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The Zack

Somalilander or Not a Somalilander?

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i have an idea for new policy for somaliland. we need to send all our young men to las canood, buhuudle and have the marry the beautiful sool girls like aaliyah and that way they can give birth to patriotic sons n daughters for the future. n that way no more subborters of terror groups like ssc. what u think?

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Disclaimer: As far as Taleexi is concerned neither Somalia nor "Somaliland" is sacred - Nor Awdal, SSC, Maakhir, Puntland, Galmudug, XX, Galgaduud, Hiiraan, Midland and all the way to Azania. What is sacred is what the people of these respective areas agree upon. Maadaama albaabkii layga soo furay.........


Ayaamahan golaha waa ka maqnaa balse rag iyo dumarba ma madaxuu isla galay, oo isku shuf beelay. Waydiintan uu Zack halkan ku soo dhejiyey waa mid very interesting ah. Apparently, Maamul beeleedka SL has achieved a lot of positive things and has done so much destruction and human suffering over the course of its existence. Kaba saa qaad, waa macaan iyo khadhaadh meel ku wada yaal ka fikir ahaantay. Balse inta aanay hadaltiradaydu idin hafin aan goorsheegtada dib u yare waabiyo, oo ku istaajiyo annagoo caruur ah oo dhigana dugsigii Casa Popalare, ma sheegayo sannadkuu ahaa, maxaa yeelay kuwo ciyaalo suuq ah, oo maskax faluuq qaba, oo isku dhifashada, isku darka, isu qaybinta iyo kala jarkaba belo ku qaba baa goluhu la ciirciirayaa, oo da'dayda hore ka soo tuuraya, anna nin guur doon ah baan ahayoo in lay kashifo ma rabo, Illaahay amarkiis:) Si kastaba ha ahaatee maaalin maalmaha ka mid ah waxaanu qaadanayney xiisad juqraafi ah. Maadadan waxaa dhigi jirey nin funny ahaa, knowledge iyo waayoaragnimo dheeraad ahna u lahaa shaqadiisa. Waxaa mid ka mid ah xiisadihii macalinkaasi dhigi jirey dhacday sheeko xariirtan xiisaha leh; oo dhex martay macalinka, waa Dubade, iyo inan yar oo reerkoodu ladnaa oo Ayaan la oran/odhan jirey:


Maalintaa halkudhega casharku wuxuu ku saabsanaa sida dabaylaha adduunku u dhacaan iyo saamaynta ay ku leeyihiin weecweecinta roobabka ka da'a dunida daafaheeda kala fogfog iyo sida Maansoonta in the Indian Subcontinent-igu wax u saamayso and weliba what have you. Ayaan waxay ka soo jeeday reer ladan, waxayna ku noolayd guri jardiinooyin leh, oo malaa kuugiinta ka sokow there were even two gardeners oo si wacan ugu taaloogi jirey, ubaxyada caynba caynka ah ee ku hareeraysan guriga, mid kasta oo ubaxyadaa ka mid ah oo aan si symmetric ah ula jaan qaadin dhigiisana wuxuu ahaa mid seeftu dul taalo, oo malagii galay. Mala'awaalkayga, Ayaan waxay ahayd maqane jooge marka la tixgeliyo sida average Faaraxu ugu nool yahay Xamar, iyo sida uu nolol maalmeedka ula legdamayo, aroortaas sheekadu Ayaan dhex marayso Dubad habeenkii ka horeeyey mar danbe waxay noo sheegtay in ay yare daalanayd oo filimo daawashadood ku habsaantay, balse intii quraacda loo samaynayey malaa kooxdii gardners-kii baaba show shaqadoodii si habsami leh u gutay oo biyo ubixii iyo dhirtii guriga ku hareersanayd ku asqaysiiyey. Ayaan xabbado canjeelo/laxoox ah oo well done ah, oo weliba waxyaalo kala duwan lagu season gareeyey is daba marisay, labisna dhag iskaga siisay, hence xagga lebiska waad iska garan kartaan wuxuu ahaa shaati gacmo gaab ah iyo surwaal kaaki ah, hanaan qurux dhismeedkeeda ma ku talax tegayo illeyn idinkuba waad iska qiyaasi kartaan Xaliimooyinkeenu Rabbi qurux waa siiyey inkastooy beryahan qurux qahar wadata noqdeen. Mar halkaas arrini marayso, Ayaan oo sida haldhaa marba dhan u liicaysa baa u soo yare dhaqaaqday xaggii gaarigii/gaadhigii lagu qaadi jirey ee Argentada ahaa taagnaa, shufeerkiina wuxuu heegan ku ahaa agtiisa balse xabad sigaar ah baa u qiiqaabaysey oo meel dhexe u maraysay, si kedis ah ayuu Ayaan arkay oo mar qudha dhinac taagan, wuxuu damacay inuu si hal haleel u baqtiiyo sigaarka, Ayaan saa uma garaad xumayn haba la spoil gareeyee waxay si degan ugu tiri/tidhi "dhib ma leh Jaamac, dhamayso waa ku sugayaaye"


