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Djibouti president IOG announces his new cabinet

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War Degdeg ah:Madaxwayne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo Soo Saaray Liiska Cusub ee Golaha Wasiirada ee Xukuumada Jabuuti.



Wasiirka Warfaafinta Dhaqanka iyo Isgaadhsiinta Cabdi Xuseen Axmed (Qarda jeex)


Jabuuti (GNS)-Madaxwayne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa Saaka Soo Saaray Liiska Golaha Wasiirada Xukuumada Cusub ee Dalka Jabuuti ka talin doonta shanta sanno ee soo Socda. Warsxaafadeed ka Soo Baxay Xafiiska Madaxwaynaha Jabuuti Mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo Nuqul ka mid ahi Soo Gaadhay Shabakada Wararka ee Gabiley News ayaa waxaa lagu shaaciyay Magacyada Golaha Wasiiradda oo isugu jira Qaar hore oo aan la badalin iyo Wasiirro Cusub oo ku Soo biiray Saaxada Siyaasada Jabuuti.

Golaha Cusub ee Madaxwaynuhu Magacaabay waxay kala yihiin sidan.


Ra,iisal Wasaare Deliate Maxamed Deliate

Wasiirka Cadaalada Cali Faarax Casoowe

Wasiirka Maaliyada Ilyaas Muuse Dhawale

Wasiirka Difaaca C/qaadir Kaamil Maxamed

Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf

Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Xasan Darar Hufane

Wasiirka Caafimaadka Cali Yacquub Maxamed

Wasiirka Waxbarashada Dr.Caddaawe Xasan Cali

Wasiirka Tacliinta Sare Nabiil Maxamed Axmed

Wasiirka Diinta iyo Awqaafta Dr.Xaamud Cabdi Suldaan

Wasiirka Tamarta iyo Biyaha Dr.Fu,aad Axmed Aye

Wasiirka Warfaafinta Dhaqanka iyo Isgaadhsiinta Cabdi Xuseen Axmed (Qarda jeex)

Wasaarada Shaqada iyo horumarinta shaqaalah Cali Xasan Bahdoon

Wasaarada Deegaanka iyo Guryaynta Muuse Axmed Xasan

Wasaarada Haweenka Xasna Barkhad Daa,uud

Wasiir ku Xigeenka W.Arimaha Dibada Axmed Cali Siley

Wasiir ku xigeenka Maaliyada ee Arimaha Budget-ka Amare Cali Siciid

Wasiir ku xigeenka Maaliyada ee Arimaha Dalxiiska iyo Ganacsiga Cabdi Cilmi Askhir

Xoghayaha Ra,iisal Wasaaraha Sahra Yuusuf Qayaad

Wasiir ku xigeenka Deegaanka iyo Guryaynta Aamina Cabdi Aadan

Agaasimaha Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha Jaamac Cilmi Cokiye.


Golahan Cusub ee Wasiiradda Xukuumada Madaxwayne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa isugu jira Wasiiro ku Cusub Saaxada Golaha Wasiirnimo ee Dalka jabuuti halka Qaar ka mid ah Wasiiradii hore ayaan wax is bedel ah lagu samaynin sida Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Maxamuud Cali yuusuf oo isagu sii jooga Halkiisii, Wasiirka Diinta iyo Awqaafta ayaan isagana wax isbedel ah lagu samaynin.


Dhinaca kale Wasaaradaha qaarkood ayaan Wasiir loo magacaabin iyada oo halkii wasiirka loo magacaabay Xoghaye Dawladeed Wasaaradaa Maamuli doona.

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Interesting how technocrats seems on the rise and new faces appear;

the lobbying against the health minister seems to have worked too, with the new website Djibouti24 launched by well networked young technocrats lynching officials (though revealed scandals are often hard to verify and riddled with inaccuracies etc).


Alhamdulilah, I'm sure mum and the family will appreciate now that they finally got the head of their minister; her last letters were very timely and diplomatic:

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lol Adeero, who is said to be IOG speechwriter and main collaborator, is giving the government composition on the official website :



[...]The new government formed Thursday by the Head of State, Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh on the proposal of Prime Minister Dileita Mohamed Dileita, makes more room for technocrats known on the national stage for their skills and significantly decrease its average age, the youngest member of the government having only thirty. These include Dr. Okieh Djama Elmi, Secretary of State for Youth and Sports.


The new team includes, besides the PM, Mr Dileita Mohamed Dileita, 22 members including more than half of incoming ministers, said the secretary general of the presidency, Mr. Hassan Mohamed Abdillahi, giving the media composition.


