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Somali government are closing into Suuqa Bakaraha, Wadada/Jidka Maree'xaan and Baar Ubax.

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The Zack;722932 wrote:
Lool@Xeef just admit it like our friend oba. I will talk to u on this September.

Admit what.....? Are you saying that my clan are supporting the government because Farmaajo is the Prime Minister....? Then fool you.....once again take off the QABIL glassess.......!

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The above picture certainly brings a smile to my face, especially considering that ordinary people are minding their business as the public transit passes by and a group of youth play on the side of the appears to be simple but yet difficult.


Illaah ha u gargaaro umada Somalida...maybe more news would follow with the capture of the market, maybe one of these days we will hear SHEIKH SHARIF's resignation, maybe not, but who says wishful thinking is not pleasing to the imagination...


Not to ruin anybody's day but is it coincidence that oba is related to shariiifka and Xeef is related to farmaajo? Taageerayaashii kale away?

Not to ruin your afternoon or anything sister tigre but aren't your related to Melez Zenawi and you are one to talk about other SOLers being qabiiliste...


Somalis were hostile to your uncle Zenawi's interventionist position more than they are hostile to the above AMISOM foot soldiers in the above picture....when it comes to SOmali weyn, we dont take too kindly to the tragic past and the inferiority complexities of tigre people, wherever, whoever they may be..


Zacky, before you burst like the balloon you are, I urge you to remember that attacking other members and making insinuation about others or harassing folks like oba and the other fella is a no no in the rule the next time you are tempted to harass another member of this forum, pause and remember your forebearers and ask yourself, what would they do?


yours truly,

LayZie G.

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The Zack   

LayZie G.;722957 wrote:


The above picture certainly brings a smile to my face, especially considering that ordinary people are minding their business as the public transit passes by and a group of youth play on the side of the appears to be simple but yet difficult.


Illaah ha u gargaaro umada Somalida...maybe more news would follow with the capture of the market, maybe one of these days we will hear SHEIKH SHARIF's resignation, maybe not, but who says wishful thinking is not pleasing to the imagination...




Not to ruin your afternoon or anything sister tigre but aren't your related to Melez Zenawi and you are one to talk about other SOLers being qabiiliste...


Somalis were hostile to your uncle Zenawi's interventionist position more than they are hostile to the above AMISOM foot soldiers in the above picture....when it comes to SOmali weyn, we dont take too kindly to the tragic past and the inferiority complexities of tigre people, wherever, whoever they may be..


Zacky, before you burst like the balloon you are, I urge you to remember that attacking other members and making insinuation about others or harassing folks like oba and the other fella is a no no in the rule the next time you are tempted to harass another member of this forum, pause and remember your forebearers and ask yourself, what would they do?


yours truly,

LayZie G.

Listen Ayaan Hirsi, I stopped taking you serious when you changed religions. Come back to me when you convert back to Islam. Muslims are talking to each other, habar gaal is not welcome here, hit the road yaa Menopause! At least I share one religion with the folks I am making fun of. Somalis have one language, one culture, one r.....legion(oops!).


Naxar, :D :D


P.s. What are you going to mock next time, the Salaat? Coz you already killed the Burqa and the hijaab.

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The Zack   

Indeed.. When one makes fun of the hijaab(allah's command to the respected sisiters), one easily gets the heck out of the religion (I can back this statement up with a Hadith). When one cheerleads for that person, their iman is questionable as well. Keeping it real!


Islam is a like a wuduu, it can be broken easily!

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The Zack   

Dude! Did you take Islam 101? The Deen is crystal clear! You make fun of allah's comands, your *** is going to heck lol. It is not very hard.


Have you seen Ayan Hirsi on TV?


P.s. Of course, one has the option to repent but until then..heck is the home.

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Wa maxay Suuqa Bakaraha ama Suuqa Bahuuko baanu qabsanay. War al shabab ka safeeye magaaalada dhaan then talk markas.

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The Zack   

Saalax;722990 wrote:
Wa maxay Suuqa Bakaraha ama Suuqa Bahuuko baanu qabsanay. War al shabab ka safeeye magaaalada dhaan then talk markas.

It is coming, yaa saalax. It is coming.. Wait till August.

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Saalax;722990 wrote:
Wa maxay Suuqa Bakaraha ama Suuqa Bahuuko baanu qabsanay. War al shabab ka safeeye magaaalada dhaan then talk markas.

Why do you care? oh my bad, wrong question. Disregard it.

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