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*Blessed;726554 wrote:
Heedhe muran ma xumee, laakin dee imisa jeer beynu isku qabsanaynaa keena awoow wacan or
whether the dust in Burco is healthier than the dust in Qardho (true story, btw)?

:D :D @ true story - so come on Blessed which dust was healthier? which one has better saxansaxo?

i bet it was Qardho - right?

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Sayid*Somal;726696 wrote:
War aniga hablaha kama adki - nimanka hablaha ka adag - ayan ka adkahay

:D:D:D,,,,,,,,,Afka ka hadal nooh.......Maxaa waaye feerka aa soo duubanaysid ciyoowbo!

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waxaa muhiim ah inaan dumarka laga dhigin wax aan waxba ahaayn waxaa muhiim ah dumarka in laga baqo sababtu m,a ah in ay ku dilaayso.:P

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Sayid*Somal;726699 wrote:
:D @ true story - so come on Blessed which dust was healthier? which one has better saxansaxo?

i bet it was Qardho - right?

No, it isn't! :D

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