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kulmiye supporters thoughts on: Somaliland Attends UN Security Council Meeting in Nairobi

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To be honest we will have to sit down with these actors who claim to represent the south sooner or later inorder to officially dissolve the union. We changed Admin and without change in policy, this is one of those changes. It's necessary because we have tried isolationism and that has worked but has not found that illusive recognition. A more direct approach to Somalia is an alternative that should be considered. Over all I support this new policy of seating down with southerners and seating down helping them gain peace in return for recognition..

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I was more dissapointed with his policy towards the SSC. I for one was hoping for a more forceful aggressive approach to send out a clear message.

But it was to be expected as Ina Kahin was not leading the show. Without him Kulmiye is lightweight and the SSC know this..

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I believe Somaliland should adopt a more aggressive foreign policy and it's going good so far at every stage we should develop good relations with the international community meeting them in Kenya adis ababa Newyork is what we need we should be heard every where in africa in New York how every corner we are all doing this for our own benefits.We are not meddiling into the affairs of that failed nation next to us but we are approaching the international community to a certain extent and telling them Somaliland statehood is not something they should fear but rather a good partner now and in the future in the fight against piracy poverty and terrorism. I believe it will even bring hope to that failed nation next to us.

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