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I am not losing hope, walaaloow, but waxaan waa wax aan loo dulqaadan karin. Runtii. Labadaan Shariif ismooday inay awood leeyihiin beri tii ku dhacdo fiiri iyagana.


Soomaali in loo talinaayo, oo madaxbanaani u ahayn arrimahooda maanta si cad usoo baxday oo la wada arkaayo. Dad badan Soomaalinimada wali ku jirto runtii aad u murugeysan meeshaan joogo, dalkoodana inay ku laabtaan rajo ka qabay.

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Something 'positive' from the two Shariifs (plus their qabqabliyaal like Max'ed Dheere iyo Indhamadoowe) and their Ugandan and UN masters? Methinks not. Rajadii iyo taageeradii yarayd loo haaye maanta ayee ku burburtay.

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MMA - waa fiicantahay hadaadan weli rajobelin. Xaalada Soomaaliya iyo Soomaalida haysata way ka weyn tahay labadan shaqsi ee aad la yaaban tahay.


Tan kale ee ku saabsan iftiinbaxa haddaan la arkay in aysan soomaalidu u madax banaaneyn aayahooda - taasi walaal wax aan kugu raacsanahay ma'aha - balse way jidhaan wadamo ka fa'iidaysanaya kala dadsanaanta dadka soomaaliyeed.

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MMA: Saas Sayid-ku bidhaamiyey baan ula jeeday. Arrinta Soomaalida ee murugsan Shariifyada ka weyn. Horaa loo yiri nin buka boqoli u talisay saas darteed markay ugu liidato shacabweynihii Soomaaliya wax baa u yare baxay. Dhibaato kastana wax baa laga bartaa. Si daacadnimo ah markaan u eego marxalada adag ee aynu ku jirno waxay u egtahay inaynaan weligeen ku jirayn. Oo Soomaalidu ay maturity level ku sii siqayso.

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Taleexi;729392 wrote:
Horaa loo yiri nin buka boqoli u talisay

an apt proverb. but in this case the many professed doctors are making the ill man more ill.

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I feel your sentiments - Even more, the patient has not been aware of the deterioration of his/her ailment but finally saxansaxo coupled with hope of redemption is surfacing from every corner of the patients' habitat. And this is the reason, I suggested to MMA to dream and keep the hope alive. It must be a toll order to see Somalia and her people standing their feet again but our choices are nothing but that.

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Sayid iyo Taleex, xaalka dalkeena ku suganyahay inay Shariifyada kuwa la baxay ka weyntahay waa ogahay laakiin mid ka mid ah Shariifyadaas (waa Shariif Sh. Axmed) in uu saan u dhaqmaayo ma moodin. Ileen kursi aan awood lahayn jaceylnimo loo haayo qof wax walba uu u sameynaa. Such a complete turnaround.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;729406 wrote:
Sayid iyo Taleex, xaalka dalkeena ku suganyahay inay Shariifyada kuwa la baxay ka weyntahay waa ogahay laakiin mid ka mid ah Shariifyadaas (waa Shariif Sh. Axmed) in uu saan u dhaqmaayo ma moodin. Ileen kursi aan awood lahayn jaceylnimo loo haayo qof wax walba uu u sameynaa. Such a complete turnaround.

Fair enough, hence your shock and utter disappointment.

People plus Power tend to produce those surprising outcomes most of the time.

Put your lot on principles and goals and a system that envisages the realisation of those goals and principles.

Never put your lot in with individuals or even groups regardless of how much you like them or agree with them.

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