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The Muse Yusuf Secondary School Students in Las Anod Stand Against Injustice

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Libdhimayside Laas Caanood, Laba Maaha Waddankeennu..(Las Anod will not vanish..Our Country is indivisible).. Saado Cali Warsame – A Somali artist..

Muse Yusuf, a Somali educator, was one of the hundreds of Somali intellectuals murdered in cold blood in Mogadishu when all hell broke loose in that wretched city, and the Somali government vanished into thin air leaving thousands under the mercy of drugged gangs of thugs known as the ********s. Muse was killed with a group of kinsmen who came back from Afgoi where most Mogadishu residents initially sought refuge from the fighting that erupted in the city. Nobody knows exactly why they returned to a city engulfed in madness, but the return journey to Mogadishu sealed their fate when they were gunned down in a hail of bullets that tore their bodies. One of the men in the group was Professor Ibrahim Mohamoud Abyan, the former dean of the now defunct Somali Institute of Development Administration and Management, SIDAM. Professor Abyan was a courageous and honest intellectual. The others included lawyers, bankers and businessmen.

These men lost their lives for no other reason than belonging to the wrong clan. They were all killed in a compound controlled by General Galal, one of the Somali military brass that elected to be involved in the civil war. After the men were mowed down, he came out of a meeting he was attending, looked over their dead bodies nonchalantly and went back to continue his meeting as if nothing had happened.


Muse Yusuf held many posts in the educational system of Somalia. I had come to know him in person when he was the Head Master of Sheikh Intermediate School, my Alma Matter. He was a strict disciplinarian and a motivator. He later became a Regional Education Officer in Hargeisa before moving on to Mogadishu, the Somali Capital, and eventually becoming a businessman when he fell out with the military Regime.

Ironically, Professor Abyan was a member of the manifesto group that sought the resignation of Siad Barre, yet he and his colleagues were killed by members of the rebel group that helped topple the government. Their murder remains a mystery till this day and will hopefully be one of the many cases in Somalia that will receive a just closure. A democratically elected government will have to reopen these cold cases and bring those responsible to justice. The Jazira Massacre is one of these cases in which 48 innocent civilians lost their lives. There are hundreds of similar cases in which helpless women were raped in places of worship defying all norms of human decency. The men who committed such atrocities are free and may even be respectable businessmen or members of the current Somali Transitional Federal parliament in Mogadishu for all we know. Mogadishu will never be the same again until the perpetrators of these atrocities are brought to justice.

When Muse left the educational system in Somalia, he focused his attention on developing the education system in his birth place, Las Anod, which lacked any high schools. High School kids in Las- Anod and the entire Sool, Sanag and Ayn, SSC, regions had to travel to remote places like Sheikh and Burao to attend school, away from their families and loved ones. He single handedly raised funds for building the only secondary school in the city which was later named after him, the Muse Yusuf Secondary School.


The school Muse helped build to educate generations of young minds has recently become a hot bed of resistance against the illegal occupation of Las Anod by the Somaliland Administration headed by Silanyo, a former rebel leader who defected from the Somali government to become the chairman of the Somali National Movement, SNM, one of the rebel movements that plunged Somalia into the current chaos of religious fanaticism, piracy and unilateral secessionist agendas.

A few days ago, a teacher from Southern Somalia who worked at the Muse Yusuf Secondary School was arrested and thrown into jail without any trial. His only guilt was being from Southern Somalia which the Somaliland Administration considers as another country. As a consequence, the students demonstrated against such injustice and took to the streets. The police used force to disperse the students and fired live bullets into the crowd. So far, three girls were wounded in this incident. More than 500 students participated in the demonstration and many got arrested. It seems the Somlaliland Administration is heeding the advice of a Doctor of Psychiatry who is fond of labeling these regions as being inhabited by unruly clans that need the big stick when the carrot fails to achieve its intended goals.


