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EXCLUSIVE THREAD: 18th of May, The 20th Anniversary of Somaliland

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Madaxweynihii Hore Ee Somaliland Oo Munaasibada 20-guurada Madax-banaanida Awgeed Dhambaal Hambalyo Ah U Diray Shacbiga Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland akhriso+ dhagayso

(Hadhwanaagnews) Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Madaxweynaha oo haatan ku sugan Imaaraadka Carabta halkaana kaga qayb-galaaya munaasibadda xuska 18 May ayaa shacabka Reer Somaliland ku baraarujiyey Isku duubni DHAGAYSO


Madaxweynihii Hore Ee Somaliland Oo Munaasibada 20-guurada Madax-banaanida Awgeed Dhambaal Hambalyo Ah U Diray Shacbiga Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland




Hargaysa (HWN):-Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland Md Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ayaa Munaasibada 20-guurada ka soo wareegtay dib ula soo noqoshadii Madax-banaanida Somaliland awgeed Dhambaal Hambalyo ah u diray Shacbiga jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.




Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland Md Daahir Rayaale Kaahin oo hadda ku sugan Isu tagga Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Gooni isu taaga Somaliland uu yahay Muqadas, waxaanu sheegay inay Somaliland Aqoonsigeeda hor taagan yihiin Dawladdaha waa weyn ee Adduunku, kuwaasoo uu sheegay inaanay wali Go’aansan inay Somaliland ka mid noqoto Qaran la aqoonsan yahay oo Dunnida ka mid ah.




Waxaanu Madaxweynuhu sidaas ku sheegay Waraysi khaasa oo uu siiyey Idaacada Laanta Afka Soomaaliga ee BBC-da, waxaanu Shacabka Somaliland u soo jeediyey inay dedaalkooda sii wadaan.

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Donald Rumsfeld Congratulates Somaliland on its Independence Day


Donald Rumsfeld Congratulates Somaliland on its Independence Day

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CHICAGO — A delegation of Somaliland Community leaders of Chicago including Samir Bare Awgab and Awale Warfa Nur met with the former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld this week in the Illinois city as he visited his birth state.


The leaders briefed the former defense secretary in detail about the situation in Somaliland as the nation marks its 20th anniversary of Independence Day on Wednesday. Mr Rumfeld said he is well informed about Somaliland and has understanding of its political, democratic and security atmosphere.


The former Pentagon official said he knows Somaliland is stable state that is free of terrorism and the maritime piracy that has turned the coast off neighboring Somalia into one of the most dangerous waters in the world. He applaud the last democratic elections in the country and in the manner which the former President Dahir Riyale handed over the power. He sent a message of congratulations to the people of Somaliland and the Diasporas in the United States for their Independence Day.


Finally, Mr. Rumsfeld presented a copy of his “Known and Unknown” book in which he signed with the name of President Ahmed Silanyo to the Somaliland Community leaders. The two leaders promised to deliver Mr. Rumsfeld’s personal account book which refers to the events that followed 9/11 including the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq to President Silanyo.


Mr Awgab and Nur said the meeting with the former U.S. political heavy weight was a success and they plan to lobby Somaliland’s case with high profile U.S. leaders in the White House and the Congress.


Meanwhile the Somaliland representative to the United States has called on Washington to engage more with the Horn of African nation in key areas. Mr. Rashid Nur also requested the U.S. to extend Hargeisa a full diplomatic recognition. The U.S. says it will leave the issue of recognition with the African Union but it will support Somaliland financially and has decided to give direct assistance in recent times. Somaliland delegation met with US Agency for International Development (USAID) last week in Djibouti to discuss a number of programs the U.S. agency is funding in the country.


Somaliland is a former British protectorate that gained independence June 1960. It later unified with the Trust Territory of Somalia (the former Italian Somaliland) forming what became known as the Somali Republic. However the union collapsed in 1991 following two decades of internationally-hidden civil war that left more than 50,000 Somalilanders killed. In May 1991, Somaliland declared the restoration of its sovereignty however it has not managed to regain international recognition.

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Burco- Xuska Sannad Guurada Labaatanaad Ee La Soo Noqoshada Madaxbanaanida Soomaliland, 18 May.


Burco(Ramaas) May.18,2011- Kumanaan dadweynaha burco ay ayaa isugu soo baxay fagaarayaasha laga khudbadeeyo, si xamaasad iyo qiiro wadaniyadeed weheliso oo loo gartay maalinta meeqaamka iyo maamuuska ku leh shacabka reer soomaliland.



Waxa faraxadan munaasabada xukuumada kala qaybgalay dadweynaha , wasiirka xanaanada xoolaha iyo horumarinta reer guuraaga iyo wasiirka macdanta iyo biyaha iyo maamulka gobolka iyo degmada ee burco.



Aroornimadii hore waxa wadooyinka buux dhaafiyey ardayda Dugsiyada iyo shaqaalaha laamaha dawlada, waxa iyaguna si weyn uga muuqday xuskan laamaha kala duwan ee ciidanka qaranka oo socod gaardis ah ka soo bilaabay xarunta gobolka ee togdheer oo ku tegay fagaaraha khayriyadda. Iyada oo ay horkacayeen kooxda baanbooyda garaacda .



Xuskan oo ka gedisnaa dabaaldegyadii hore loo soo qaban jiray 19 sanadood ee ay soomaliland dib ula soo noqotay madaxbanaanideeda ayaa waxa ka muuqday is abaabul weyn oo ay abuureen dadweynuhu gaar ahaan dhalinyaradii ku dhalatay ama ku garaadsatay madaxbanaanida soomaliland.



Waxa dhamaan xukuumad iyo shiciba lagu lebisnaa marada saddexda midab leh ee calanka soomaliland oo qofwaliba wixii uu jeclaa ka soo toshay.waxa sidoo kale la watay sawirada aasaasihii soomaliland Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Cali iyo Madaxweynayaashii xukunka u kala danbeeyay .



Isu socodka gaadiidka ayaa xaddidnaa oo socodkiisa la yareeyay si loo sugo amaanka , waxa sidoo kale dareen xoog leh loo lahaa dhaqdhaqaaqa gaadiidka ruqsadaha wata.



Fagaaraha khayriyadda oo suurta gal noqon wayday in ay qaado dadkii ayaa ugu danbayn layska bilaabay waxa dadweynaha kala hadlay wasiirka xanaanada xoolaha iyo horumarinta reer guuraagaa Dr. Cabdi Aw daahir oo sheegay in xukuumadani ku hawlantahay sidii loo baadi goobi lahaa ictiraafka , sanad guduhii ayaanu rajaynaynaa in aanu helo ictiraaf,” ayuu yidhi wasiirku, waxa kale oo uu dadweynaha ugu bushaareeyay in ay ka bixi doonaan haraadkii iyo biyo la’aantii oo la samayn doono dhaamam xoolaha iyo dadkuba ka cabaan . waxa iyaguna halkaa ka hadlay wasiirka macdanta iyo biyaha , godoomiyaha gobolka togdheer iyo duqa magaalada burco oo dhamaantood ka hadlay xushmada iyo karaamada ay 18May ku leedahay bulshada soomaliland uguna baaqay caalamka in ay ictiraafaan .



Waxa la filayaa in ilaa caawa la sameeyo xafalado iyo munaasabado is daba jooga oo xoojinaya kuwii maanta.



Ramaas news Desk



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