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Strauss-Kahn's rape victim is a devout muslim and a shy, hardworking West African immigrant

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Horrible story indeed. May Allah help her overcome this trauma.






The brother of the maid who former IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn allegedly tried to rape has been speaking out to the press last night and today, and as reports go live, a portrait is emerging of his sister as a hard-working, religious mother from West Africa, living legally in the United States, who was distraught after what she described as an "attack."


The brother, a 43-year-old restaurant manager from Harlem who papers won't name to protect his and his sister's identity, spoke with at least two New York news outlets and the UK Daily Mail. He told the New York Daily News that his sister is "a wonderful, hardworking woman," originally from Senegal, who has a 9-year-old daughter. She is "very upset because she loves her job."


The Daily Mail, on the other hand, reported that the victim was from neighboring Guinea. She was "crying all the time" while she told her brother of the alleged assault, the paper reported in the earliest story to cite him. She reportedly said: "Somebody has done something really bad to me. I've been attacked."


Manhattan news site DNAinfo refrained from identifying the victim's native land, but did talk to her neighbors in the Bronx, who said she was a devout Muslim who was "very shy" and "very quiet." She practiced Islam and attended a nearby mosque, they said. The site also sought out co-workers at the hotel, one of whom said the atmosphere there was tense. "They're scared. You never know what's going on, who's going to be the next crazy person that comes here," said one. The cleaning staff at the hotel consists primarily of immigrants from West Africa and China, the site reported.

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So what that she is an immigrant or that she is hardworking? She is still a rape victim, regardless of whether she is lazy or hardworking, immigrant or non-immigrant, Muslim or Jew, African or Anglo-Saxon, a rape victim is just that a victim of a heinous crime. Thus, crime of rape has no face, no color, no religion.


However, what is intriguing about this case is that the assailant predicted his own downfall weeks ago with a reporter.

It was reported that Strauss-Kahn was eagerly waiting the day he would be caught with his pants down as part of a conspiracy to eliminate him as a front runner in next's years presidential elections. While all of the evidence maybe circumstantial at best, Strauss-Kahn may settle with his victim in a civil lawsuit and may not have to face jail time(similar to a Kobe Bryant settlement), alleges some reports.


On other news, Sarkozy will likely be re-elected, states Sarkozy.

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