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Maamul goboleedka Xamar iyo Xamardaye

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You know SOL would make a good acronym markii loo fiiriyo all these crazy names.


Caku Soomaali iyo isku dayasho.

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Somalina: Waxaan daacad kaama aha ina adeer. Waxaad rabtaa inaan salaadda cishaha masaajidka ka soo bixi waayo? Rag badan baa Cishe ka soo laaban.

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oba hiloowlow;715318 wrote:
loooooooool xamar iyo xamardaye state waa Muqdisho ilaa Balcad dadku waalanaa

loooooooooool....MMA........maamul la dhaho Xamar-Moog haku dhawaaqeen!

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Xamar & xamardaye waa magac qurux badan oo aan cuseeb aheen, cidii kaseyso wey kasee waxaase ka cabsaahoya in heybadii ay magacani laheyd iyo heybadii qowmiyadda xamar & xamardaye laheyd ay ku dheelaan dadkaan waxmagaratada ah.

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You right Oba, kii yaqaano lee yaqaano, Xamar iyo Xamardaaye is actually the historical name for Xamar and its greater area.


Magac walba waa lagu dheeley, no wonder that ajnabi names are in season.

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