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Al-Shabaab detains dozen for making sacrifices to their dead parents

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Fighters loyal to Somalia’s al Shabaab on Monday detained at least 12 people, mainly women, they accused of committing deeds against Islam.



Al Shabaab accused the people of making sacrifices by slaughtering livestock to mark the the deaths of their parents.


Witnesses said the people were detained after the militants conducted search operations in the port of Barawe, about 250 kilometers (155 miles) south of Mogadishu.


“While I was at a street near my neighborhood, I saw more fighters of al Shabaab having seized 12 people, nine of them were women; I was told they had been captured while doing sacrifices for their dead parents, that Somalis traditionally do to send prayers and asked Allah to forgive their parents,” an eyewitness told the local media, requesting his name not be used for security reasons.


He said that the group has already banned other items, including the sale and consumption of khat inside the towns they control and the playing of football.


Ahlu Sunna Waljama clerics, who brought to Islam to Somalia allow sacrifices in order to ask Allah to forgive the sins of ancestors.


Al Shabaab, which believes in the Wahabi doctrine, developed new habits and actions Somali people don’t know in the last three or four years.


In towns under control of the extremist group, such as Kismayo, parts of Mogadishu, Marka and other villages in southern and central parts of the country, many grave sites have been destroyed.


Al Shabaab argues it wants to rid Somalia of anything that does not fit with its strict version of Islam, but that ideology has put it on a collision course with Sufi fighters.


The moderate Ahlu Sunna was provoked to take up arms against al Shabaab when the militant group began digging up and destroying the remains of Somalia's cleric scholars.

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So, why are they banning this?


I know Salafis don't believe in passing on good deeds to the deceased, by at most this would be a difference of opinion, not something to arrest people over.

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Lets not forget female genital mutilation,Anyone know why this is? I mean, what evidence could possibly be presented in support of this? It's pre-Islam and has no logic. Supporters say they do it because it's hygienic and inhibits a woman's libido but these are both ridiculous to any thinking person.


Anyway, Somali's have been wracked by two decades of civil war. Education takes a back seat to survival in a time like this, so literacy is not a priority. May Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, guide the brothers and sister there toward true Islam and reconciliation soon.

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