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Xaaji Xunjuf

Sheikh atam Forces advance further in to bari region and Somaliland police chief arrives in dhahar

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Xoogaga Atam Oo La Wareegay Saldhigya Horleh, Isgaarsiinta Dhahar Oo La Jaray Iyo Taliyaha Booliska Sanaag Ee Somaliland Oo Dhahar Soo Gaaray

Written by Admins

Dhahar (SPR): Wararka nagasoo gaarayo jiidaha dagaaladu ay kasocdaan ee Galbeedka Gobolka Bari ayaa sheegaya in xoogaga taabacsan Maxamed Saciid Atam, ay gebi ahaanba lawareegeen magaalooyinka Galgala, Maraje, Afurur iyo Xumur kadib markii ciidamada Puntland ay faaruqeeyeen guud ahaan degaamada galbeedka kaxiga dhanka laamiga.


Wararka waxay intaasi ku darayaan in xoogaga Atam ay shirar saakay kula qaateen odayaasha dhaqanka degaamadaasi, walow aan la ogayn waxyaalaha ay kawada hadleen. Dadka shacabka ayaa lasheegay in ay bilaabeen in ay ka qaxaan degaamadaasi, kadib markii ay dib usoo cusboonaatay dagaalada u dhaxeeya maamulka Puntland iyo xoogaga mucaaradka. Maxamed Cismaan Cali, oo kamid ah odayaasha haatan kasoo barakacay degaamada galbeedka gobolka Bari, ayaa idaacada SPR u sheegay in bulshada rayidka degaamadaasi ay soo wajahday cabsi , inbadan dadkaasina aysan haysan rakaab ay kusoo baxsadaan.


Magaalada Dhahar ee xarunta gobolka Haylaan ayaa sidoo kale dad farabadan sanadkii hore usoo barakaceen, iyadoo dadkaasi qaar aysan wali kunoqan degaamadooda. Dadka barakacayaasha ayaa lasheegay in ay la ildaran yihiin nolol xumo iyadoo goobaha ay soo dageen aysan lahayn suuliyo iyo biyo nadiif ah. Duqa degmada Dhahar, mudane Kilwe oo arintani walac ka muujiyey ayaa ugu baaq hay’adaha caalamagi iyo qurba joogta reer Maakhir in ay kaalmo lasoo gaaraan dadku ay dagaaladu aa’feeyeen.


Dhanka kale, Magaalada Dhahar ayaa Gabi ahaanba laga Jaray Isgaarsiintii ka hawl geli jirtay gaar ahaan shirkadaha Golis iyo Telecom, kadib markii uu amar ku bixiyey madaxweynaha Puntland, Faroole. Sidan oo kale ayaa sanadkii horena looga jaray isgaarsiinta Dhahar, xilli la saadaalinaayey in maamulka Puntland uu weerar u qorshaysnaa. Arintani ayaa dhalisay xasaasiyad aad u wayn, iyadoo shirkadahaasi hore loogu ee’deeye in aduun lacag ay kasameeyaan degaamadaasi, weligoodna aan wax dib ugu celin.


Sacaado kadib markii isgaarsiinta lajaray, waxaa magaalada Dhahar soo gaaray taliyaha ciidamada Somaliland ee gobolka Sanaag, Coronel Caydiid Axmed Nuur. Idaacada SPR oo ku booqatay Coronelka xerada duuleedka magaalada Dhahar ee Somaliland ayaa sheegay in halkaasi uu soo gaarsiiyey qalab isgaarsiin casri ah oo isugu jira taarar iyo teleefanada satteliteka. Corneelka ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in ciidamadiisu heegan ay kujiraan, kana hortagi doonaan weerar kasta oo uu yimaada.


Arimahani oo idil ayaa imanaya, xilli maalmo kahor dagaal ba’ani kadhacay degmada Galgala oo u dhaxeeyey xoogaga Atam iyo maamulka Puntland. Dagaalkani ayaa dhaliyey saan saan colaadeed haatan’na saamaysay gobolka Haylaan oo la jaar ah gobolka Bari oo dagaaladu kasocdaan

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Sheikh atam Forces advance further in to bari region and Somaliland police chief arrives in dhahar

Oh these secessionists and inferiority complex websites are so obvious!


