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genius pauper.

marriage while schooling!!

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Malika;720442 wrote:
, nuune walaal - taasi oo kale islamahaa wexee yiradaan waa inkaar..Lol, saying that oday awoowo ii hay baa 80 and is married to a 20yr old, he is very happy, but not sure if the girl is happy - dee waad oogtahay how things roll back home.

Malika, miyaad ogtahay in odayaashu iyo islaamuhu imika yihiin the only people in wadankii to have guaranteed income from their children and grandchildren from abroad? These young ladies might actually know what they are doing. Nin lixdiisa lixaad leh oo aan waxba haysan yaa bil walba biilinaya? An elderly gentleman with red gadh and tons of grandchildren abroad, on the other hand, will be kept in good form and wey ku hoos hadhsan kartaa.


About student marriages, I honestly don't know if I could have had the patience I have now when I was younger - husbands can be very taxing sometimes but they are also really good for de-stressing. If I had my faarax back then, I might have even done better in my studies! He handles my schitzo episodes, when I try to tear my hair out and scream 'I can't deal with this shit anymore' until am blue in the face, rather grandly. But as they say, hindsight is a b1tch.

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~~~~valenteenah, well said.

in life, what matters most, is marriage. the job, the studies, the business,(you name them) all are under taken primarily to support matiral issues.

albeit our somali culture of delaying the process, i think this young men and women need facilitation.


among the obstacles facing early marriage is the idealogy of irresponsibility, many argue. but the worrying question is ''is responsibility acquired, or inate'?

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Val, exactly how it is, thats why I love this aspect of being a Somali - the family responsibility to care for its own.


Lol@de-stresser, I agree. I dont know how people view marriages but I dont see marriage as a burden, especially when married to someone you choose, love etc. Koleybaa aduun hawl kama damatoo, there is never a time when one will have all at ease, either adigoo cumrii kuu dameystee shaqoo ama caruur ama wax baraashoo - aduun hawlsheduu madamaatoo - waa sidhii Somalidu tiradoo. I am not saying every young woman/man should run off to marry but am saying those whom find themselves in these predicaments - just chill and go with the flow, as long as this is your choose.

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lol at the bambino girls!!!! i feel like hugging them indiscriminately.


Nothing wrong with marrying young, but the dude must have a job and income (does not need to be much but enough to support the family)


Like Val young ladies can be married and study, with a support of loving husband you may actually achieve alot.

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^Dadka ha wareerin dee.


Val caashaq baa haya and still in the honeymoon stage. Everything is doable and hunky dory when girl is in that state of mind:D

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I don't think marriage and formal studying go together- it is a lot of pressure which you can cope only in a distance relationship (i.e. you don't live together) so they don't get on your toes, unmarried/unattached and living with understanding family or living alone. If I was married and studying at uni- particularly the last yr and postgrad I would've killed him or he would've left by the end of the year. It would've been a very short marriage. :D Works for some people I guess.

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lovely. Nicely said. marka waa in la wacyi galiyaa umada somaliyeed, and those eey gabdho ujogaan, let them introduce to nice religious dudes, who can support themselves. By the way, would anyone dare introduce his sister to a gentleman he knows is mr. Right?????

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Hear, hear@ Val.



You've read me wrong. I'm talking about the professional, grad level jobs these students are working towards. Some of you seem to think that having a career is a walk in the park. A university degree is a prep for working life, if you can't handle uni and other commitments, chances are that you can't handle a career and other commitments. My cousin who started med school, got married and had child in the process used to always tell folks that her intent was to become a working doctor and not to use her certificate as wall decor, so delaying marriage / motherhood to her didn't make a difference. That said, I really don't understand why you're directing your rants and assumptions about Somalis @me. :confused:


*Ibtisam;720892 wrote:
I don't think marriage and formal studying go together- it is a lot of pressure which you can cope only in a distance relationship (i.e. you don't live together) so they don't get on your toes, unmarried/unattached and living with understanding family or living alone. If I was married and studying at uni- particularly the last yr and postgrad I would've killed him or he would've left by the end of the year. It would've been a very short marriage.
Works for some people I guess.

That's not what you've told me. :P Ma imikaad been sheegaysaa, mise anaad been ii sheegaysay. LOL.

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Guurku horta soo kii lagu farxi jirey ma ahan, ma hadduu noqdey ibtilo iyo inkaar hadey laba is guursato.




Ps: LOL the married folks telling the youngsters not to marry, xaasidnimo noocii ugu danbeeyey waaye taa

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LOOOOL Blessed!!! HAHAHA I am just trying to save poor sods who think they can do both! Wa, uu sheeg. :P


Nuune :D :D :D

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^^ lool if Stoic can do it(his final four months of college he got hitched and hatched), then everyone can do it, I know two youngesters(still in secondary school), who got married, they didn't finnish school yet, 2 more years remaining, and already with 3 kids, they are coping it very well, and the level of production is at its highest peak.

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