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Maamul goboleedka Xamar iyo Xamardaye

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Waxaan la yaabay waxaan la goobogoobaynayo. Cantoobo dad ah oo kasta oo meel iskugu yimaada oo xoogaa bariis ku cuna waxay ku dhawaaqaan, maamul, dowlad iwm.

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For those ku marmarsiiyoonaya and claim that Oba and Abwaan inay Xamar dad iska xijiyaan, here is the proof that we spoke against maamul-qabiil iyo Koox in Xamar laga dhiso....more archives and findings to come...:D

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Oh 16 out of 16 districts and mayor of Mogadishu all adhere to one clan and you pretend a clan state doesn't already exist? LOL

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well what you are forgetting is the fact that a stable mogadishu will make every somali come to the capital and invest on it even XX is planning to go to xamar and soon you'll see that many people who lost their homes in the civil war will re-claim it. So dont worry somalia mogadishu will be like it was before.

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EvenTarzan Xamar oo dhan ma xukumo hadda,waxba yaan indhaha la is tirin wadanku xaaladduu lu jiro waa la ogyahay. Ninkii rabo inuu xukumo ha u tartamo yaa u diidaya? Haddii uu ka bixi karo oo uu u bareeri karo nabadgelyo la'aan oo uu wax beddeli karo waa ok.

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Lol@Oba...Muqdisho is not as stable as in maamul doorato ayaan ka wadaa. Wel xisaabtan ah in qof xil laga qaado amase laga beddelo si dhib la'aan ah xitaa lama gaarin. Runta haddii laga hadlo Tarzan xaafadaha Xamar dhan isku si uma xukumo.

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