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Space and are we alone

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I got a kick from rotating around Space, subhanallah, how insignificant we humans and planet Earth are. We are most definitely not alone. This wondrous masterpiece we call universe serves a bigger purpose that's beyond our comprehension, its like an ant or a bee trying to understand our world in its entirety, from the species in the oceans to the various countries established on this planet, or the myriad of cultures and languages. A bee or an Ant is completely unaware of the Glaucus Atlanticus, yet it does exist and vice-versa:




The Universe is to us what the world is to insects.

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Mystifying and humbling, to be sure. I have always thought it the epitome of conceit, of errant speciesism, for primates such as humans— highly evolved primates, but primates just the same— to assume that the Universe was created primarily for them. Primarily? Does any thinking person even think that it was created with humans in mind at all? Copernicus proved that we were certainly not a forethought; our planet hardly a center. Is it possible that we are not even an afterthought? It’s tempting to think so. Carl Sagan christened our tiny planet the “pale blue dot”. Pale, because the light it reflected was scarcely visible to Voyager 1. Dot, because it appeared as insignificant and invisible as a dot against the cosmic background.


Our ancestors falsely, though understandably, imagined that our pale blue dot was the center of the universe, that the Sun orbited this tiny speck of rock. Indeed, they spawned silly stories about the origins (and mechanisms) of celestial events. (One popular, pre-scientific story imagined that meteor showers were the result of stars hurled at eavesdropping spirits, such spirits supposedly wanted to share the secrets of God with humans.) Alas, hubris is an innate reality of the human condition. We are not the apple of God's eye. And meteor showers have nothing to with humans whatsoever.


Compare the grand and mystifying view of the Universe painted by science with the parochial and insipid view proffered by gods and prophets, charlatans and quacks. We might never know whence the Universe came or why, but to think that we are the favorite play-thing of an invisible puppeteer is morally odious and scientifically erroneous.


P.S. Mathematicians and Astronomers are fond of assigning probabilities to whether there are other intelligent life-forms in the universe. Though much of their number-crunching owes more to speculation than experimentation, I think the bigger surprise would be if there were no intelligent life-forms elsewhere. The numbers seem to demand it. How would faith-heads explain other intelligent life-forms, I wonder. Of course, it's a bit too easy: the same way the explained away that our planet is a pale blue dot. Some holy booklet must have vaguely predicted it somewhere.

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Not you, nor Chimera, but Prometheus:


Compare the grand and mystifying view of the Universe painted by science with the
parochial and insipid view proffered by gods and prophets
, charlatans and quacks. We might never know whence the Universe came or why, but to think that we are the favorite play-thing of an invisible puppeteer (
He's talking about ALlah
) is morally odious and scientifically erroneous.

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always remember Allah the creator of heaven and earth HAVE made ​​things bigger than space itself


YOU CAN NOT SPEAK FOR ALLAH the most knowledgeable the Most Merciful

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