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Xaaji Xunjuf

Dr Abdilahi Spanish rejects ssc Jabhad and calls Xaglatoosiye a backward Masai zoo keeper + AUDO

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bilan;718180 wrote:
XX, talk about the triangle, but I can tell you that people of SSC benefited from the union a lot, especially under Aabo Siyaad’s rule. So just put yourself in their shoes, would you rather be part of the majority or be minority in your own home, because realistically speaking if they join you, they will be minority. Take a couple of miniutes and think about that.

What did they gain from Siyad bare's regime did they got extra Hospitals roads Jobs airports in their region i don't think that is true. Yeah getting the telecommunication Minister Mogadisho Govt is being A Majority share

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The former Somalia government did nothing much for the eastern Somaliland regions such as Sanaag it was completely neglected and they bought nothing but consent wars.

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Che -Guevara;718181 wrote:
Dha dha dha dha iska daa pie kariyoow goormaad baritey.


Konfuur halwa barawani, xalwa hali, saanbuus iyo shushumoo xee kufeleey Qowdhan pie gubey-cajiib

wa run waad naga cunta macaantihin mar mar waadna xita naga niiko fiicantihin;)

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Saalax;718183 wrote:
The former Somalia government did nothing much for the eastern Somaliland regions such as Sanaag it was completely neglected and they bought nothing but consent wars.

Salax that is true dararweyne did not have a primary school during the siyad bare regime it was built during the former Somaliland regime before that,,, the kids used to travel all the way to ceelafweyn or even further to ceerigaabo.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;718185 wrote:
Salax that is true dararweyne did not have a primary school during the siyad bare regime it was built during the former Somaliland regime before that,,, the kids used to travel all the way to ceelafweyn or even further to ceerigaabo.


That is true. It's not just dararweyne. There is no single proper road connecting the big Sanaag region districts. That is why even the makhiiri's don't like the former Siad bare government they did nothing for the people's region but instigating conflicts between neighbours.

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XX, you need to learn little bit of history if you do not know how people from those regions benefited from the union, plus the only places that Siyaad developed is Mogadisho iyo northwest(yes SL (burco-Hargaisa and Berbera, but I know inaad inkiri doontaan wax walba oo uu odaygu idiin qabtay, ood oran doonto gumaysigaa noo dhisay). But that’s not the point, you did not answer my question, why do you think they should chose to be minority when they can be part of the 20+ million people?? What will they gain joining you?


mida kale reerka waad ku khafiiftay :)

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Also former Siad bare government neglected the vast region of "Oodweyne" between Hargeysa & Burco but yet chose to bring war to the people of that region. There was no proper road connecting it and for that reason there is no modern road that connects Burco & Hargeysa directly. Although in recent years some bridges were constructed over the "Daadh Madheed" seasonal rivers funded by the EU & some Sland NGO's, Sland businessmen.

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Bilan i don't need to learn history i was there during the Siyad bare regime and i know exactly what they used to do and who Benefited and who didn't there was no road between Gabiley and borama there was no road between Hargeysa and salahlay the only Guy who i have a little respect for and did some work was the late billa rafle he paved a few roads in northern hargeysa when he was the governor of Woqoyi galbeed Province are you telling me sool sanaag south east togdheer people willl be minority in Somaliland sool sanaag south togdheer is almost 60%of Somaliland

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XX, maybe he would’ve done all that hadaan lala dagaalami lahayn markuu xukunka haystay,mida kale you are talking about roads, did SL managed to build these roads the last 20 years?


Mida kale are you joking, if you believed people from SSC(clan) will be 60% of SL adeer maydaan go’deen, the reason you want to have your own country is to be majority and have all the power in your hands. Plus if you have a right to not be part of Somalia why they cannot have the same right and have the option not to be part of your SL???

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If that was the case we would've never joined Somalia to form a union it's not about majority or being Minority it's about living a good life becoming something in this world. setting things correct that went wrong building that nation that was never built and leaving something behind we never inherited from our ancestors and leave it to our Childeren and grand childeren Yeah SL build some of the roads in the country they build factories schools hospitals etc .

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Naxar Nugaaleed;718035 wrote:
The Issue is simple people before we go insulting those poor massai. Mr saleeban insists on being the president and some correctly point out that he was chosen as a leader not a President of SSC. At the end of the day though, this is for the SSC people to sort out....

I second that, be it F. Garad or M. Garad or Caasho Garad it should be left to the people of SSC.

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