Since its occupation in 2007, the city of Las Anod has been under frequent periods of curfews from dusk to dawn whenever it suits its secessionist occupiers. These curfews have affected business in the city and have prompted many to relocate to other localities. Some even migrated to refugee camps in Kenya such as Hagardheer. Las-Anod is the only city in the North where armored vehicles are used to disperse demonstrating women and children. It is the only city in the North where teenagers are arrested and incarcerated with mature adults.


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Ciidamada Booliiska Magaalada Laascaanood Oo kaashanaya kuwa basaasiinta ee sirdoonka Somaliland..

la shaqeeya, ayaa maanta hawlgal ay ka sameeyeen gudaha magaalada laascaanood waxay ku qabqabteen dhalinyaro degaanka ah, kuwaas oo ay sirdoonka ku sheegeen inay yihiin ciidamada SSC.

Dhalinyaraddan oo maanta laga qabqabtay bartamaha magaalada ayaa loo taxaabay xabsiga dhexe ee magaalada, mana jirto cid ka hadashay falalkan cusub ee uu la soo baxay maamulka Somaliland ee gobolka Sool.

Arintan ayaa ku soo beegmaysa iyadoo maalintii shalay la qab qabtay dhalinyaro xidhnayd dhar ay ku xardhanyihiin Astaanta Maamulka SSC, iyadoo laga mamnuucay magaalada xirashada dharka ay ku qoran yihiin Magaca SSC. Waxaadse ku arkaysaa magaca SSC oo lagu qoray gidaarada iyo albaabada meelo badan magaalada Laascaanod.

Tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyay weeraradii qorshaysanaa ee lagu fuliyay madaxda Somaliland ee gobolka Sool, waxaa soo badanayay cadaadis xoogan oo lagu hayo shacabka ku nool magaalada laascaanood.


Xafiiska Wararka Laascaanood

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Waxaa Weli Magaalada laascaanood ka taagan kacsanaan ka dhalatay cabashooyin ay sameeyeen ardayda dugsiga sare ee Muuse Yuusuf..

iyadoo maanta ciidanka Booliisku ay dhaawaceen saddex arday oo kamid ah ardayda dugsiga sare ee Muuse Yuusuf.

hadaba waxaanu waraysi khadka taleefoonka kula xidhiidhnay Aadan Jaamac oo kamid ah odayaasha magaalada laascaanood, waxaana waraysigan inoo qaaday Raxma Haldhaa..

dhegayso.gifHalkan Ka Dhagayso

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Saddex Arday ayaa dhaawacmay, 40 kalena jeelka dhexe ee laascaanood ayaa loo taxaabay, kadib markii ardayda..

dugsiga sare ee Muuse Yuusuf ay sameeyeen dibadbaxyo ay ku dalbanayeen in loo siidaayo mid kamid ah macalimiinta wax ka dhiga dugsigaas oo maalintii afaraad ku xidhan xabsiga dhexe ee magaaladda laascaanood,

Ciidanka booliiska magaaladda ayaa xoog ku kala eryay ku dhawaad shan boqol oo arday, kuwaas oo kala xidhay wadda laamiga ah. iyadoo markii dambe ay isku dhaceen ciidanka booliiska oo iyaga u isticmaalay awood xad dhaaf ah kadib markii ardayda loo adeegsaday qoriga dhashiika ah.

Sadexda Arday ee ku dhaawacantay gadoodkii ardayda wax ka barata dugsiga sare ee Muuse Yuusuf oo qaarkood laabta xabado looga dhuftay ayaa lagu kala magacaabaa:

1. Xayaad Cabdi Cige

2. Sahra Cabdifataax Kablalax

3.Laki Bille Xaaji Maxamuud

Waxaa iyana xabsiga buux dhaafiyay in ka badan afartan arday iyadoo loo diiday waalidiintooda inay arkaan xaaladda ay ku sugan yihiin.

Maamulka Somaliland ee gobolka Sool ayaa diiday inay ka hadlaan tacadiyadda loo geystay ardayda dugsiga sare ee Muuse Yuusuf, hasayeeshee isu duwaha wasaaradda waxbarashada gobolka Sool Kayse Cawil Ladane oo ka hadlay arrntan ayaanu idiin soo gudbin doonaa saacadaha soo socda hadii Alla idmo.