Most of the heavyweights of the government were dismissed, while only nine members of the old team were retained, like Mr. Ali and Mr. Farah Assoweh Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, who were appointed to Justice and National Defence.


Among the ministers retained their positions include that of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Mahmoud Ali Youissouf, the Minister for International Cooperation, Mr. Ahmed Ali Silay, and the minister and Muslim Wakf property, Dr. Hamoud Abdi Sultan.[...]



PS: the Clan/Ethnic balance is sadly unchanged, still a long way to go on that front (ie the reason we have only one minister/2 MPs "quota")...

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Here is veteran Ali Abdi (former ex-Foreign minister etc) replacement, not a household name but seems much more academic than good old Ali and very involved into Somali affairs (hobby of the intelligentsia);

the guy is either from Burao or Hargeysa:





The Prime Minister, Mr. Mohamed Dileita Dileita, formally installed today the new government in their respective positions.


In this sense, the Minister of Communication and Culture, in charge of Post and Telecommunication, Government Spokesman, Mr Abdi Ahmed Houssein, officially took office in presence of Prime Minister and his predecessor, Mr. Ali Abdi Farah.


Graduate Center for Strategic Studies in Africa and the Institute of Advanced Studies of National Defense in Paris, the new communications minister began his teaching career where he served in turn as Professor of History-geography and head of the school.


After two years at the head of the department of middle school, he was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, where he was appointed manager of files "Conflict, Security, Somali affairs" in the office of minister.


Member of the joint border Djibouti-Eritrea and the technical committee on disarmament of pastoral communities in the IGAD region, Mr. Abdi Ahmed Houssein, during his career, also served as a liaison officer of the Somali business facilitator for IGAD.

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Wasiirka Warfaafinta Dhaqanka iyo Isgaadhsiinta Cabdi Xuseen Axmed (Qarda jeex)



He is closely related to the Somaliland foreign minister Muhammad abdulahi Cumar His ancestors were From Gabiley

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The Somaliland foreign minister is well-known in the family and was our guest during Silaanyo Djibouti visit but I did not know minister Abdi was from Gabiley too.

Is he from Arabsiyo like the FM too (I am not good at genealogy)?


Anyway, the well-funded RTD, Djibouti Telecom monopoly with their outrageous "bonus"/salaries etc will all be under his technocratic watch...

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Yeah the FM of Somaliland is from Gabiley his reer abti are from Arabsiyo Him and the Minister of information of Djibouti and spokesmen of the Govt of Djibouti are close related. Minister abdi Both of his parents and Grand parents were Born In Djibouti

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I know the Somaliland FM is from Gabiley/Arabsiyo and so is the General Secretary of the Djiboutian government (a relative, though slightly different in lineage from us and the FM).


I don't know what you mean the reer abti of the FM are from Arabsiyo, he is genealogically from there just like both sides of my family;

obviously, the reer abti of the SG are from there too (where the rest of his family still reside, including many of his reer abtiyaal, ie my own relatives).


I think you are either closer to the SG or FM; we used to joke "Afraad vs Shanaad", or the two SNM wings, with some other cousins as kids back in summer 1993 in Hargeysa.


And of course, Djibouti officials may be much closer sometimes to Somaliland (investments, parents and siblings living there etc) than many diaspora Somaliland politicians (you pobably know the longstanding Djibouti Central Bank director, his predecessor etc).

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Yeah i know that but i was just mentioning His reer abti from a different subclan not from Gabiley originally but from arabsiyo eventhough both subclans live there now and days But he was from Gabiley the FM .. yeah i know the CEO of the Central Bank of Djibouti his father was one of the First Businessman in Djibouti in the late 50s in Djibouti. Do you Know the Former Finance Minister in the late 80s He was also from Arabsiyo

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I think the former Central Bank director was even closer to the FM (Arabsiyo) and that he recruited one of my aunts there back then;

I think he's the one now living in Washington as another aunt was their guest some years ago and he is said to be Christian (as some other former Somali/Djib officials).


I was too young in the 80's but was told aabo was the local fundraiser for the SNM and even risked his job then (which may explain my memories of those SNM videos including the one where Gen Morgan is surrounded by tanks and give instructions, pointing the finger or the corpses in Hargeysa in anther one etc);

I even came accross an old cut of the "Lettre de l' Ocean Indien" in 2001 with an article about those Siyaad government atrocities in 88.


Was the former finance minister from Arabsiyo that ex minister called Thomas?

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