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Reality after 20 years.

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Under federal system, a state can open an office in a foreign country (NOT EMBASSY) to represent the interest of the state, like business etc, So Yes, SL under federal has the right to open office in UAE.:)

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There is a whole change of policy adeer if u didn't realize ....

Haaaa, after 20 years of NAY, No, NEVER to Somalia, how many times did you hear (MADAX BANNAANIDA S'LAND WAA LAMA TAABTAAN, GORGORTAN MA GASHO) it seems the Sland political elite are getting sober,as well as our friend JB. hope XX and co follow soon.

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Jacaylbaro;722677 wrote:
Madaxbanaanidu gorgortan ma gelayso adeer ...... change of policy uun weeyaan on HOW TO


Wax Fahan

on how to unite with the rest of United Somalia......anaa intaa ku oranaya hadadan karin boowe.:)

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MoonLight1;722671 wrote:


Haaaa, after 20 years of NAY, No, NEVER to Somalia, how many times did you hear (MADAX BANNAANIDA S'LAND WAA LAMA TAABTAAN, GORGORTAN MA GASHO) it seems the Sland political elite are getting sober,as well as our friend JB. hope XX and co follow soon.

Moonlight war miyad riyooneysa wa sida wararku sheegayan eeh wa siyasad ama kaarto cusub oo lugu gaadhi laha hadafki la rabay that's all Somaliland jiritaankeedu wa muqadis manaad siilanyo dhegeysan his speech

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