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Declaration of the Consultative Conference of SSC

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Lol bashiir daughter inshallah when I get one will live to enjoy the results of all this hard work and be proud of her ppl! no worries :P


Malika thanks xabiibti! ..and I second khadar which sister in the pics is you..horta sawiro aan dawanayey gabadh baa jirta manto dhan sawirka iskala daashay ...I wonder if it is you!! lol....


never mind...

I see u wrote that u were only a glimpse lol! too bad :P

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Xaaji Xunjuf;714324 wrote:
Salaax do you know in 1991 burco was the first place the Somaliland flag was raised ceerigabo was the second way before berbera and hargeysa



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Malika;714322 wrote:


Oh xaji thanks for your concern about fundings - haa uu biqiin - those back home faced with draught are well catered for - crocodile tears kaa iska tirtir, munafiqnimada, Allah majeeclaa hee iska jiir - waa iga talo.

Malika intad bariis iyo baasto iyo Hilib macaan aad isla dhacayseen oo aad isku dhaamiseen sharaabka noocisa kala du duwan oo aad hudheelka Holidayinn aad Ku shireysan ku heeseyseen kharash lixaad leh aad ku bixiseen ka buranburteen ka geeraarteen, dalkad is leedihin wax u qabta waxba umaydan qaban




Carruur Haraad ugu Geeriyootay deegaanka Buuhoodle Mar kale

By Cali on Apr 24, 2011 with


Wararka Hada Naga soo gaadhay Deegaanka Xodayle oo dhinaca Hawdka sare kaga Beegan Magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa ku soo Waramaya in Deegaankaasi Carruur Haraad ugu Geeriyoodeen iyo Gaajo kamid Markii Abaaraha ka jira Guud ahaanba Somalia haatan Gaadheen halkii ugu saraysay Waxana Wararku intaasi ku Darayaan in Xaalada Deegaankaasi haatan Gaadhay Meel Xun.


Riix Kana Daawo Wararka WidhWidh Online Waxana Dhimashada Carruutani ku soo Beegmaysaa iyadoo Dad kale Biyo La,aan ugu Geeriyodeen Deegaanka Deegaano kale Maalintii Doraad Waxana Dadka iyo Duunyada Somalia kunool Xaaladoodu ay haatan Maraysaa Halkii ugu saraysan haatan


Waxana inta badan Gababsi ah Ceelasha biyaha oo Xoolihii iyo Dadkiiba ay ka bateen kadib Markii Culus badani uu soo fuulay Waxana Haatann Dadwaynuhu Bilaabeen Saalado Roob Doon ah oo ilaahay lagu barinayo

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^^buhodle intaa dad ba lacag u diraya oo kolay aduu u maqantahay?!..dadkan dhulkooda u tashatay mad faraha ka qadid oo sadexdaada magaalo aad somaliland ugu magac dartay danteeda tafta u qabsatide ...

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AfricaOwn;714249 wrote:
I'm not surprised, but why is that it seems the complaints are coming from your side? Liibaan is going crazy about the secessionists claiming to his land, when the ssc folks are doing the same thing. Its all fair then? I'm glad that you're acknowledging it.

Who acknowledged finally? Me or You.. You claimed entire British colonized Somali terrotory as your rightful land since you are the queen's orphans and said "Dadkaa guuree dhulku ma gooro".. We still don't claim ur land, but our portion to control.. City of Eregavo will be sliced and u keep ur side and ssc will have it side.. If that isn't fair, tough lucky saaxiib.

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Axmed-InaJaad;714255 wrote:
im starting to dislike these SSC people, war yaa naga qabtaa umadaan waalan, they are holding our recognition back. i really hate them!!!!!


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A_Khadar you don't have a side sxb don't confuse yourself with other bigger groups in the region. ;) Your praticically less than 3% minority in the city. Which is why the city has been under Somaliland control since 1991.

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A_Khadar;714360 wrote:
Who acknowledged finally? Me or You.. You claimed entire British colonized Somali terrotory as your rightful land since you are the queen's orphans and said "Dadkaa guuree dhulku ma gooro".. We still don't claim ur land, but our portion to control.. City of Eregavo will be sliced and u keep ur side and ssc will have it side.. If that isn't fair, tough lucky saaxiib.

lol @sliced... Comical. Let us claim the entire former British Somaliland protectorate. As long as we back our claims by actions then its all good. You're doing the same with the "ssc" right? Much success to ssc :), no really.

