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It is a war between minister Abdikarim from SSC and Farmajo from Gedo.

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Miskin...your name says all. Siyaasadda Soomaaliya iyo khayaanada habhableyaasha inaadan la socon bay u egtahay.


Qorax, I don't remember saying it is about qabiil. So let us not assume things. Also with your comment on this being the only thing that united Somalis in the last 20 years is a total exaggeration . I guess you are forgetting the courts and how almost everyone welcomed them although ICU itself is to blame for the it's demise and some of the destruction that followed until now.


Let us just stop the emotion and look things from different angles please. FYI, I want the two Sharifs gone as soon as possible but I don't want some fools to hijack our country again.

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lol. abwaan maya we are not normal. how can we question Tarzan revolution. It is all happening and people are rising up. loool. get with the program boowe, waa muqadas. farmaajo wax badan buu qabtay. loool.

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Abwaan;728212 wrote:
Mooge, are we normal? lol...

Mooge inuu fiyooben waan ogayn adigana sidiisoo kalaa tahaan u malaynayaa. Haduu Tarsan abaabulay Xamar yaa lacagta aad sheegis siyay Soomalida dunida dacaladeeda ku nool oo shucuurtooda soo ban dhigay. What is your logic?

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doubledecker, qorax, put your Gedo biases aside for one minute.


tell us where the rovulution is happening. somalia must be one country where every region is important booweyaal. i will isolate few regions for clan reason and i can call myself a national government not working. qof waxaas aaminsan ma noqon karo national leader. regional leader yes, but not national leader. farmaajo chose the wrong path that is why he is not supported in large area of north east somalia.

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Mayaani;728217 wrote:
Mooge inuu fiyooben waan ogayn adigana sidiisoo kalaa tahaan u malaynayaa. Haduu Tarsan abaabulay Xamar yaa lacagta aad sheegis siyay Soomalida dunida dacaladeeda ku nool oo shucuurtooda soo ban dhigay. What is your logic?

Mayaani aka Tarzan, your clan bias is noted, but you should remember masakiin people are fooled by media hype. yes farmajo clan have organized demos in Nairobi and Cairo and everyone knows that. One by one ayaa loo yaqaan the organizers. Tarzan network is busy right now calling its friends. they will repeat another abdulahi yusuf hospital demonstrations and its being organized right now. other wellmeaning somalis can show up to any demo party and i see no problems with that, but don't make this spontaneous and support for one man. it is an orchestrated program by indiviuals who have control of goverment resources.


Tarzan has a large network boowe. don't underestimate Tarzan.

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Let us just wait for few days when we see protesters supporting the Sharifs. What will that be called? Kacdoon Shacab no 2?


Mayaani, I never knew we had a SOL doctor. Teeda kale Soomaalida aad sheegeysid ee adduunka dacalladiisa kala joogta hadday run sheegayaan maa isku soo baxaan aan aragnee?

Siyaasaddaan middi middi ku taagta ah ee qabylaadda iyo danaysigu hareereeyey ma fiicna.

Wallaahi xitaa 3 walaalo ah haddii loo dhiibo xalka Soomaaliya happy baan ku ahay as long as ay karti, caqli iyo aqoon leeyihiin caddaaladna dalka ku hoggaaminayaan, laakiin inta tagaasidii la wadi jirey iyo kaarbetyadii la dhaqi jirey iyo community-yadii lacagta lagu boobi jirey laga tago, diaspora this dal baan badbaadineynaa been-been shacabka loo sheego ma akhrisanaayo.

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lool@doctor. that was very funny. i don't think these people care about dan guud oo soomaali oo dhan as long as one clan is abused they are happy and it is a revolution. keep up the revolution Tarzan dheh. halkaa ka wada.

