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Is the diaspora the source of all problems ?

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Something that Farmaajo said about the diapora being a big contributor to the difficulties [to put it mildly] resonated with me and this is a thought that I have had many times myself.


So my question to you all is: is the diapora more of a hindrance than a help in terms of politics ?


Sometimes it seems, at least to me, that those in the diapora harbour more "hate", as discussed in the General section, than those at home. Let's be honest and say that, perhaps with the exception of Al-Shabaab [correct me if i'm wrong], the diaspora has empowered and contributed to the various factions in Somali politics by providing finanancial resources, human resources as well as strategic/tactical support; thereby proloning the conflict and the capacity of the people's and factions' ability to endure the conflict. This support is a two way endeavour though as those at home and those in the diaspora provide each other with moral justification and approval that that they 'are doing the right thing'.


In terms of peace, have they done much to achieve this? What tangible things can you point to to show this? Even if so, have they been to narrow with the reach and scope of their ambitions.


So my conclusion is that something needs to be changed in the mentality of the diapora before any tangible and lasting change can be seen on the ground. Thus, we not only need a reconcilliation at home but one abroad. What are your thoughts on this subject?

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The diaspora is a big contributor to the problems of Somalia they work behind the behind scenes Financially organizing events Just look at all the new Clan states , see the Diaspora members left Somaliland Somalia in the early 90s for them the time stood still, they blindly support their clan leaders elders , this will clash with the current political situation of Somalia.

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When Somali politicians campaign or wish to start an initiative, they tour the diaspora not there local degaans to get where does the trouble lie?

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