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Salaaax you are right there is no side side in Ceerigaabo when the SNM hosted the peace conference in ceerigaabo in 1993 to talk about the future of sanaag and Somaliland why didn't their elders speak up why did they not talk about their side or even brought it on the table because they know there is no side.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;714224 wrote:
How much money did you guys spend on this conference 80.000 pounds or more who knows the food the accommodation of the guests the rental of the holiday inn hotel in london England the tickets bought by all the guests around the globe and the only thing you guys agreed on was to hold another conference back home. Why not spend that money on the people who are affected by the drought in awr boogeys?

XX you obsessed with where ssc money is spent but I haven't checked the orders of your own house. I heard this story, and many people aproved to be authantic and true..


Even though people of you clan all love to succeed from rest of somalia, still many are opportunitist. Two smart opportunitis of clanmen from UK came up with way to rip the s/l admin off. They have decided to bring two white homeless men from London underground trains on board. They have them dressed well and told them they have a project for them to make money. They brougt them to Hargays and have them meet Mr. Silanyo telling him that these men hold high profile positions on African Isssues on behalf of UK and they will help us to advance our regonition. So we need money to move forward for lobbying. Over 500K US baa oday Siilaanyo laga marsaday. Many of you would think it's impossible, but these can't be on books to prove it, first hand people told me.

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A khadar dee adeer maad naga deysid sheekooyinka sheeka mafriska ssc wa sheekadi maraykanka oo kale aad tidhahdeen Madaxweyne Siilaanyo baanu u diidnay inu maraykanka soo galo oo xaglatoosiye ba dhagta ugu sheegey hillary clinton. anigu waan idin la taliyey uun intad lacag iska kharashgeereynsaan oo aad iska khasaarineysan dadkina wax ugu qabta haday idinka dacaad tahay hadayse idinka dacaad ahayn dee xafladaha ino wada lol

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Saalax;714362 wrote:
A_Khadar you don't have a side sxb don't confuse yourself with other bigger groups in the region.
Your praticically less than 3% minority in the city. Which is why the city has been under Somaliland control since 1991.

Mate, relax, let reasonable people have a talk.. XX kan maad la hadashdi..

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A_Khadar why don't you just say you have no idea about Sanaag? and we will leave it at there. It's something to discuss about a region you have knowledge about however it's another to discuss about a region you are clueless about.


Xaaji Xunjuf;714366 wrote:
Salaaax you are right there is no side side in Ceerigaabo when the SNM hosted the peace conference in ceerigaabo in 1993 to talk about the future of sanaag and Somaliland why didn't their elders speak up why did they not talk about their side or even brought it on the table because they know there is no side.


Excuses iyo Indho adayg bii meesha raban ini la yimaadan. In all honesty i think they should worry about Las Canood instead of cities they are under less than 3% minority.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;714369 wrote:
A khadar dee adeer maad naga deysid sheekooyinka sheeka mafriska ssc wa sheekadi maraykanka oo kale aad tidhahdeen Madaxweyne Siilaanyo baanu u diidnay inu maraykanka soo galo oo xaglatoosiye ba dhagta ugu sheegey hillary clinton. anigu waan idin la taliyey uun intad lacag iska kharashgeereynsaan oo aad iska khasaarineysan dadkina wax ugu qabta haday idinka dacaad tahay hadayse idinka dacaad ahayn dee xafladaha ino wada lol

XX, I didn't tell u this one XX, it's not marfish and I don't do chat like u. Saaxiibkey baa Somalia aadey hargaysuu ka degay. Markay ka degeen diyaaradii oo ay layn ku jiraan nin cadaan baa isna diyaarada la socday oo safka gadaal kaga jiray. Kuwii airportka ka shaqeynayey baa mid qayliya "Waryee ka baydha ninkaa cad, Kabaydha oo kaleexda ha idinka hormaree, Sir come soo soco buu ku qayliyey isagoo gamaha taagaaya kabaydha" another dude oo islana laynka ku jiray baa ku yiri ninkii qayliynayey "Dee dhunko" Dhunko dee ninka Cad.. everyone qosol..kkkkkkkkkkkk ;)

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Saalax;714374 wrote:
Excuses iyo Indho adayg bii meesha raban ini la yimaadan. In all honesty i think they should worry about Las Canood instead of cities they are under less than 3% minority.

This is one of the reason I was saying to u relax lad. You're clueless. Using numbers like 3% without any data to back this claim up. Maxaan kaala hadlaa dee you just open ur mouth and say anthing in your head regarless. Marqaan!

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