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Bosaso: Puntland leader arrives at Financial capital of the State.. PICS + AUDIO

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bilan;715664 wrote:
SSC way duushay and nothing can stop the movement, so it does not matter what he says about them

puntland has consistently labeled them as a terror group, but yet they want to flex their muscles to SL?

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It is no secret that PL has dropped the ball on the whole SSC cause, but why have yo all of a sudden began to advocate for SSC ?

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^^Advocate? Bilan was charging SL for charging the ssc squad, but yet her own leaders are calling them a terror group..what gives? Hypocritical..

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Take it easy on Faroole. Odeyga marka hore seedi ayaa loo yahay. Marka xiga, he is the unofficial security cheif for Somaliland in the Pirate state. Have you heard about Garaado ku shirayaa Garoowe since he came to the helm?? He cracks down anti Somaliland elements from Puntland.


Faroole is no friend of those who want to harm Somaliland, namely the anti-peace group SSC. :D


Odeyga marmar waxaan idhaa speech uu ku hadlo ma Hargeisa looga draft gareeya. ;)

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Faroole Siyasadisu waxa weye galmudug la heshii oo xooge eeh siyasad cusub la same reer galmudug oo kaga hor tag reer xaayow iyo Farmaajo crew, Play Mudug politics even though native reer mudug are against this whole new alliance. In the mean time Cadaw haka samaysan Somaliland because hadaad cadaw ka sameysatid Somaliland TFG isku xuntihin Alshabaab isku xuntihin oo aad reer baraxlay uun aad isku fiicantihin way ku dhamatay marka Faroole wuxu yidhi caasimada Gobolka sool wa tukaraq Somaliland na saaxib baanu nahay ssc na wa in dhagta dhiiga loo dara. Imam faroole siyasadisu wa intas.

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Hadalkaa waxaan ula dan lahaa, my good old Dukey... I wonder where he is today. I know he is never far away from the computer.

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Fool Faroole waa Nin Waalan oo Jiran "SSC waxay doonaysay in ay isku dhufato Puntland iyo Somaliland" Kulahaa



There are some good Puntlanders who are anti-Faroole



Puntlandtalk: Faroole weli kama qaan gaarin hadal xanaf leh oo keenikara kala fogaansho



Waxaa maanta magaalada Boosaaso soo gaaray Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole. Madaxweynaha ayaa isla maanta shir jaraa'id ku qabtay xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Boosaaso.


Mr. Faroole oo ka hadlay arimo fara badan ayaa xooga saaray eedayn uu u jeediyey kooxo kala duwan, wuxuuna dilalka qorashaysan iyo qaraxyada ka dhaca Puntland ku eedeeyey Al-shabaab, DFKMG ah iyo kooxo reer Puntland ah oo labadaas dhinac la shaqayya. Faroole wuxuu carabka ku adkeeyey in kooxaha kor ku xusani ka soo horjeedaan jiritaanka, nabada iyo horumarka Puntland.


Hadalka Madaxweynaha ayaa wuxuu ahaa mid xanaf leh oo uu ku deedafeeyey dhinacyada uu eedaha u u jeedinayey gaar ahaan Ururka SSC, Kooxo uu sheegay in ay ka soo jeedaan Sanaag iyo kuwo uu ku tilmaamay in ay warbaahinta ka sheegtaan maamulo aan jirin, hadalka aadka loola yaabay ayaa wuxu ahaaa isagoo yiri SSC waxay doonaysay in ay isku dhufato Puntland iyo Somaliland, iyadoo la ogyahay in Somaliland ay haysato dhul ka mid ah Puntland isla markaasna ay weerar gumaad ah dhowaan ku soo qaaday gobolka Cayn, waxaana wax laga naxo ah in Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ka baaqsaday difaaca gobolada Sool iyo Cayn uu isdifaaca dadka Gobolka Cayn ee la oo weeraray ku tilmaamo isku dhufasho Puntland iyo Somaliland. kooxaha uu maanta eedayyey waxaan ku jirin Somaliland oo dadka reer Puntland badankoodu u arkaan cadowga kowaad ee Puntland.