By this title it is basically telling us that NW Somalia is working with Atam.


Of course they'll deny it as always, but it's interesting that they claim that both groups are moving in the same area at the same time.

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Thankful;719698 wrote:
Oh these secessionists and inferiority complex websites are so obvious!


By this title it is basically telling us that NW Somalia is working with Atam.


Of course they'll deny it as always, but it's interesting that they claim that both groups are moving in the same area at the same time.

Its a maakhir wesbsite Your Kin lol

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How's Maakhir my kin? they are anti-Puntland. Heavyweight politician and Puntland Interior Minister Ilko-Jiir who receives a huge welcoming in this community is my kin!


Regardless, make believe news that Secessionists and Atam are advancing together sends an obvious message.

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Thankful;719798 wrote:
How's Maakhir my kin? they are anti-Puntland. Heavyweight politician and Puntland Interior Minister Ilko-Jiir who receives a huge welcoming in this community is my kin!


Regardless, make believe news that Secessionists and Atam are advancing together sends an obvious message.

They are Still your Kin they were your brothers before The pirate state was established remember, or do you love your Criminal project more then your Blood Brothers?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;719800 wrote:
They are Still your Kin they were your brothers before The pirate state was established remember, or do you love your Criminal project more then your Blood Brothers?

Anyone that supports Atam is not my kin! Simple as that, he is an individual that claims to support Al Shabaab, he is a person that has had his assets frozen and the UN has accused. The people of Sanaag do not support Atam, they are not rallying for him or protesting when he is attacked. They are my kin!


Criminals or there supports are not my kin.


Criminal project

It's interesting because when U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer visited Hargeysa's airport and General Morgan's old villa this is the security she needed, which is similar to Iraq and Afghanistan during war. Also this is just the airport and she left several hours later.


However when a much higher U.S politician - Senator Mark Kirk visited Bosasso, he went to the port and livestock quarantine and other places. This is the security he needed.


So tell me after all the piracy and kidnapping propaganda from secessionists, who is a criminal project in the West's eyes?






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So now the piracy and Killings and Kidnapping of People is all propaganda made by Somaliland come on Thankful you can do better then that


Let's go back to the topic So Even if the United states a foreigner claims that your Kin is a terrorist will you Blindly follow the Americans over your Kin


Remember the Americans also falsely accused the ICU islamic Courts Union of being terrorist and they were the most well organized Somali peace loving Govt Somalia ever had in 15 years afterwards the US state department said they miss calculated the Situation

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[quote=Xaaji Xunjuf;71980


Remember the Americans also falsely accused the ICU islamic Courts Union of being terrorist and they were the most well organized Somali peace loving Govt Somalia ever had in 15 years afterwards the US state department said they miss calculated the Situation


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War heeryadii ninkii idinka qaaday ee Atam maxaad ku haystataa Thankful, adeer waxa la idinkula kafami jiray Maakhir dumar baa ka dhashay rag malaha, markuu mujaahid Atam idiin soo baxay ayyaad burush xaar leh la daba taagantahay, what a disgrace. Meesha la isku haystaa waa dhulkiinii, somaliland iyo puntland iska illow adeer, dumarkiinii iyo caruurtiinii ayyaa qaxaysa. Saracen ayyaa laguu soo kiraystay markaasaad keyboard iyo screen intaad soo fadhiisato walib raggii idiin kacay la hadlaysaa. Waxay ahayd intaad tigidh goosata inaad gobonimadaada u dagaalanto, tani igama aha qabiil kicin ee waa xaqa iyo taariikhda oo xaga saxsan la ag istaago, history will never forget, I am wondering, most of the maakhiri diapsora I know are fierce supporters of atom and repeat he is Freedom fighter.

