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Somaliland: Twenty years of Relative Peace,Stability and Wasted Opportunities

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The last central government of Somalia of which the current secessionist “Somaliland” was an integral part of it for well over three decades collapsed in January 1991,


with the ouster of President Mohamed Siyad Barre’s military regime. Twenty years on, south and central Somalia, including the capital Mogadishu, are still in flames. During the ensuing years, thousands of innocent people - young and old, men and women, frail and the sick - have lost their precious lives to a useless fratricidal war largely flamed by foreign benefactors. Thousands more have been internally displaced (IDPs) and are at the mercy of foreign handouts in a humiliating and dire circumstances that almost makes the fainthearted to throw up.

However, in the far northern corner of what used to be the northern regions of Somalia whose main cities are Hargeisa, Burao, Berbera and Borama, peace has largely prevailed and people conduct their daily routines rather peacefully. This is not because that the people of the northern regions (Somaliland) had chosen peace over chaos (indeed they did it admirably), but it is because that their separatist-minded politicians led by SNM have isolated them from the rest of their brothers and sisters in south and central Somalia when they made a unilateral declaration of what they call “Somaliland”. SNM, a clan-based rebel group, which took part, a significant part (if not the most significant part) of the destruction of the last Somali government, congregated in Burao and established the present day “Somaliland” that no other country in the whole worldwide wants to see or hear.

On (18 May, 2011), “Somaliland” is celebrating the day being Somali (Somalinimo) has been given a severe beating at the hands of selfish secessionist politicians. It is celebrating that fateful day the Somali people, through no fault of theirs, have temporarily lost a large chunk of their land and people to a secessionist and clannish politicians who, instead of bringing their people together like Meles Zenawi did when he defeated the Derg of Ethiopia, erected a massive and imaginary Berlin wall-like structure between Somalis who had never known such barriers for centuries. “Somaliland” is celebrating the day of division and separation in which almost all other Somalis have followed the secessionists’ footsteps in declaring regional administrations called “lands” prefixed with their regional name. “Somaliland” politicians have dealt a mortal blow to the unity and coexistence of Somali people, at least temporarily, which was sacred for centuries. To put it simply, “Somaliland is rejoicing a hollow celebration that would benefit no Somali, including themselves as no part of Somalia is indispensible. How could politicians worth of their salt and have an inch of Somalinimo in their blood will sanction such massive celebrations and throw parties in every corner of the world when their people - yes their people as I consider south and central Somalia as their people - are suffering and dying a very slow and painful death? Since immemorial, it was un-Somali as much as it is un-Islamic to eat first when your next door fellow Somali/Muslim neighbor is hungry. What is happening in “Somaliland” is alien if not a disgrace to the old age Somali hospitality and wisdom.

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That was certainly an interesting read and much went on in that article. Lots of emotive language. Lots of vilifying. Lots of hyperbole. Lots of artificial facts and few convincing points.


In terms of achieving what I presume were his aims, the author, typically, assumed completely the wrong strategy. It'll be applauded by the opposition, apposed by the proposition and the status quo shall continue.

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That piece carries little substance and only a blind tribalist would reach the same conclusion.

It starts with the south being on life support and ends with the north should have the bed next to it. It just shows no amount of fancy words will hide tribal haters..

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Good article!


Our misguided secessionists are slowly coming back from their fantasy. Siilaanyo has proven this, from sending his health minister to reprsent Somalia under the TFG's health minister, 2 track policy with puntland, and the UN meeting on Somalia.


At the end of the day the fact still remains, not a single country in the world supports them after 20 years.

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