Xafiiska Wararka Laascaanood



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government to become the chairman of the Somali National Movement, SNM, one of the rebel movements that plunged Somalia into the current chaos of religious fanaticism, piracy and unilateral secessionist agendas.

Plunged Somalia into the current Chaos of religious Fanaticism so SNM Mujahidins were behind the icu and Alshabaab and Ahlu sunna factions what a joke

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no worries. This is just a phase. waa laga bixi qofna xaqiisa ma xaqdaro rabana xaq daro qof raba meel dheer ma gaaro..



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Booliska Laascaanood Oo Xabsiga Dhigay Dhalinyaro Ka Tirsan Sirdoonka Fallaagada SSC

(Hadhwanaagnews) Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hargaysa (HWN)- Ciidamada Booliiska ee Magaalada Laascanood ayaa maanta xabsiga u taxaabay Dhalinyaro la sheegay inay la shaqeeyaan Sirdoonka falaagada SSC kuwaasi oo hawlgalo lagu beegsanayo madaxda Somaliland hore uga Fuliyey Gobolkaasi Sool gaar ahaan Magaala Madaxdiisa Laascaanood.


Hargaysa (HWN)- Ciidamada Booliiska ee Magaalada Laascanood ayaa maanta xabsiga u taxaabay Dhalinyaro la sheegay inay la shaqeeyaan Sirdoonka falaagada SSC kuwaasi oo hawlgalo lagu beegsanayo madaxda Somaliland hore uga Fuliyey Gobolkaasi Sool gaar ahaan Magaala Madaxdiisa Laascaanood.


Dhalainyarda ayaa ilaa xalay gacanta lagu dhigay Tobaneeyo kamida kuwaasi oo lasheegay inay lug ku lahaayeen hawlgaladii laga fuliyey magaalada Laascaanood waxana hada lagu hayaa xabsiga dhexe ee magaaldaasi Laascanood,


Hawlgalkan ay ciidamada Booliska ku qab-qabanayaan sirdoonka falaagada SSC iyo dadka xidhiidhka la leh ayaa ah kii uugu balaadhnaa ee tan iyo intii gacanta lagudhigay gobolkaasi ay sameeyaan, waxaana ay ciidamadu ku soo qabteen hawlgalkoodan rag badan oo ka danbeeyey dilalkii kala duwanaa ee laga fuliyey magaalada kuwaasi oo ay ka mid ahaayeen saraakiil badan oo ka tirsan ciidamada ku sugan gobolka,iyada oo ilaa hada aan la hayn dadkii soo maleegay weeradadii lagu khaarajiyay saraakiishaas.


dhanka kale dhalinyaradan ayaa lasheegay inay damacsanaayeen inay magaalada ka abuuraan mudaharaado iyo waliba kacdoono lagu taageerayo fallaada SSC, waxaana sida xaqiiqada ah magaalada gudaheeda lagu arkaa dad ku xaragoonaya Astaanta Fallaagada SSC iyado oo si xora oo bilaa cabsi ah u dhex lugeeya gudaha magaalada.


Magaalada Laascaanood ayaa waayadanba noqotay Xarunta lagu khaarajiyo madaxda Ciidamada Somaliland iyo waliba masuuliyiinta kale iyada oo ilaa hada aan wax isbadali ka muuqan isla markaana wax bayaana aanay kasoo saarin Xukuumada Somaliland.

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The Zack   

Naxar Nugaaleed;718206 wrote:
lol@Dhalinyaro Ka Tirsan Sirdoonka Fallaagada SSC. the Student and teachers have become spies? jokester I tell you.

:D :D

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Shacabka SSC hada waa uu diyaar inay iska xoreeyaan Maleeshiyada SNM , shacabku ma yeelayo in gabdhihii iyo wiilashii ardayda ahaa qaarna la dilo, qaarna jeelasha laga buuxiyo.

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loool Muuse sudi school lool that will be the day!!


P.S I thought there SSC do not have a secret service?!?!?

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