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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland: President celebrates World Environment Day by planting trees

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Somaliland: President celebrates World Environment Day by planting trees

HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed (Siilanyo) and his vice president today took part in the celebration of World Environment Day by planting trees in the presidential palace. After planting the trees President Siilanyo took a moment to speak with the press where he expressed his concern about Somaliland’s deforestation and that encouraged all citizens to celebrate World Environment Day by planting a tree.


June 5th is World Environment Day and is celebrated around the world after the United Nations established it back in 1972 to encourage worldwide awareness of the environment and enhance political awareness and action.


President Siilanyo acknowledged that there is more to be done in educated the citizens about deforestation and that his government will do all it can to high light the issue through education and encourage a nationwide planting new trees along with greater protection for the existing tree stock. It has been estimated that that each household in Somaliland consumes an average of ten trees a month. The problem of deforestation throughout the country has exacerbated soil erosion and soil degradation. Climate experts indicate that unless a concerted strategy is put in place desertification will take place. The President went on to claim that his government will work with rural development projects and also reward those that protect the trees from deforestation and charcoal burning

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