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Dowladda Uganda oo qorsheynaysa inay ciidammo ka badan 4,000-askari ay u dirto dalka Soomaaliya

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Isniin, Abriil 25, 2011 (HOL) – Dowladda Uganda ayaa sheegtay inay 4,000-askari oo dheeraad ah ku xoojinayso ciidamadeeda ku sugan dalka Soomaaliya, si ay gacan uga geystaan xal ka gaarista colaadaha ka taagan muddad dheer.


Saraakiisha ciidamada dalka Uganda ayaa sheegay in codsi ku aaddan arrintan ay u gudbiyeen guddiga difaaca baarlamaanka dalkooda si go'aan looga gaaro in loo diro ciidanka Soomaaliya iyo in kale.


"Inkastoo ciidamadeenna ku sugan Soomaaliya ay guulo gaareen, haddana waxaa loo baahan yahay in meesha oo dhan laga saaro Xarrakatul Shabaaba oo ka talisa dalka intiisa badan," ayuu yiri taliyaha ciidamada lugta ee dalka Uganda Lt. Gen. Katumba Wamala oo la hadlay saxaafadda dalkiisa Sabtidii todobaadkan.


"Waxaan arkaynaa in dhaqdhaqaaqyada Xarrakatul Shabaab ay caqabad ku yihiin ammaanka Soomaaliya iyo midka gobolka oo dhan, laakiinse haddii aan meesha ka saarno caqabad kuma noqon karaan nabadda," ayuu hadalkiisa raaciyay.


Dalka Uganda ayaa waxaa ka jooga Soomaaliya 4,600-askari, kuwaasoo AMISOM ka tirsan, waxaana la sheegaan in ciidamadaas kuwa Burundi ka socda ay gacanta ku hayaan 60% magaalada Muqdisho.


Lt. Gen. Wamala, wuxuu sheegay in howlgalka AMISOM ee Soomaaliya ay iyagu bilaabeen saddex sano ka hor, ayna ka caawiyaan dowladda Soomaaliya sidii ay isaga difaaci lahayd weerarada kaga imaanaya xoogagga hubeysan ee Xarrakatul Shabaab.


"Howlgallada aan ka wadno Somalia waxaan ku waynay 90-askari oo ciidankeena ka mid ahaa," ayuu yiri taliyaha ciidamada lugta ee dalka Uganda, iyadoo ciidamada AMISOM ay maalin walba dagaal kula jiraan Xarrakatul Shabaab oo isku dayaysa inay dalka oo dhan qabsato.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Uganda to increase it’s Troops in Somalia.


Hiiraan Online

Monday, April 25, 2011


The Ugandan government is to send 4,000 more troops to Somalia to take part efforts of stabilizing the country.


The request which was made by the Ugandan Defence forces Generals was presented before the Ugandan parliamentary committee on Defense and Internal Affairs.


"Although our forces are gaining ground, there is still need of sending more troops to eliminate Alshabab from the country, which controls most of the south and central Somalia," said the Commander of Ugandan Land Forces Lt. Gen. Katumba Wamala.


“We see reduced al-Shabab activity both in Somalia and in the region but if we can finish them we will not be having them disturbing the peace.”. he added.


“ We lost 90 Soldiers in our mission to Somalia .we will continue our struggle and we will support the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia in its efforts to gain control”. Said General Wamala.


There is currently 4,600 Ugandan troops in Somalia, under the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM).


In recent weeks, Alshabab has been beaten back from areas in the capital, Mogadishu and some key towns in Gedo and Lower Jubba following an offensive by pro-government forces.


The decision of the Ugandan government also comes after a day Alshabab failed to take control Dhusa-Marreb, Head Quarters of Galgadud Region of Somalia after Ahlu-Sunna Waljamaa regained control.

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