Jaamac wuu ku soo tuuray Ayaan iskuulka iridiisa dabadeedna fasalkii buuqa iyo sawaxanka badnaa baa laysugu yimi, macalliinkii Juqraafiga xiisadiisii baa bilaabmatay, wuxuu marba qaarad na geeyo, isaga oo noo sharaxaya xidhiidhka ka dhexeeya dabaylaha, kaymaha, webiyada adduunka iyo sida the balance of our ecosystem uu ugu baahan yahay; dhowrida iyo daryeelida mid kasta si aynu ugu noolaano self-sustaining planet. Mar halkaa sheeko marayso baa Dubbad wuxuu nagu yiri yaa wax su'aal ah yaa qaba, Ayaan oo meel il qabad ah fadhiday, waa safka dhexda kursigiisa labaade, baa gacanteeda kor u taagtay oo debecsan u tiri: Macalin, sababma baa roobkii xalay u helay magaalada gaar ahaan gurigayaga iskuulka u soo gaari waayey, haddiiba mansoonta aad sheegayso roobka weehin karto intaas boqol oo mile. Ma hadal aan qosol ahayn baa ka danbeeyey su'aashii Ayaan. Sheekada 97% oo reer waqooyi ah baa go'itaan rabtana taa waxba kama foga - Illaahay amarkiis :)


Imminkana aan u soo noqono our rebellion, beloved region of "Somaliland", Ibtisam, used the term "statistically too insignificant" - Since when***** become "too insignificant" in their turf? waalidu sometimes has no boundaries :) bal statisticadaada dib ugu noqo oo make your sampling more representative, reconsider its size and make more dependent variables for regression sake then come back with more sound and convincing argument. With that said, SL is facing the following different legal hurdles.


First, Global dilemma: Somali Republic is regarded as one nation in the eyes of many including UN, EU, AU and the Arab League.

Secondly, National dilemma: Mogadishu has to be in order if we can even entertain the separation issue.

Thirdly, Regional dilemma: A proven fact - SSC, Maakhir and Awdal to some extent will never subscribe to the ideals that SL represents then what left there is one clan seeking secession from the union. An idea worth entertaining indeed.

Fourthly, Right to Self Determination: If played the International covenant on civil & political right by Somaliland, other clans in the region remain NOT to be less human and they are as well entitled to their inalienable rights of self determination.


The Way Forward:


Ma sidaan jeclaa mise sida sheekadu ku socoto, waxaan jeclaa in qoyska Soomaliyi isla joogo, welina kama rajo dhigin, maxaan saa u doonayaa baa is weydiin leh, jawaab dee saas bay qolo walba ugu caano badinaysaa Maandeeq balse hadday ka fursan weydo in la kala tago bal yaan lays dirqiyin illeyn lose-lose bay sheekadu noqonaysaaye. Ninbaa waa hore laga sheegay; masalaha ninkaan ii dhigayn midig ma saaraayo, ninkii aniga iga maarmi kara uma muraad yeesho


Teeda kale, I've brotherly consultations for the clan enclave. I know they will fall into deaf ears but saying them is better than not saying.

