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Correction! O Allaah, I take refuge with you from all evil and people with sporadic levels of retardation.

Don't call (special needs) people evil doers warya. :D

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NGONGE;723068 wrote:
Correction! O Allaah, I take refuge with you from all evil and people with sporadic levels of retardation.

Don't call (special needs) people evil doers warya.

:D :D


are you saying people with special needs are incapable of doing evil?

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Sayid*Somal;723094 wrote:


are you saying people with special needs are incapable of doing evil?

Not all but the type of "special needs" that matters online renders you incapable of doing evil dee.

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LST can't be a fair judge dee. He'll ban one each from every region and will have you as the Qardho scalp that will scare off any naughty kids.

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Adigu sarbeebta kuma fiicnid ninyahow - bal adigu xaggee geli lahayd - haddii sharci sidaasa mesha la keeno?

Thinking about it - All blame would have fallen on you - as the architect of "it's only words on a screen, words on a screen!" in which most of the MR sufferers hide behind. :D

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^^ Sarbeebta wan kula fahmay lakin hadi la cadeeyo so ma kashifmayso? Dee anigu xagii uun ayaan ka waday, the ones you're hints were directed at would have still got them unless (wal ciyaado bi allah) they suffer from the same ailment. :D



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Dear Sayid*Qardhawi

What's the poetry section got to do with the politics section?

Waan kuu fiirsadow, looks like tu yar inay ku soo tuftay and you went to politics section (a place you used to sneer and look down) on a rebound. :)


Sad thing you went back to the politics section withthe same weak arguments others (way back in your snobbery days used to make.)


I think is would be much better if you stop posting this calaacal threads and find another to keep you busy before winter, haddi kale SOL has to open a Blues section for you.:P


A Sheikh

Concerned Brother

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Illahayow naga qabo Ayoub ibn Sheikh - A Blues listening, Lauryn Hill fan and who thinks he is from poet country, but more importantly thinks everyone suffers from the same thing as him and by telling us what suffers from - thinks that he is only being a concerned brother :D


Ayoub Aamin dheh :D

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^ Dear Brother, we've been suffering from this "thingy" for many moons, what's changed? The answer is you. Loneness seems to have brought you back into the lions den. :) Even the songs by Gadhleh (AUN) and Sugulle ( poetry country Legends ehem ehem;)) seemed not to have helped. I'm not a qualified shrink but I don't think channeling your negative emotions to the politics section will help. Why don't you try Aw Nuune's recitals. If he doesn't help, I know a brilliant in house shrink - that's if she not behind blues your suffering from in the first place.:D


A Sheikh

Very Concerned Brother.

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