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Declaration of the Consultative Conference of SSC

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sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen goob joogayal ku sugan gudaha Hoolka uu ka socdo shirka Aqoonyahanda Beesha Sool ee Khaatumo. Goob joogayashan oo ka cudur dartay inan ku xusin magacooda halkan xusin


ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in shirka xoogaa buuq ah dhex galay kadin markii

Siyaasiga Cali Khaliif Galedhr oo ka qeyb-galaya shir magaalada London ay soo qaban-qaabiyeen Aqoonyahanadda Beesha *********** ayaa kala kulmay weji-gabax kadib markii uu soo jeediyay talo ay u cuntami






-weyday ka qeyb-galayaasha kulanka,oo badankood qeylo iyo foodhi ku dhuftay kadib markii uu Cali Khaliif Galeydh ku baaqay in Jabhadda SSC ay la midoobaan Maamulka Somaliland oo wax la qeyb-sadaan Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Siilaanyo,oo horey u balan-qaaday inay jagadda Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Somaliland u magacaabi-doonaan shaqsi ka tirsan SSC hadii ay ogolaadaan inay ku biiiriyaan Xukuumadda Somaliland.






qoonyahaniintii SSC ee ka qeyb-galayay shirka,ayaa badankood ka cadhooday hadalka ka soo yeedhay Oday Galeydh,waxayna intooda badan isku raaceen inay dhabawday hadal dad badan ay ku xaman jireen Cali Khaliif ee ahaa inuu si hoose oola shaqeeyo Maamulka Somaliland.

Dhinaca kale qaar ka mid ah Wefdiga SSC ee Wadamada North-America ka yimid,ayaa talo ku soo jeediya maadama ay fashilantay qorshihii loo aas-aasay in la soo gaadhay waqtigii wax laga bedeli lahaa madaxda SSC oo badankood lacagtii lagu xoreyn-lahaa deegaamada SSC ay musuq-maasuqeen isku soo wada duuduuboo

shirka Khaatumo ayaa si habsami leh uga soconaya London waloo ay jiraan guuxyo badan oo ay kala watan Aqoonyahanada Beesha *********** waxadse moodaa inuu mesha ka baxayo shakigii aha in shirku u af duuban yahay kooxo dana gaara kaleh Siyaasadad Gobolada SSC

wixii kasoo kordha kala soco




Wixii ku soo kordho Shirkan madaxa la isla galay isha-ku-haay Warbaahinta

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AfricaOwn;714364 wrote:
lol @sliced... Comical. Let us claim the entire former British Somaliland protectorate. As long as we back our claims by actions then its all good. You're doing the same with the "ssc" right? Much success to ssc
, no really.

Yaan laba kub oo xaad leh lagaa weyn when it happens..

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Xaaji Xunjuf;714366 wrote:
Salaaax you are right there is no side side in Ceerigaabo when the SNM hosted the peace conference in ceerigaabo in 1993 to talk about the future of sanaag and Somaliland why didn't their elders speak up why did they not talk about their side or even brought it on the table because they know there is no side.

Bunch of confused.. The city still is divided and ur militia rules its side. Back then and now is the same nothing has change!

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The conference ended with success regarless of successionist wishes. The outcomes will be implements soon so stay tune like or dislike make no difference. Poeple decided their destiny and nothing you can do about with ur nac nac here and there...Bacaaaaaaaaaaaaaacc

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A_Khadar;714404 wrote:
Bunch of confused.. The city still is divided and ur militia rules its side. Back then and now is the same nothing has change!

Does your bredren Som@li have something to say about this? We need your report Som@li, any truth to what this dude is saying?

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A_Khadar;714405 wrote:
The conference ended with success regarless of successionist wishes. The outcomes will be implements soon so stay tune like or dislike make no difference. Poeple decided their destiny and nothing you can do about with ur nac nac here and there...Bacaaaaaaaaaaaaaacc

A bloodless revolution? Never in history.

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^^ No him said mot much about Cerigabo, but Makhri from Cerigabo said a lot about it and your obsolute claims of that city is NULL. Mutual interest is there for the people live there which is living peace together. Ur clan rules its side and the other side no currently any maamul, just divided city like Galkacy. You can entertain urselves thought that u rule the entire city.

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^^^ Time will tell, let us see in the next few weeks/months. Hope not to see u singing a different tone. Stay consistent.

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There is one adminstration and one flag in the capital of Sanaag - Erigavo. Like it or not.














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A_Khadar;714404 wrote:
Bunch of confused.. The city still is divided and ur militia rules its side. Back then and now is the same nothing has change!

That is not true my friend ceerigaabo has one admin one police chief one , one governor one mayor one intelligence officer one deputy mayor and one Military commander (Ciidanka qaranka Qeybta Lixaad).

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^^ I am not saying it doesn't have all that on your clan's side.. Bal waa kuwani wax fahansii... As long as u ruled ur side of the city, who cares if it has hunderd mayors or what not... The city is divided and they clans live there decided to live in peace..

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Xaaji Xunjuf;714420 wrote:
That is not true my friend ceerigaabo has one admin one police chief one , one governor one mayor one intelligence officer one deputy mayor and one Military commander (Ciidanka qaranka Qeybta Lixaad).

Well said. However don't expect delusional minded SSC folks to understand that.. They thinks it's Gaclkayo lol.

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Taleexi;714452 wrote:
SNM die-hard secessionists need help. Erigavo is a city of four subclans.

I think SSC folks need help. at the end of the day it has 1 adminstration, 1 flag flying and that is Somaliland. We don't care if you claim there is over hundreds of sub clans. What matters is the reality on the ground. Ka naxa ama nafta waya.







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