Kow: Concentrate developing in your own regions and leave others to their own devices - Let them learn in the harder way :)

Labo: Review your resource mis-allocations - Don't use your resources for expansion policies, liquidating, misplacing, torturing and cementing further animosity among those fractured clans.

Saddex: Work on confidence building among communities, promote peace rather death and destruction.

Afar: Be visionary, see trees from the forest, be trend setter ha noqon awr heeryadiisii cunay sheeko bug lagu dhisay waxay la mid noqon what goes up must come down oo la micno ah halkii uu Qaasim ka lahaa: ninkastoo salaan dheer u baxa siibashow xigeye, adigana siyaadow waqtigu waa ku sugayaaye meesha Siyaad haddaan Siilaanyo ku bedelo malaa denbi ma'aha maanta.


Gabay yar oo aan u tiriyey xubnaha SOL ku herdama baan soo geli is idhi balse waxaan ku hamiyey armaa si khalad ah loo fahmaa, ugu danabyn mar haddaan ka gabyey oo go'aygiina ka qaatay, England baa gubanaysee maxaa iiga gidhiish ah.




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Africanown, what you need to realize is that your regional government sent it's health minister to represent Somalia at the World Health Organization 64 Session under the TFG's Health minister. He is part of Somalia's delegation.


This would never have happened in the past! Just like the 2 track policy with Puntland or the youth waving Awdal Flag in Borama.



Things are changing!

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Inaadeer wuu i sigay balse Alle iga samata bixi. Nabadgelyada gobolka baan ka shaqaynayaa. Salaan sare iga gudoon.

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Aaliyyah;721029 wrote:
XX as usual you are bull****..ninka laaska jooga is not your nephew ee ku ekow your three cities. Visana u sameeso hadaad rabtid


In case you are unaware...ninka burco jooga iyo hargaisa say isku dad u sheegtaan ayaa ninka garoowe jooga iyo ninka laascaanod jogana isku dad u yihiin. Visa beel


u sameeso Visa sadexdaada magalood...who gives?



aaliyah we are family la ina ma kala kaxayn karo :D

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aaliyah we are family la ina ma kala kaxayn karo

Somali oo dhan ba family ah marka. Nalama kala kaxayn karo :D....


You can't have it both ways! Make up your mind..either magalaoyinkaaga qabiil darti waad u goosan karta ama somaliweyn ayaad wax ku darsan...Kapish?



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AfricaOwn;721034 wrote:
LOL. You're all over the place. What's the internal conflict between the LA clans all about? Can you elaborate please.

You must know it if not, you shouldn't be participating this thread since you're unaware of how things get to where they are now in regards to LA being under your militia. I guess all you know is s/l occupies LA. Why can't they occupied it before? Why Riyale was chased out from LA back in 2003? Do you know where Xaabase was right before LA fell into the hands of your militia? Why did he switch from p/l to s/l? All these and many more are why your militia is in LA in case you didn't know. That is what I am referring to when I said clans from LA are having differences. Had not it been that, and your militia would have tried to capture LA like it tried Buhodle, same consequences like Kalshaale would have ensued.


Now back to the subject, no doubt that everyone from LA including the militias work for ur admin will say NO to succession... Everything is about clan same as your clan is wearing the green/red/white flag, they wear the BLUE flag with the white star.......

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Interesting and relatively civil discussion going on here :D


There is not much for me to contribute to this thread but for those tugging about the Visa issue.... how about dual citicenship :D:D:D


On a serious note, if this referendum did take place and the YES camp won, would the other concede? On the other hand, if the NO camp won, would the other concede? Since the answer seems no, what would follow?


the demographic reality that the majority of the more than three million Somalilanders were born after the region declared its resumed independence and have never thought of themselves as citizens of a unitary Somalia,
can anyone imagine a scenario where it would be possible to reincorporate them into such a “state” without provoking even greater conflict across the Horn of Africa

Ponder away! (and do let me know what you conclude)

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