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Waagacusub Oo Fooljariyeeyay Sawiirka Madaxweynaha Somaliland. Oo Dhabarkiisa dhiigay Calanka bluega

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The Zack   

When two presidents of two nations meet, the flags of both countries are displayed. Now, since Mr. Siilaanyo was not (obviously) allowed to show the clan flag, Waagacusb did it for him. They showed his country's flag.

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The Zack that is not the point though. Waagacusub tried to alter and inject their twisted fantasies to the President's picture.

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I know. Waagacusub is owned by a bitter individual who was in the past rejected to work for Dahabshiil.

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The Zack   

Is it Daahir Calasow? I thought he once liked Somaliland and used to call for its recognition. Somebody pissed the heck out of the dude.

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Yes it's him. He was supportive of Somaliland until Dahabshiil company rejected him on a job offer lol.

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The Zack   

Yo Saalax, I was just told that the blue flag was there and the photo from the Somaliland are actually the photoshopped ones. Bal soo baadh arintaa.

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The Zack;715809 wrote:
Saalax, Waagacusb never had ethics sxb. They are worse than

hey i like and they DO have ethics

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There are a couple of websites who publish content that only makes sense to an insane person.


1. Waagacusub





The following Websites adher to Siyad Barre's Xidigta October Newspaper code of practice:





If you read anything on these websites, you will need to find a third-party website to confirm the facts. Like Xidigta October, they are more scewed to cheap propaganda than reality.

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