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Bosaso: Puntland leader arrives at Financial capital of the State.. PICS + AUDIO

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Liibaan wrote:


You should choose between;


1. Peace in North Somalia, ending Somaliland's War against Unionist SSC People. Peaceful co-existance and good neighborly relations between Somaliland and SSC Somalia.



2. Claiming the all territories of Former/old British Somali Colony, and waging a clan against Unionist SSC People, and worrying about SSC People and SSC Movement



AfricaOwn;716033 wrote:
Liibaan: If you had a good intention for the Somali people general, you will compute risk assessments. You have to stop the bleeding first, and ask why aren't you doing that? Why are the ones that are waving the blue flag currently getting killed in the south/puntland?




Afriown, don’t personal and emotional, no one is talking Liibaan or anyone else’s intentions, the issue is not about intentions and emotions.

Only Allah Almighty can stop the bleeding, we pray for our country Somalia to find peace, unity, development, and prosperity, and an end for the Civil war. Presently, there many regions in Puntland and South Somalia that are waving the blue flag and have peace and stability.

If you want to wave the flag of your snm/Somaliland clan faction, you shouldn’t hope death and war for those Somali patriots who are waving their country’s Blue flag. No one is forcing you, to wave the blue, so stop your xasad.


AfricaOwn;716033 wrote:
The secessionists should be a 2nd worry to you. Just think,


Similarly, Unionists, SSC, Puntland, those who are waving the blue flag should be a 2nd worry to you, focus on your SNM Clanland.


AfricaOwn;716033 wrote:
stop responding to me with emotions.

I was NOT even talking to you, it is you who start talking and responding to me in every thread, and this thread is not different, you write about emotions and intentions. When the issue is NOT about emotions or intentions.

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