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Israel; a fantastic case study for development?

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This is topic is off-tangent, especially on a Somali forum, I know.


Israel is a fantastically interesting case study and there is much to be learnt from how this 'state' was built - particularly so for post-war Somalia [reconstruction, development etc].


Now I am not too familliar with their history and don't the time to read books, articles and websites to inform myself sufficiently. But what I do know is that here you basically had hundreds of thousands of people suddenly up-and-move to what was palestine. Since, they have built a country with infrastructure, governance and an economy that are the envy of many. I am vaguely familliar with the kibbutz system but I am interested to know in the details how they built everything up and achieved all that they did achieve in the past 60 years. It is truly fascinating and worthy of study.


When compared other countries and peoples, for example post-independence african countries, I know not the best comparison, why have they been able to succeed so well so quickly? Israel did have an amzing pool of human capital to work with; was that the crucial factor? Was it the political and financial support from the west, which though ignorant about, I am sure they are likely to have received? Is this a valid case study for Somalis and/or any aspiring under-developed country?


Is anyone fammiliar with this subject and or interested in it? Can anyone provide any links, titles of books, website etc. ?


I look forward to your opinions!

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Well Israel is double sided story. One narrative is that great exodus undertaken by prosecuted and exiled people to go back to their ancestral home created the state of Israel. Not only the exodus succeeded but it thrived and become a success story. The other narrative is that Zionists conspired a project so grand and so daring that they moved substantial population from all over the world to settle them in historical Palestine at the expense of the local population. The implication is that a 7th generation Ukrainian Jew has the right to evict 9th generation Palestinian from his home. For Palestinian perspective it's a tragedy with monumental proportions. For Jews it is affirmation of sort -- the return to promised land.


With that background, yes Israel is a success in many ways -- economically, technology, and militarily. But unlike other nation states much of its success is subsided -- directly and indirectly -- by other state actors and citizens who sympathize with the plight of Jews in Nazi Germany. Take technology and military fields -- one can characterize ascendancy in these fields as transfer of sort.

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hadaad rabto inaad gaarto horumarka eey israel gaartay waa inaad shacab leydaa , maalkooda dhacdaa gabdhahooda kufsataa , guryahooda dumisaa , dadka dhulkooda ka burisaa una diidaa iney soo noqdaan , maalintaad rabto aad weerartaa ,goobahooda cibaadada aad ku xukuntaa , da'daad rabto aad masaajida u xadidaa iney ku tuktaan inta kalana aad ka celisaa , dhulkooda aad xoog ku dhisataa . kadibna aad heshaa dowlad xoog badan oo ku gadaal taagan kuna ilaaliso ,qofkii indha kulul kugu fiiriyana u guudiso , difaacaadana ka dhigato wax waajib ku ah . sidaas weeye wadada ugu fudud ee horumarka israel oo kale lagu gaaraa hadii kale iska fadhiiso .

Israel; a fantastic case study for development? inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileyhi raajicun .

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Baashi;725895 wrote:
Well Israel is double sided story.


With that background, yes Israel is a success in many ways -- economically, technology, and militarily.
But unlike other nation states much of its success is subsided -- directly and indirectly
-- by other state actors and citizens who sympathize with the plight of Jews in Nazi Germany.
Take technology and military fields -- one can characterize ascendancy in these fields as transfer of sort

I was thinking along those lines also. I do think that there are lesons to be learnt though in terms of utilising our diaspora.

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Nabad_dadaye;725907 wrote:
hadaad rabto inaad gaarto horumarka eey israel gaartay waa inaad shacab leydaa , maalkooda dhacdaa gabdhahooda kufsataa , guryahooda dumisaa , dadka dhulkooda ka burisaa una diidaa iney soo noqdaan , maalintaad rabto aad weerartaa ,goobahooda cibaadada aad ku xukuntaa , da'daad rabto aad masaajida u xadidaa iney ku tuktaan inta kalana aad ka celisaa , dhulkooda aad xoog ku dhisataa . kadibna aad heshaa dowlad xoog badan oo ku gadaal taagan kuna ilaaliso ,qofkii indha kulul kugu fiiriyana u guudiso , difaacaadana ka dhigato wax waajib ku ah . sidaas weeye wadada ugu fudud ee horumarka israel oo kale lagu gaaraa hadii kale iska fadhiiso .

Israel; a fantastic case study for development?
inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileyhi raajicun .

Calaacal oohin iyo baroor are not needed sxb.