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I could not stop laughing the other day markii aan maqlay in Soomaaliya hadda Diaspora looga yaqaan

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Gedo? me Gedo? cajiib boowe. Hada ka hor ayaa waxa la yiri nin dagaladi ka hor Waalnaan jiray ayaa dagaaladi ka dib caafimaaday markaasa la weydiiyay waxa uu ku caafimaaday. wuxu yiri war ma caafimaadine dadkii ayaa i soo garay hatan.. Anagu Abwan iyo Mooge ma soo gaarnay hadaaney caadi ahayn maxaan ula murmeynaa. I am out boowe

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just because you use "boowe" doesn't change your facade. lool. get lost and worry about hirale. We are talking about us wanting a goverment that will serve ALL OF SOMALIA and not one single group. since that is not in your interest keep moving and keep up the fake revolution.

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double ma maqli jirtey nin carooday laga badi. Aflagaadada iska wad, haddii aad fiyowdahay Ilaah hakuu siyaadiyo, Balse tani mawqifkayga ma beddeleyso, wax ka muhiimsan baan ka hadlaynaa oo aan mustaqbalka dalkeenna.

Haddii meeli ku xanuunayso oo aad dhibsatay fikirkayga hadde waxba kama qaban karo waayo sidaas kuma beddelayo.

I supported dowladda Sharif Axmed thinking in dhibaatada Soomaali ku jirta ay ka saari karto iyo inay dhaami doonto maamulladii ka horreeyey, balse waxaan muuqata inay iyaduna fursad qaali ah ku ciyaartay, hadde ma waxaad leedahay halla iska daba joogo. Farmaajahan aad daba ordeysidna dadkii keensaday baan xitaa garanaynaa marka wax aan kaa badinno baad iskaga doodi. Adiga haddii Soomaaliya arrinteeda maanta ay kuula marayso meel muhiim ah oo shalay just because kuwo aad ka soo horjeeddo ay hoggaanka hayeen berrina haddii aadan hor-ordeyn aad ka harayso waa ayaandarro. Aniga mawqifkayga waa cadyahay. Soomaaliya oo dhibkaan ka baxda ayaa hadafkaygu yahay insha Allaah. Waana la gaari doonaa haddii Eebbe idmo, kolleey hadhoow baad guusha wax ka sheegay ee "Dadkaaga dhinac ka raac, yaadan dhumine dhinac ka raac, Hooy hooy dhinac ka raac" lol

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Abwaan don't mind the farmajo gedo and tarzan supporters coming out of the woodwork. the smart respected people know farmajo is just another goofball trying to keep his job. No the two sharifs are not better but i won't let his supporters manufacture this nonsense mythical waxqabad about the already failed tfg. farmajo was a yes man for shariif and he divided the country into us-VS-them areas starting with Puntland and Galmudug state. in the end shariif fired him for selfish reasons to protect his own butt. the country needs to move forward and a new leadership should take over.


if shariif wants to appoint a good raisal wasaare this one year in the kampala deal, i can wait for fresh new presidential election after one year. For now farmajo is an old face and he should get lost.

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Damac siyaasadeed waa tan sheekhii iimaamka ka dhiganay meshaas dhigtay cabdi kariin iyo farmaajan waa la mid siyaasadu tol ma leh

waase qayb cusub oo nagusoo koradhay ninkii wax un dhaqaajiya ha la taageero adigoon u firinayn xukunka awoowgay baa laga dhaxlay iyo reer mooge kursiga yaan la dhaafin, dadku waa sinmaa la kala hormaraa hadana lakala danbeeyaa.


waxaa kaliya oo ceeb ah kursi qaran ku fadhisso adigoo been ku dhaartay

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gooni, we agree on one thing. regional balance is part of our heritage and politics. every country practices it. if you want to keep all power for one region or group it is not productive and it is wrong. somalia is one. don't demonize one area and promote another adigoo national leader isku shegaya.

i wasn't in kampala but people in kampala are telling us in nairobi sharif was apologetic about the valuable time that he lost last 2 years chasing fantom enemies like puntland and galmudug. hopefuly he become a national leader that looks at his people with fair and balanced eyes. time to move on.


We need fresh elections in a year. may the best man win.

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