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United States Concerned over TFG Attempts to Block Travel

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The United States expresses its concern about the Transitional Federal Government’s (TFG) decision to prevent more than 40 Somali parliamentarians, including MPs who are American citizens, from leaving Mogadishu on May 9, 2011. According to accounts, several parliamentarians were threatened with weapons and at least three were physically assaulted by security personnel.


The majority of the parliamentarians were en route to an elections workshop in Nairobi. Some parliamentarians were en route to a separate event in Ethiopia. Several others were departing on personal travel. The TFG reportedly blocked the parliamentarian’s travel because it opposed their participation in the workshop, which had been organized to discuss modalities for holding elections for the Parliamentary Speaker and TFG President later this year.


This action follows other efforts by the TFG in recent weeks to stifle peaceful political discussion and to silence its critics. The United States reminds the TFG of the commitment it made to the United Nations Security Council to enhance reconciliation and complete the transitional tasks which include completing the constitutional process that will end the transitional period and bring sovereignty and legitimacy back to Somalia. so do you think the TFG is right what they are doing in the past view weeks?

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with my sincere and strong wish for reconciliation and peace in somalia and other parts of the world, to convey the message of Islam for peace and co-existence.We know that Islam is a religion of peace and mercy for all humankind. It respects the sacredness of life and inherent dignity of human existence, which is the foundation of all human rights without any distinction as to any body, . The religion teaches a fundamental principle that human beings were created into different nations and tribes that they might know each other based on human brotherhood.We believe that Islam promotes tolerance, moderation, and the unity of the human family based on truth and justice. It emphasizes universal brotherhood and solidarity not only among Muslims but also with peoples of different faiths. It also recognizes the need for harmony with nature and the environment.

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