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It's interesting because when U.S.
Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer visited Hargeysa's airport and General Morgan's old villa this is the security she needed, which is similar to Iraq and Afghanistan during war

What ?? ,, Two bodyguards ???? :D

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Anyone that supports Atam is not my kin! Simple as that, he is an individual that claims to support Al Shabaab, he is a person that has had his assets frozen and the UN has accused. The people of Sanaag do not support Atam, they are not rallying for him or protesting when he is attacked. They are my kin!


Criminals or there supports are not my kin.


first of all you are not some one to have debate about things like this cause you are some one that have lost of hearing and almost losing there sigth i suggest you to keep your integrity intact cause that leader (faroole)of yours you are fallowing hasnt. secondly how would you know who is or not supporting attam waxaan ku oranlaha wakhtigaga meel kale geli waxaad taqaanid majirto waad iska daaceysa wale.

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Sanaag Shirar Isha Lagu Hayo ayaa ka Socda

Posted by Boosaaso on May 15, 2011 in Warar | 10 Comments

Dhahar:- Magaalada Dhahar waxa ka socda Shirar dhaqameed ay Bar bar socdaan Shirar Siyaasadeed oo ay wadaan Saraakiil Horay PL Xilal uga qabatay iyo Kuwa ka Tirsan Maamulka Somaliland, warka aanu helayno ayaa sheegaya in Shirarkaasi ay isku Mowqif yihiin isla markaana looga hadlayo Hal ujeed oo ah Sidii Go’aan Midaysan looga qaadan lahaa Dagaalka daba dheeraaday ee u dhexeeya Maxamed Siciid Atam iyo PL.


In kastoo aan wali shirarkaasi la soo Afmeerin hada warka aanu helayno ayaa sheegaya in Odayaasha intooda badan iyo Siyaasiyinta ay xuseen in dagaalka GalGala ay Puntland ku soo qaaday uu yahay duulaan Gar daro ah isla markaana Odayaasha waxay sheegeen in intii aanu dagaalkaasi curan ay Odayaal Reer Hayland iyo Sanaag ah ay Dawlada ugu baaqeen Nabad balse ay Ka Madax adaygeen.


Shirarkaasi oo ah kuwa Jiliba laysu laabay oo Furmay saaka Aroortii hore waxa ka dhex Muuqday Coll Caydiid Axmed Nuur oo ah Nin Bulshada deegaanka Maakhir dhexdooda Sumcad Wayn ku dhex leh kaasi oo is Casilay 2006- markii Gen Cade Muuse Madaxwaynihii Hore ee PL Amaray inuu Hogaamiyo Ciidamo weerar ku qaadaya Buurta Majiyahan oo markaasi xiisad xoogani ka Aloosnayd.


Warka ayaa *****lka ka qaadaya in Dadka shirarkaasi u Olalaynaya ay ka mid yihiin Saraakiil Dhaliilasha Siyaasada PL oo ku Sugan Ceerigaabo kuwaasi oo Horay Madaxwayne Faroole ugu Tuhmay inay qayb wayn ka Yihiin Cacdoonka Buuraha Bari Gaar ahaan GalGala.


Sahal Maxamed Jaamac oo Loo Yaqaan Sahal Dhad Dhacood isla markaana ah La Taliyaha Madaxwayne Siilaanyo ee dhanka Sanaag ayaa ka mid ah xubnaha diidan inay Puntland weerarto Buuraha GalGala waxana la Filayaa in Shirarkaasi laga soo saaro Go’aamo aanay Jeclaysan Maamulka Puntland.


Guud ahaan Is gaarsiintii ayaa laga Gooyay Sanaag iyo Hayland Gaar ahaan Magaalooyinka la xusay ee Maamulku Isha ku hayo waxa ka mid ah Magaalada Dhahar,Ceelbuh,Xingalool,Shinbiraale, GalGala, Laag iyo Af-Urux,Ceel-Daahir.

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Atom is a terrorist like al-shabaab and one day one time all terrorist groups will hunt the down, and who ever supports. una sikia Xaaji Xunjuf.

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