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Forces Loyal to Mohamed Said Atom Seize Galgala Town of Western Bari Region

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Forces Loyal to Mohamed Said Atom Seize Galgala Town of Western Bari Region


Heavy clashes erupted early Wednesday morning in the northern Somalia region between Puntland forces and militants loyal to an insurgent leader, Mohamed Said Atom, leaving at least 28 combatants dead according to local witnesses.


Reports confirm that militants loyal to Atom seized the town of Galgala, which is 25 miles south of the port of Bosasso, the commercial hub of the semiautonomous northern region of Puntland.


Somali Public Radio contacted opposing sides, both refusing to comment on the deadly battle that took course Wednesday morning.


Local elder in the town of Galgala who requested anonymity for security reasons told SPR that he saw 20 dead bodies. Puntland security minister Khayr told SPR that five soldiers had been killed in the morning attack on the town. Another Puntland official said earlier that nine had been killed from Puntland troops.


It is very difficult to verify conflicting accounts, because the town’s phone network was currently shut off by Puntland administration.


Somali Public Radio also obtained information from residents of Sugurre town near Galgala, that militias loyal to Atam ambushed a Puntland vehicle by firing rocket propelled grenades at their vehicles. 6 Puntland troops have been reported to have died from this ambush.


Puntland forces are said to be regrouping in an effort to launch a counter attack.


Puntland regional administration has been waging offensives in Western Bari since late July of 2010, in their efforts to combat local militants led by Mohamed Said Atom.


Puntland accuses Atom for having links to terrorist groups in southern Somalia, but political analyst say that the conflict in the north is not entirely about terrorism. They say it also is about long-held political and economic grievances the clan of Western Bari region have had against the Puntland government since the administration’s quest to mine a nearby village, Majiyahan with out approval from the inhabitants of Western Bari.


Somali Public Radio

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but political analyst say that the conflict in the north
is not entirely
about terrorism. They say it
is about

Wow!! I am shocked the SPR admits this or so-called "political analyts." So they agree that there is an element of terrorism, before it was complete denial about terrorism, however now it seems to have changed.

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Atam oo Waraysi Siiyay VOA-da iyo d Dawlada oo iyana Guul Sheegatay

Posted by Boosaaso on May 11, 2011 in Warar | 0 Comment

Bosaaso:-Dagaalkii Maanta ka curtay GalGala ayaa warar kala duwan waxana soo baxaya Guulo ay kala sheeganayaa Laba dhinac waa Maamulka PL iyo Kooxda Sheekh Atam waxana waraysi uu Bixiyay Wasiirka Amniga Gen Yuusuf Axmed Khayr uu sheegay in Shan Qof laga dilay dhanka Ciidamada Halka Afar kale laga dhawaacay isaga oo Guul Balaadhan sheegayna Dhanka Atam ku Tilmaamay in La Jabiyay waa sida uu Hadalka u dhigay.


Dhanka kale Sheekh Maxamed Atam oo Hormuud ka ahaa Ciidamo Sheegtay inay Deegaankaasi Difaacaan ayaa isna Waraysi uu Siiyay Laanta Af Somaliga VOA-da ku sheegay inay Guul gaadheen isla markaana ay Dhabar jab wayn Gaadhsiiyeen dhanka PL Waa sida uu Sheegtaye.


Atam waxa uu xusay inuu Ku Sugan yahay Buuraha GalGala isla markaana ay dagaal iyagu ay ku soo qaadeen Fadhiisiinka Ciidamada PL Waxa uu Aad uga hadlay in Deegaanka GalGala ay Difaacayaan isla markaana ay Dal badanayaa in Ciidamada PL ay ka bacaan GalGala.


Atam ayaa Docda kale sheegay in aanu xidhiidh la lahayn Al-Shabaab isla markaana ay Dagaalka wadayaa ilaa Maamulka PL ay Ciidamadooda kala baxaan deegaanka GalGala.




Dhegayso Wasiirka Aminga PL Gen Yuusuf Axmed Khayr


Dhegayso Sheekh Atam VOA-da.





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