegal Baraago. No any other peace talks besides the invaded and land eager clan realized that their dream is unattainable at this time. Try again mate..


Do tell us where peace talks occurred after Kalshale. No one was invading to your towns and once your clan stopped its invations, people got automatic peace. That tells who wanted peace and who wanted clan war. Qofku haduunan xishoon wuxuu rabuu sheegaa!

The fact that the area/region is question is peaceful, is good for Somaliland. Can you the same for the anti-peace groups?

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The problem with those former Puntland supporters and now SSC extermists is that, they under estimate the level of Support that Somaliland has within the Darawiish community. And so long that they do that, the statusquo will remain.

we are not underestimating anything. The fact is somaliland is occupying the SSC regions against the will of its people. And, if anything you are overestimating the little support they found in few men who work for them(or perhaps u know the truth but u dnt giva damn as long as you think ur going to get some so called recognition but believe me somaliland by igniting clan war and invading lands that arent theirs their little dream will even be harder to attain)


Somaliland understands that it has to win hearts and minds over those who care about the region's peace and development. Somaliland will work with anyone who is advancing the unity of the clans who co-habit and share land and water and will resist those who want to divide the clans along clan borders that are inseparable.

understands? lol Adiga iyo kuwa kula mida ee always dhaha somaliland will consider dadka ssc waxay rabaan iyo blah blah blah waxa moda considerationkiina iyo understandigiina in lo bahanyahay. All somaliland should do is leave the SSC regions and that will be the end of it.


As for Puntland just packing their bags overnight and leaving Laascaanood... tell that to the Garoowe families that lost loved ones.

Somaliland didnt make puntland leave the SSC regions waxba sheko ha isku akhrin to make urself feel better....And, believe me if puntland dacad ka aheed arimaha SSC, somaliland marnaba ma hunguriyeeseen in ay SSC regions timaado ( bt puntlant wont..way ogtahay xabashi in ay u ogoleen in ay arimaha so dhex gasho and if anything maybe in luguba dhoho SSC marba dhiba why else faroole marba su u jooge nacnac iyo mala yacni mesha ula imanaya)..with that been said at least puntland is not killing innocent people in SSC regions and if puntland decided hey we dont giva dam abt the SSC regions so be it. Dad baa SSC u dhashay yagana arimahooda tahay in ay u kacaan oo qabsadaan magaloyinkooda oo dadkan xaqdarada raba meel iska mariyaan. Oo ay sameestaan maamul kana madax bananaadaan somaliland ama puntland ama whateverelse land...oo ay is mamulaan. O ay cidkale wax ka sugin..



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Suldaanka;728994 wrote:
The fact that the area/region is question is peaceful, is good for Somaliland. Can you the same for the anti-peace groups?

If it's good for anti-peace patriotic clan somaliland, better they stay their homes.

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What do you expect if one is running around with a racket? The whole SSC Hogaanka Booga Booga was a racket to raise money from Islaamaha, so some racketeers could shine themselves while blaming all problems on PL, and at the sametime asking Siilaanyo to give them a PM or several ministers. Many diaspora fell for the game and gave their money. That has all strengthened the pockets of Saleebaan Wajixaad (who hates his father by the way and his subclan), Xaartoosiye aka Xaglatoosiye, and many other racketeers who were raising the money in the diaspora. In the city where I live, this chick, who is part of the racketeers, that run with the SSC Hogaanka Booga bought a big mansion with the money she raised from this city and its environs. Well, the people who were dubbed learned the trick and kept the money to their pockets. Mar i dage Alle ha dago, labo jeer i dagase anaa isu dagay!

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people inside the country have learned their lesson many times ova..they yawning for peace.There hasn't been any big wars lately for 15yrs now.Only in/ around mogadishu is there wat I call skirmishes.So stop all this stuff & look at the bigger picture or u keep talking..this is draining!!!!

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This SSC diaspora anti peace movement lacks fundamental structures to sustain itself in the long run. It is a divided organisation run by reactionary diaspora based individuals. They lack a reliable economic source, they lack support from within the region whether its Puntland or Ethiopia. And as we are witnessing right now, it is eventual collapse is a matter of time.


This doesn't necessary equate to the total disappearance of the SSC group, as I am sure they will keep to exist in one form or another. But what I am trying to say is, they will not pose much of a threat to Somaliland in the region.


What poses greater threat to Somaliland's peace is an open interclan fighting between the various clans. Somaliland will have to thread a fine line to not agitate the local clans.


Somaliland strategy is to win the support of the influential local people such as Kayse Cabdi Yusuf who is now representing Somaliland in his home town of Widhwidh. In return, Somaliland will need to fund projects of community significance such as Mother Child Health (MCH) centers and Schools, police force etc etc. By doing this, it will deprive the SSC and other anti-peace elements from a support base where they would flourish. Also, when towns such as Widhwidh devleope and progress, it will put pressure on the SSC stronghold towns such as Buuhoodle to demand change and that is where Somaliland will make its move on Buuhoodle as well.


In short, there is no leaving, Somaliland is here to stay, peacefully. :D

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In short, there is no leaving, Somaliland is here to stay, peacefully. ...

if that aint hypocricy I dont know what is..people who are invading other people's land ayaad ledahay they are here to stay peacefully..while you call dadka magaladood lasoo invade gareeyey "anti peace" groups.

hedhe haday mala yacniga iyo khurafaadkas isku akhrinasid ku cumtamaso wa sheeko ku taala.


my signature sums it all "bililiqo doon waa nabad diid" as long as somaliland is after lands that aint theirs and forcing people they are anti-peace..whether you are going to accept that fact or not. It is really up to you. I personally dont care what your views are....




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Colonel Saba wants your monies. Either dig deep in to their pockets or stop the calaacals. Thank you.

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