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Xaaji Xunjuf

President Axmed Siilaanyo goes for a little walk without bodyguards in the capital city+PICS

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The correct title should say


"President Axmed Siilaanyo goes for a little walk without bodyguards in the pics"


So the guy is walking around and you are telling me that such few people in such a big town came up to him? Who was holding back the crowds?


One thing is for certain though, Siilaanyo did this because he knows that he is building a reputation of being scared to travel anywhere.

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General Duke;727537 wrote:
I love the pictures of the old man walking about by himself..With the ordinary folks who's children wear designer labels. Its amazing..


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Even a few pics of the SL President going walkies seems to get up people's noses. Waar is dajiya. Its just a man going out for a walk :D

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Sh. Aadan Siiro Oo Madaxweynaha Ku Bogaadiyay Booqashadii uu ku soo maray Hargeysa

June 10th, 2011


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Sh. Aadan Xaaji Maxamuud Xiiray, ayaa maanta khubaddii salaada Jimcaha ee Masaajidka Xawaadle ee Magaalada Hargeysa kaga hadlay booqashadii Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo uu xalay ku soo maray qeybo ka mid ah suuqyada,mukhaaxiyaha iyo wadooyinka ku yaala magaalada Hargeysa.


Sheekh Aadan Siiro waxa uu Madaxweynaha ku bogaadiyay tallaabadan oo uu ku tilmaamay sifooyinka wanaagsan ee Hoggaamiyeyaasha Islaamka laga doonayo. Waxaanu xusay in madaxweynuhu booqashadan ku darsayay inuu xog ogaal u noqdo xaalada nololeed iyo nabadgelyo ummaddiisa.


Sheekhu waxa uu intaasi ku daray in Madaxweynuhu uu galay meheradaha dadka danyarta ahi ka cunteeyaan oo uu wax ka weydiiyay nolashooda taasina ay dadkii halkaasi ku sugnaa ay aad ugu diirsadeen.


Sh, Aadan waxa uu Madaxweynaha uga mahad celiyay booqashadan oo uu xusay inay meesha ka saarayso inuu madaxweynuhu noqdo mid wararka loogu geeyo gurigiisa oo qudha.

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^^^What’s news is Hargaysa is so small that our JB just happened to stumble into his SNMness by accident, while carrying a big Camera, which we are told is in the possession of every Somali living in that city..

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N.O.R.F;727691 wrote:
Even a few pics of the SL President going walkies seems to get up people's noses. Waar is dajiya. Its just a man going out for a walk

If that is the case, why post here and make big deal out of it...

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