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The question we need to ask our selves is Who is behind Al-shabaab and Finance?

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Hargeysa the Mother of the Somali Terrorist group Al-Shabaab.

Shabab leaders from Somaliland capital Hargeysa are mainly to blame for destroying Southern Somalia.

As far as most Somalis are concerned, the people who are destroying Somalia are from The Break away republic Of Somaliland who wants to entertain international recognition. Perhaps the Southern Somalia’s woes and wars; are the efforts of people from Somaliland who want to achieve international recognition for Somaliland. There has been no time for political settlement in the south, rehabilitation or reconstruction. The- population from southern Somalia have scattered around the world and Most do not know where their loved ones are and whether they are still living or dead. They live in fear under a heavy Shabab military presence, led by Ahmed Abdi Godane, also known as Moktar Ali Zubeyr Godane the Amir of Shabab or the star of Hargeysa.

Ahmed Abdi Ow Mohamud Godane was born in Hargeysa, the capital of Somaliland in 1968. He is from Arab sub-clan of the **** clan. He received a scholarship to study in Pakistan funded by a Saudi blind millionaires. He used to visit Afghanistan during holidays to train with the Taliban.

In 2001Godane returned to Hargeysa, Somaliland. He began preaching in Abu-Bashir mosque in central Hargeysa and recruited thousands of young men to fight in the south if Somaliland was to have any chance of recognition.

Later Godane left Somaliland following an agreement with some well know Somaliland political leaders such as the current president Siilaanyo, Faysal Ali Warabe and others.


The agreement was to infiltrate the Islamic courts in the South and to cause havoc and unrest until Somaliland is recognize. Ahmed Godane was given unlimited budget through Dahabshiil money transfer.

When the Islamic Courts Union came to power in southern Somalia in 2006 Mr. Godane who gave himself the name ´Abu-Zubeyr emerged as the general secretary for the ICU.

During the start of the war with Ethiopia late 2006, Godane was wounded and was flown to Sudan for medical treatment. He was brought back to southern Somalia in February 2007 where he continued his terror mission.

Many Somalis believe that a rich businessman from Somaliland’s city of Burco is the financer of the war in the south (DAHABSHIIL).

These men and many other Somali Landers in Shabab ranks are largely responsible for the instability of Southern Somalia and indiscriminate killing of civilians and for the destruction of Somalia.

They should be brought to court to answer for the crimes they have committed.

It’s worth noting that money transferred from the western countries is monitored however, the transactions within Somalia are not monitored, and any John Doe can transfer millions of dollars to anyone.

When will the international community realize that Somaliland is ALSHABAB and ALSHABAB is SOMALILAND?


Ahmed Godane is from Hargeysa.

Dahabshiil is from Burco.

Shiikh Ali Warsame, the Son-in-law of Hassan Dahir Aways is from Burco.


I can conclude that since HARGEYSA is the mother of Terrorism then the city of BURCO must be the Father.

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runti lama dhihi somaliland ayaa alshabaab taageerto lakin waa macquul saqsiyaad kasoo jeeda soomaliland iney taageeraan alshabaab . xukuumada soomaliland runtii aad beey uga soo horjeedaa dhaqdhaqaaqa alshabab xita waxaa laga qarxiyay madaxtooyada ,taas ayaana cadeyn u ah iney xukuumadooda taageerin .laakiin xaqiiqda dhabta ah Allaa og.

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shakiga ugu badan ee somaliland laga qaaday waa markii wikileaks uusoo bandhigay warbixintii dahabshiil ,inkastoon warbixintaas aan ku qanacsaneyn eeyna u egtahay in larabo in lagu dhaco xoolaha dahabshil sidii barakat loo dhacay , lakin waxyaalo weey jiraan haba labuunbuuniyee . siyaasiyiinta qaar iney saas ufakaraan waa macquul maadaama qaar koonfurta aad uneceb eey jiraan lakin waa war ubaahan in layska hubiyo . alshabab kalama jeclo soomalida koonfur iyo waqooyi waa isugu mid . dowlaadoodana iney daakhuut tahay ayeey aaminsanyihiin .sideeybeey ku taageeri karaan dad nocaas ah

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