Hadalka Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa ka muuqda in aanu weli ka qaan gaarin hadal xanaf leh oo wax sii kala fogeynaya, waxaana la filayey inuu Faroole khibrad iyo waay aragnimo ka kasbado 2di sano ee uu xilka hayey. Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa sida cad ka maqan hanaanka wada hadalka, dulqaadka, isu tanaasulka iyo xal raadinta, isagoo taas bedelkeeda afla gaadho iyo eedayn saxaafada u mariya dadka mucaaradka ku ah siyaasadiisa ee reer Puntland, wuxuuna u hadlaa sida ay hadlaan dadka ku sheekaysta fadhi ku dirirka. isagoo adeegsadaa kelmado aad u qalafsan oo mararka qaar lagu tilmaami karo aflagaadho iyo deedafayn. Waxaana muuqata in Faroole iyo Qaddaafi ay isaga egyihiin hadalka xanafta leh ee aan loo meel dayin


Dhowaan ayey ahayd markii uu Faroole afla gaadho u geystay odayaal iyo waxgarad ka soo jeeda mid ka mida beelaha Gobolka Bari xilli ay kulan kula yeesheen xarunta madaxtooyada Garoowe halka kuwa kalena uu diiday inuu la kulmo, waxaana arintaas loo sababaynayaa maamulka dhowaan lagaga dhawaaqay degmada Baargaal ee lagu magacaabo Raasicaseyr State.


Dhinaca kale waxaa hadalka Faroole laga dheehan karaa inaan dawlada Puntland weli si dhab u garan cida gumaadka ku haysa waxgaradka Puntland maadaama oo uu DFKMG iyo Al-shabaab si isku mid ah ugu eedeeyay dhibaatada ka socota Puntland, iyadoo aan ognahay in labadan kooxood aysan isku qorshe iyo siyaasad ahayn.


guntii iyo gabagabadii, waxaa muuqata in markasta oo Madaxweyne Faroole uu hadlo uu hadlkiisu abuuro kala fogaansho iyo kalsooni daro. marka aan qiimayn ku samayno hadaladii uu muddooyinki dambe jeedinayey Madaxweyne Faroole waxaan oran karaa hogaaminta iyo maaraynta xaaldaha adag ee Puntland way mugweynta Mr. Faroole.



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bilan;715664 wrote:
SSC way duushay and nothing can stop the movement, so it does not matter what he says about them


You are correct Bilan, SSC way duushay, way hanaqaaday. SSC Movement is already a success story. SSC and Puntland will solve their internal problems and they reunite again to restore United Somalia.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;715885 wrote:
^^ if they are going to restore a united Somalia together why don't they stay united now Ileen gacmo wada jir bay wax ku gooyaan eh

SSC and Puntland are United, and they both support United Somalia. SSC and Puntland have same same goals and vision. SSC and PL share the country of Somalia, share the blue flag of Somalia, share same nationality, share kinship, Somalinimo, and Islamnimo. The problem is the anti-peace/anti-somali terror clan-faction so-called Somaliland/Somalidiidland. SNM clan militia is waging clan war against SSC people.



SSC and Puntland waa walaalo, waa wada dhasheen, waa ul iyo dirkeed, sina uma kala marmaan.


VIVE United Somalia, VIVE SSC, VIVE Puntland.

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Liibaan then if ssc and puntland are brothers then how come they can't share a mamuul i mean if you say they share the same vision and country and even they share the same clan lineage that would've been a great advantage to unite and form one strong state wouldn't it Liibaan?

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'Liibaan';715886 wrote:
SSC and Puntland are United, and they both support United Somalia. SSC and Puntland have same same goals and vision. SSC and PL share the country of Somalia, share the blue flag of Somalia, share same nationality, share kinship, Somalinimo, and Islamnimo. The problem is the anti-peace/anti-somali terror clan-faction so-called Somaliland/Somalidiidland. SNM clan militia is waging clan war against SSC people.



SSC and Puntland waa walaalo, waa wada dhasheen, waa ul iyo dirkeed, sina uma kala marmaan.


VIVE United Somalia, VIVE SSC, VIVE Puntland.




Choose one of the following which are in dire need of attention: Out of the two which one comes first?


1. Safeguarding the Somali Citizens (ceasing the violence across South Somalia)




2.Protecting the territorial integrity of Somalia ( Worrying about SL)

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'Liibaan';715886 wrote:



SSC and Puntland waa walaalo, waa wada dhasheen, waa ul iyo dirkeed, sina uma kala marmaan.


VIVE United Somalia, VIVE SSC, VIVE Puntland.

Fair enough, ssc and puntland "waa wada dhasheen" and I am not part of the family, I think I get that. Then you go on to say Viva United Somalia? How am I united with you exactly?

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AfricaOwn;715950 wrote:
Choose one of the following which are in dire need of attention: Out of the two which one comes first?


1. Safeguarding the Somali Citizens (ceasing the violence across South Somalia)




2.Protecting the territorial integrity of Somalia ( Worrying about SL)


You should choose between;


1. Peace, and ending the war between Somaliland clan faction and SSC Regions.




2. Claiming the all territories of Former British Somali Colony, and waging a clan on SSC People.

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