Many of the things you listed do happen in Somalia. "hadaad rabto inaad gaarto horumarka eey israel gaartay waa inaad shacab leydaa , maalkooda dhacdaa gabdhahooda kufsataa , guryahooda dumisaa , dadka dhulkooda ka burisaa una diidaa iney soo noqdaan , maalintaad rabto aad weerartaa" - Somali ikayakoo Muslim ah ayay sidaa iyo si ka daranba isu galeen. Nevertheless, that was not the topic... the topic is development.

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"Somali ikayakoo Muslim ah ayay sidaa iyo si ka daranba isu galeen."


You say Somalia has seen the worst than Palestine? Is that waxaad la soo shir tagtay? I know it's not the direction of the topic but really? Somalia was in conflict how long? And how long Palestine?


On the topic: Israel success story has some religious factors including biblical prophecies and the chosen people of God. La dhinac istaag hiil iyo hoo waa doing God's work and fulfilling biblical prophecy iyo soo laabashada nabi Alloow Ciise. So it boils down to religious conviction.

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Jacpher;726203 wrote:
"Somali ikayakoo Muslim ah ayay sidaa iyo si ka daranba isu galeen."


You say Somalia has seen the worst than Palestine?
Is that waxaad la soo shir tagtay? I know it's not the direction of the topic but really? Somalia was in conflict how long? And how long Palestine?

I said that some of the things that he listed had also happened in Somalia. I never compared the nature, duration or the dimentions of the two conflicts. Anyhow, let's stick to the topic at hand.

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OdaySomali;726202 wrote:
Calaacal oohin iyo baroor are not needed sxb.

Many of the things you listed do happen in Somalia. the topic is development.

soomaliya dad dhulkooda iney ka bursatay uma diidano iney soo laabtaan ,dhibkeena waa qabiil un ,lakin israel waa naceyb jinsi iyo diin

somaliya masaajidada dadka ku tukanaya cimrigooda ma xadido sida israeleey masjidul aqsaa ku suubiso .

somalida ma heystaan walaal sida uncle sam oo kala oo dhibkaada dhibkiisu uu yahay ,bal inaan burburno ayuu utaagan yahay .

developmentiga aad rabtana sidaas ayaa lagu gaaraa.

wadama kaloon sidaa suubin la imaaw sida Japan , singapoor , china , malaysia , German .

xor baad utahay inaad israel buunbuuniso oodna noo qurxiso lakin waan ka dharagsanahay horumarkeeda iyo waxyaalaha u fududeeyay heerkaas.

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London: A fantastic country? Oh how your comment is so problematic in many ways. Do you care to explain before I jump the gun?


Oday: There were many factors that lead to the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel. For one, Israel wouldn't have been a "success" story without the backing and assistance of the British government at the time. The British wanted the Ottoman empire to be in shambles and in 1924, they saw their window of opportunity. Second, a lot can be credited to the ideas and mindset put forth by Theodor Herzl of having a political Zionist state and most importantly the Zionist ideology itself where they believe that Jews have the right to a sovereigns Jewish state.


It's interesting all the other countries they've considered before settling on Palestine. There was the Uganda Program, Soviet Zion (USSR), Fugu (Japan), Madagascar, Guyana, and the list goes on. Why Palestine? Because in their minds, it's Biblically theirs. Israel will, in my humble opinion, seize to exist when they lose their alliance with the US, the UK and other major western countries deteriorates.


Israel is no way an example for any country to follow. If anything Somalis need something similar to a Zionist ideology we can probably call Somalism. Once Somalis come to accept one another as country men and women and be unified as one people with one goal then and only then will we take a step forward to stabilization and success.

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Nina Fox   

Regardless of how much capital or backing a nation has, it will never peak to success without its dedicated citizens, and Israel has just that. Its unfair to compare Somalis and Israelis. As the former, we are corrupt, selfish and dont care a damn about the beautiful country that we do have, and the latter pour blood, sweat, money and tears to hold on to what they "believe" is theirs. Israel strives to join the list of the 10 most richest economies in the world and Somalia is number 1 for the best place to go if you are suicidal or insane.

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Nothing wrong with learning from good examples. even if their israeli's. Israel has managed to set-up agriculture in the desert. its worth taking a look at it.

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I would like to start by saying that I support and admirer the Israeli nation, I am proud to call myself a Somali Zionist.


Of course, Israel is a great development model for Somalia, just in 60 years Jews developed their country from a poor backward desert into an, economic, political, technological, military, political, superpower which is self-sufficient. The somali people can also achieve the same as the jews if they are, nationalistic, unite, have visionary politicians, put their country's interests above everything in life,Somalis abroad to use their influence in the countries they live in to help Somalia's national interests, Israel can help Somalia develop our farm areas in the southern somalia to an agricultural paradise, Israel can help Somalia to build a strong military and share their knowledge in all areas with the Somali people, long live Somalia and Israel.

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