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Madaxweynaha Rascasayr State Iyo Maamulkiisa Oo Si Heer Qaran Loogu Soo Dhoweeyey Deegaanka Bareed(D

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Seeing Somalia's flag is amazing. From Buhoodle all the way to South Africa's World Cup, thanks to K'naan! I hope Ras Casayr and many more area's follow the same path as this will help us. The issue is with secessionism that is it!


Awdal State are unionists! They want no part of the triangle admin. Ras Casayr, Maakhir and other are delusional about breaking away without the possibility of recognition.


Well Done.

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Thankful;714866 wrote:
Awdal State are unionists! They want no part of the triangle admin. Ras Casayr, Maakhir and other are delusional about breaking away without the possibility of recognition.


Says a lot about u ........... :D

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